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Business studies- Distribution

Business studies- Distribution

Starter- social trends in distribution Learning objectives Activity- Group presentation on case study (differentiated task) six case studies task- identify distribution methods; advantages/disadvantages; suggest alternative and justify; benefits of adaptation or change; reflect social trends? Create three minute presentation Grid included for each group to make based on answering questions add scores- treat winners
Finance- credit unions, national savings and investment & post office (2-3 lessons & homework) IFS

Finance- credit unions, national savings and investment & post office (2-3 lessons & homework) IFS

Lesson 1: Anagram starter- definitions on slide Learning objectives displayed x3 credit union information slides Activity- compares banks, building societies and credit unions Activity- credit union security, how are customers protected? Activity- compare credit union interest rates to pay day lenders Class debate Lesson 2: NS&I & Post Office Interest rate calculation starter Leaning objectives Activity- NS&I research and poster, with link Activity- Research why post office no longer operate NS&I, with link Activity- what do post-office offer, with link Plenary- Homework task: Mobile banking changes and protection task
Business; BTEC Level 3; Unit 13; Recruitment & Selection

Business; BTEC Level 3; Unit 13; Recruitment & Selection

P3; M1; M2; D1 Assignment framework, includes a journal for evaluation to enhance chance of meeting D1 Framework splits class in 2, to ease practical and include group evaluations. Group A- CEO documentation Group B- Management role Half do A & half do B documentation, they will then apply for and interview for the other role. Includes info from BTEC text book & tasks to prepare then very structured instructions for assignment with clear criteria met next to each part of the task. Slide 2- overview explains framework slides 3-7 Job description: text book theory; example; task; assignment expectation framework. slides 8-13 Job Specification: text book theory; examples; task; assignment expectation framework. slides 14 & 15 Job advertisement: text book theory; assignment guidance/ expectation slides 16-18 CV writing assignment framework; school leaver CV example; useful links. slides 19 application expectation for assignment slides 20-22 Cover letter guidance/expectation for assignment; preparation task; text book theory. slide 23- review all documentation completed so far slide 24 short listing text book theory slide 25 types of interview listed (could add slides here) slide 26 offer letter for interview - look at equality slide 27 interview matrix: text book theory slide 28 other testing- IQ/personality slides 23-28 are basic, have main considerations written, could do with an extra slide for each perhaps. Once complete only the practical remains for this unit.
GCSE Business AQA Unit 1 Starting a Business, Lesson 8 - Companies

GCSE Business AQA Unit 1 Starting a Business, Lesson 8 - Companies

starter- discovering stakeholders discuss effects on stakeholders if starter task company was to close discuss shareholders- pie chart demonstration of shareholders key skills- maths- calculating share percentage of example question Few key terms & notes of a company to be written in books 2 legal document info for starting a company and extension task Plenary: Advantages & disadvantages list to match up with either one- extension explain why selected for advantage or disadvantage. Homework page: key examiner notes, 4 points need including when comparing legality of business ownership. 5 exam style questions worth 4 marks each.
Purpose of Business Planning (GCSE/AQA) Lesson 6

Purpose of Business Planning (GCSE/AQA) Lesson 6

Starter task with extension contents of a business plan key terms Risk & Uncertainty video and question Why is a business plan so important- task and key info Homework research task (could begin in class- time permitting) plenary- example exam questions included for HA
Business Studies Revision Bingo!  (Secondary)

Business Studies Revision Bingo! (Secondary)

A variety of business questions and thirty six bingo cards. Questions are based on theories (such as boston matrix) and definitions- so the resource is lasting. Example: What are the 4 stages of the product life cycle? Introduction, Growth, Maturity & Decline What element of the Boston matrix demonstrates a product of low market growth and high market share? Cash cow