Peppa Pig Comprehension - Peppa Pig Family Set to Welcome a New Baby!
A fun activity for guided reading or a brief morning activity centred around the recent announcement that Peppa Pig’s mum is about to have a baby!
A one sheet of A4 text i’ve written about Peppa Pig’s family welcoming a new baby, a brief history of the program and what this means for Peppa and George.
10 questions based on the text (suitable for year 3/4.)
A ‘when you finish’ suggestion (If you could introduce a new character to Peppa Pig, what would they be like and why? You might like to even draw your new character?)
Answers to the 10 questions
Could be used as a morning activity, comprehension text or as a fun discussion topical activity.
This is a two lesson English based KS2 resource based on the Oompa Loompa songs from Charlie and the Chocolate factory.
Children look at the Oompa Loompa songs featured in the Roald Dahl book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.’ They are then asked to produce their own song verse / poem based on this model.
A comprehension activity looking at the lyrics of the other Oompa Loompa songs is also included with questions and answers.
This English resource is suitable for year 4 but could easily be used with years 3-5.
Included in this resource is…
-Lesson notes
-Supporting worksheet template
-Formatted poems (the Oompa Loompa songs)
-Comprehension questions based on the four songs.
-Teacher copy and answers
A completely unique resource you won’t find anywhere else!
Before the lesson: You might like to complete the ‘Oompa Loompa song comprehension activity’ (included) before this lesson to familiarise the children with the songs. Analysing the rhyming patterns and ‘rules’ of the songs with highlighters.
The lesson
Using the PowerPoint ‘writing an Oompa Loompa song’ as a prompt get children to identify the 5 ticket winners, tell children that they will be looking at one of the Oompa Loompa’s songs in particular that they sing about Augustus Gloop. Play the scene from the original movie from the link on the bottom of slide 2. You might like to get the class to sing the song along with the lyrics too!
Look at the lyrics of the song(s) using the handout ‘Oompa Loompa songs.’ Explore the rhyming patterns, highlight the similarities between the songs and the pattern that is used. Ensure that children understand the main bit that differs in the songs is the middle verse. The lyrics for Augustus Gloop is featured on the PowerPoint.
In groups have children think of other fictional characters that a song could have been written about. For example someone who is permanently on their mobile phone. As a class come up with a bank of examples.
Whole class model an example of writing a middle verse based on one of these examples ensure that this follows a similar pattern to the Augustus Gloop verse (lines 1&2 and 3&4 rhyme and a serious / funny comment is featured on line 5.)
Children write their own verse for their fictional character either in their books or using the template worksheet as an aid.
If you liked this resource check out my new based on the Shrek movie, ideal for boys writing.
A two page, factual newsletter aimed at children explaining ‘What you need to know’ about the coronavirus in Italy.
Children should read the article and answer the 10, comprehension questions about the happenings in Italy, some examples are listed below…
When were the new measures introduced in Italy?
Are people allowed to travel in Italy? Explain your answer.
Why do you think that particular photograph was chosen to accompany the article?
Very useful to use as a PSHE lesson or as a Literacy comprehension session. Great for a talking point in class or to simply to give children the facts about coronavirus without the panic.
Includes quality resources for Bonfire Night, Halloween AND in particular Remembrance Day for a cut price!
£14.80 of resources for just £5, this week only!
What is ‘Black Friday’ (shopping event.)
How did it originate?
Includes a text in Newspaper style about the event and comprehension questions based on this, ideal for a talking point and could lead into some excellent discussions in year 5/6 regarding marketing / advertising etc.
I used this last year very successfully and it generated a great deal of valuable discussion.
Two texts based around Halloween AND comprehension questions suitable for years 3-5.
1. Where 'Jack O Lanterns' came from and questions
2. A story 'Croglin Grange' with questions related (year 4-5.)
This lesson is aimed at using descriptive vocabulary to create an atmosphere with a seaside / beach theme.
This was used as part of an Ofsted lesson observation with excellent feedback.
Delivered to a Year 4/5 mixed age group class.
Introductory text to explore
Lesson Plan
Planning Sheet
Word Bank
Suitable for lower KS2.
Ideas for a pirate topic, ideas and worksheet to make your own pirate flag, pictures to help plan a character description and a storyboard template.
A collection of connectives useful for general story writing as opposed to the usual humdrum words,
For example...
Without warning...
With each step...
When they looked back...
and lots more!
Two Newspaper articles for discussion based on FIFA not allowing England players to wear poppies during their football match.
Children can then complete the comprehension and the optional challenge task
Lots of comprehension based materials on Back to the Future
Some based on ‘Newspaper Articles’ written.
I’ve added lots of additional materials to match.
In the UK this is in my top 5 resources, highly rated!
Indiana Jones - Adventure, survival stories - Implementing genre features - Internal dialogue - Could alternatively be used as a stimulus for a ‘big write.’
I found very little in terms of creative content in this area so made my own creative lesson up. (Delivered to a year 5/6 class of 30 children.)
Lesson Plan (used in an observation lesson.)
PowerPoint - Including embedded video clips, starter to the lesson and details of activity.
Worksheet for starter asking the children to name the genre from a general description. (Answers on PowerPoint.)
Separate video clip for lesson
All you need for a creative literacy lesson with the following objectives and success criteria.
Learning Objective: To know and understand the features of survival / adventure stories
Success criteria:
• Powerful verbs
• Dialogue and internal voice (the PowerPoint / clips are especially useful for this concept.)
• Description to create excitement
Children are then asked to produce a piece of creative writing (as set out in the lesson plan / PowerPoint) with the film clip as a stimulus.
The first few 3 chapters formatted and nicely presented for reading with some great class or guided reading activities from ‘The Twits’
Suitable for Year 2 / 3, but easily adaptable if required.
A script that can be used to act out
Up to Chapter 8 Printable
A Great Video for ‘Wormy Spaghetti’
A collection of worksheets for your class which can be used as part of lessons or time-fillers at the end of the day.
Perfect for the newly qualified or experienced teacher.
A selection of multiple choice questions for selected Chapters from the Charlie and the Chocolate factory books.
Great for whole class / guided reading chapter by chapter.
Set of resources to support the use of the song ‘Be a Man’ from Mulan the popular Disney film for use in a Poetry topic.
The verse can be used to identify number of syllables in poetry and the children can then invent their own similes to fit!
I have included some additional worksheets and ideas to help with this. (Obviously work some before.)
To identify syllabic patterns after initial work in this area I have always found this useful. Its a fantastic song and very catchy, in the past I have also had children invent their own song and perform in assembly with great success!
I have included the actual clip featuring this music, as a very short edited video section but do not claim to own the rights to this.
I have included a weekly / unit plan here as an extra with this lesson included, please see my other resource ‘Poems that Create Similes & Metaphors’ for more.