A collection of some of my best bookmarked sites. These have been collected by me over MANY years and some are literally GEMS! I hope this helps some people out. Please comment if you find useful!
A Powerpoint to support the sketching of ‘winter trees.’
I made this for a year 3/4 class to show them examples of winter trees (with no leaves) for discussion before going outside and sketching real life trees.
In addition there are some images I used as a print out for the children to discuss and refer to, these may help teachers with the demonstration of the technique too.
I have also included an additional Powerpoint I have made with non-commercial pictures of winter trees to show children.
UPDATED with LOTS more resources
Perfect for Years 3-5 when studying non-chronological reports / information writing, with differentiated worksheets, great for getting boys interested!
I have updated this popular pack of resources with much much more.
Now includes…
-Online ‘Prezi’ I made (an online animated Presentation ready to use) .
This really is extremely useful and took a TON of time to make, the link is at the bottom of the lesson plan to access and can be used online to present the whole topic.
-Weekly and individual lesson plan
-Example of shared write and completed notes
-‘Big Cat’ information book to print and use for additional information.
-Short downloaded video about Tigers (I do not claim to own this portion of the resource but I used as part of my lesson.)
We gave our classes a homework project based around finding about an animal of their choice. These sheets were given out once a week to help guide them with 'how to write a homework project.&' They can obviously be adapted.
&';So far you have...
-Gathered together resources
-Made a title page
-Decided on sections to split your project into and made brief notes.
-Written the introduction and ‘where they live.’
-Written about what they look like
-Written about what they eat / how they hunt'
If you find the resource useful please comment or rate.
I designed this activity to get the children to become more accurate at counting data systematically. I have also included the answers in a worksheet. Children are required to count the number of certain letters in a passage of text. Can be linked to handling data in ICT showing the computer can be more efficient at certain tasks. Please leave a comment if you find this useful.
I have bullet pointed a few ideas I had to use iMovie in the classroom. Although these were written with a mac in use, many of the ideas could be used with iMovie on the iPad or a similar video editing program. Please leave a comment if you find this useful.
An assembly I made to introduce our 'E-Safety' week.
I have also included an E-Safety agreement I made that can be used to hand out to parents.
Also an example of year 3 planning for this week.
I have also included a number of materials and worksheets that could be used effectively for E-Safety.