All resources

Roman scheme of work - Year 4
Whole SOW on the Romans.
Year 4
Links to NC.
All you have to do is resource it.

Street Child slides-Whole class reading
Slides (about 3 1/2 weeks worth) for Street Child. Targeted towards a Year 6 class, focusing on fluency.
Only the slides available

Stormbreaker - Reading
6 week unit of work on Stormbreaker (Reading lessons - aimed at a year 6 class but can be easily adapted).
Vocabulary taught at the start of each lesson with pictures to help.
A range of lessons (no comprehension) which include Readers’ theatre, text analysis, emotion graphs, vocabulary webs, prosody, find the meaning of words in context, compare and contrast.
Non-fiction links made too.

Light - Year 6
Full unit of work on light (Year 6) but can be adapted for other year groups.
Each lesson revisits previous learning (mostly from Year 3 and some parts of Year 5).
Vocabulary taught at the start of each lesson.
Sentence stems included.
The majority of lessons allow children to use their disciplinary skills and work scientifically.
All resources/sentence stems are on the PPT.