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Y8 / Y9 French - Writing Assessment and Preparation
Before you consider buying this resource, check the bundle with 2 additonal extra resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/y8-y9-french-family-and-friends-physique-and-personality-13121712
This resource is intended to help students prepare for a writing practice or writing assessment. This could be used mainly with Y8 and Y9 students but can be adapted or stretch for new GCSE students if necessary.
This resource contains:
Starter based on previous vocabulary on family members, personality and key verbs.
3 stages reading comprehension that can be divided in:
Scan read activity for students to annotate information about the text.
Activity based on reading more deeply to find phrases and key vocabulary in the text.
Parallel translation using 2 texts (French & English) with missing information that students will have to work out to have matching texts.
Student-fronted task based on a writing task / writing assessment: this could could be more or less scaffolded. If needed, students can use the handouts with the three texts they have been working with to model their own text.
Handouts and presentation included.

Y8 / Y9 / New GCSE Spanish - Las películas y las series
Complete lesson on movies and series. This could be used with strong Y8 students, Y9 students and even for the new GCSE Spanish if it is less scaffolded.
Lesson includes:
Objectives in TL to translate in pairs, individually, groups, etc.
Starter based on the key vocabulary around movies and films.
Sentence Builder to complement the key vocabulary with opinions and reasons.
Listening task with transcription and audio files included.
Ping Pong translation (Speaking task to practice dictation in pairs). Students practice speaking, pronunciation, listening, dictation, reading and writing.
Reading task with two steps (Scan Reading and Reading for detail task).
Speaking task based on a survey - students ask each other in TL and speak in TL and record their answers in English (use sentence builder for those who need support.)
Handouts, Presentation and Audio Files included.

Y8 / Y9 / (new) GCSE French (Les amis et la personnalité)
This is a lesson that could work well with students of Y9 or for new students of GCSE French, also could be used with some groups of Y8 if it is scaffolded properly. The lesson offers different opportunities for scaffolding.
Skills that could be practised with this lesson: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Dictation and Translation.
Breakdown of the lesson:
Objectives to translate and introduce the topic of Friends and Personality.
Starter based on personality vocabulary with an additional Sentence Builder that students need to complete themselves that includes vocabulary about:
Family members (done for them)
Character and Personality description
Miniwhiteboard task with choice for practice:
Translation from French to English
Translation from English to French
Listening task to recycle later for a reading task.
Dictation from French to French (transcribing) (new skill for GCSE 2024)
Reading comprehension based on 4 texts that students previously listened to.
Trapdoor activity to practice speaking and listening.
4 short listening texts** (with audios included)**
Handout, Presentation and Audios attached.
Linked to previous lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13115908

Y8 / Y9 Spanish (Los Deportes)
This is a lesson that could work well with students of Y8 or Y9 Spanish.
Skills that could be practised with this lesson: Listening, Reading, Writing, Dictation and Translation.
Breakdown of the lesson:
Objectives to translate and introduce the topic of Family.
Cultural approach with two videos about ‘La Pelota Vasca’ to introduce the topic of sports.
Starter with key words and phrases on the present tense to talk about sports.
Sentence Builder that students need to complete themselves that includes vocabulary about:
Adverbs of time (when)
A few reasons
Miniwhiteboard taskS with choice for practice:
Translation from Spanish to English
Translation from English to Spanish
Dictation from Spanish to Spanish (transcribing) (new skill for GCSE 2024)
Reading comprehension based on 2 texts (one of them used previously as a listening exercise).
1 listening task** (with audios included)**

Y8 / Y9 / (new) GCSE French (La famille)
This is a lesson that could work well with students of Y9 or for new students of GCSE French, also could be used with some groups of Y8 if it is scaffolded properly. The lesson offers different opportunities for scaffolding.
Skills that could be practised with this lesson: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Dictation and Translation.
Breakdown of the lesson:
Objectives to translate and introduce the topic of Family.
Starter based with a Sentence Builder that students need to complete themselves that includes vocabulary about:
Family members
Physical descriptions
Hair and eye colour
Introduction / Recap to adjectival agreement + explanation
Miniwhiteboard task with choice for practice:
Translation from French to English
Translation from English to French
Dictation from French to French (transcribing) (new skill for GCSE 2024)
Reading comprehension based on 3 texts.
2 Sets of battleships to practice Être + Avoir with Physical description (Speaking)
3 short listening texts** (with audios included)**
Translation task based on the previous listening task.
Speaking Noughts and Crosses task.
Handout, Presentation and Audios attached.
You will have to make a handout for the Battleship task and the noughs and crosses.

A - Level Spanish - 4 in 1 #6 Los Hikikomori (Exclusión social y depresión)
Text based on the topic of Depression and Social exclusion.
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
Listening Gap Fill and Reading Comprehension
Task with Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English and Parallel Translation.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening. Audio attached with the resource.
Answers provided.
Audio files attached.
A link to a Youtube Documentary is included for extra personal research.
Discretion: This is a very delicate topic and the video includes some messages that some students could find difficult or distressing, please check the concept Hikikomori before.

Revision - Mi Colegio, las asignaturas, el uniforme, las reglas, etc.
This is a quick revision on the topic of **school, rules, uniform **with some key verbs in the preterite / Preterite Indefinite (Simple past) and some conditional and near future verbs.
This could be use with different groups based on volume of work, complexity, etc. (Y8 to Y11 - Use this the Y8 to Y11 range with discretion).
Match up the Spanish with the English.
Complete the missing gaps in the parallel translation.
Students create their own sentences by adding more and more information based on what they did before.
Notice that this could be different to what you have taught and this could be used as a starter, plenary of simply as an additional task.
Answers provided.

A Level Spanish: Essay & Exams Skills #3 - El ciberespacio
This resource is aimed to help AS/A Level students with their exams skills but it is also based on other exam skills such as: synonym search, reading gap fills, listening exercise based on true/false/not mentioned, etc.
This resource includes:
PPTX presentation to go along
Transcription for the listening exercise
Handout with answers
Possible essay questions based on the topic students have been working with.
This resource is based on the topic of El ciberespacio - Students then can use the transcription they have been working with as a model to write their own essay based on the topic.

A - Level Spanish-4 in 1 #5 Las Tribus: Listening & Reading Gap Fill, Synonyms and Translation
Text based on the topic of Tribes around the world.
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
4 Sections on Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening. Audio attached with the resource.
Answers provided.
8 Audio files attached to use the text as a listening rather than as a vocabulary gap fill.

A - Level Spanish-4 in 1 #4 Descalcismo: Listening & Reading Gap Fill, Synonyms and Translation
Text based on the topic of Health & Barefoot Running.
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
4 Sections on Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening. Audio attached with the resource.
Answers provided.
Audio file attached to use the text as a listening rather than as a vocabulary gap fill.

A Level Spanish: Essay & Exams Skills #2 - Monarquías y dictaduras
This resource is aimed to help AS/A Level students with their exams skills but it is also based on other exam skills such as: synonym search, reading gap fills, listening exercise based on true/false/not mentioned, etc.
This resource includes:
PPTX presentation to go along
Transcription for the listening exercise
Handout with answers
Possible essay questions based on the topic students have been working with.
This resource is based on the topic of Monarquías y dictaduras - Students then can use the transcription they have been working with as a model to write their own essay based on the topic.

A Level Spanish: Essay & Exams Skills #1 - La Identidad Regional
This resource is aimed to help AS/A Level students with their exams skills but it is also based on other exam skills such as: synonym search, reading gap fills, listening exercise based on true/false/not mentioned, etc.
This resource includes:
PPTX presentation to go along
Listening file to go along
Transcription for the listening exercise
Handout with answers
Possible essay questions based on the topic students have been working with.
This resource is based on the topic of regional identity - Students then can use the transcription they have been working with as a model to write their own essay based on the topic.

A - Level Spanish-4 in 1 #3 Stuart Christie: Listening & Reading Gap Fill, Synonyms and Translation
Text based in Stuart Christie and it is link to the topic of monarquías y dictaduras.
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
4 Sections on Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening. Audio attached with the resource.
Answers provided.

A - Level Spanish - Translation practice #4: Los MENAS (Inmigración).
This resource includes a 3 pages document with a text adapted from real news for students to practice their translation skills.
Exercises included:
1 - Finding the Spanish equivalent of the words given (using the text).
2 - Translation into English based on the text previously used.
3 - Exercises to work on synonyms.
4 - Translation into Spanish with similar sentences based on the topic of Cohabitation/Integration & Racism/Immigration.
Answers provided.

A - Level Spanish - 4 in 1 #2 Las Redes: Listening & Reading Gap Fill, Synonyms and Translation
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
4 Sections on Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening. Audio attached with the resource.
Short text about Social media and its use in society for AS & A - Level students to practice their vocabulary and exam skills.
Answers provided.
I really appreciate feedback so I would be happy to hear what you think and if you would like more resources like this.

A - Level Spanish - 4 in 1 #1 La Política: Listening & Reading Gap Fill, Synonyms and Translation
This resource includes different activities. The main ones are:
Reading Exam Skill Gap Fill
4 Sections on Synonyms based on the same text.
Translation Spanish to English.
Additional task (you could use the text with your students as a listening. Audio attached with the resource.
Short text about politics for AS & A - Level students to practice their vocabulary and exam skills.
Answers provided.
I really appreciate feedback so I would be happy to hear what you think and if you would like more resources like this.

A - Level Spanish - Translation practice #3: Los juguetes se ponen "en huelga".
This resource includes a 3 pages document with a text adapted from real news for students to practice their translation skills.
Exercises included:
1 - Finding the Spanish equivalent of the words given (using the text).
2 - Translation into English based on the text previously used.
3 - Exercises to work on synonyms.
4 - Translation into Spanish with similar sentences based on the topic Sex & Gender Equality.

A - Level Spanish - Translation practice #2: Los jóvenes e Instagram
This resource includes a 3 pages document with a text adapted from real news for students to practice their translation skills.
Exercises included:
1 - Finding the Spanish equivalent of the words given (using the text).
2 - Translation into English based on the text previously used.
3 - Exercises to work on synonyms.
4 - Translation into Spanish with similar sentences based on the topic of Cyberspace with emphasis on Instagram and Mental Health issues.

GCSE Spanish - Photocard lesson
This lesson contains:
4 different stimulus cards as a starter for students to write down words / phrases.
Matching up activity to provide students with good model answers to meet criteria during exam skills.
Connect 4 activity for students to practice key phrases and prompt speaking.
Main activity for students to prepare 3 key questions + have a look at what the unprepared questions in the exam could be like.
Peer assessment activity using the mark scheme from the exam.
Topics for the cards:
Holidays, School, Free time, Sports, Family and Friends.
Topic for the card to prepare:
Family and friends + Holidays.
Handouts and spare stimulus cards included.
PALM / PALMA Handout not included.

A - Level Spanish: El racismo en los medios de comunicación
This resource includes a Powerpoint dealing with the issues of racism in the media and in literature. Things included:
2 listening tasks using real videos from TV news (link to video + video.)
Differentiated retrieval task covering the negation in Spanish and translation.
Summary listening skills to prompt students writing short sentences.
Grammar gap fill centred on past tenses (preterite, imperfect and present perfect.)