I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
A Power Point presentation investigating the not-so-obvious question of where the centre of a triangle is. Useful to revise and motivate some of the line work in e.g. Higher Maths
Starts with the centre of other shapes (e.g. circle - easy) before introducing the main candidates for the centre of a triangle. These are where the medians, perpendicular bisectors, and altitudes meet. But there are also many other centres. And what about quadrilaterals, or 3D shapes?
Three homeworks and a set of extended questions on the topics of
Expansions with the Binomial Theorem
Using Partial Fractions
Complex Numbers, operations, polynomials, Argand diagrams and De Moivres Theorem
All provided with comprehensive solutions
This is a free-standing resource on simple percentages
It involves questions like 50% of 24 up to 60% of 20 and 25% of 24.
It's taken from a Murder Mystery Package I wrote hence it includes a small riddle element at the end. There are two levels of difficulty (A is easier than B) that both have the same solution.
Full solutions included.
A range of activities to celebrate March 14th (3.14), Pi Day!
- whole class quiz
- mnemonic activity (making up sentences)
- three Pi Challenges involving some maths
This is a free-standing resource on addition and subtraction of whole numbers.
It involves additions like 12 + 29 or 145 - 56
It's taken from a Murder Mystery Package I wrote hence it includes a small riddle element at the end. There are two levels of difficulty (A is easier than B) that both have the same solution.
Full solutions included.
A bumper set of revision questions on the topics of sequences, functions, logarithms and circles, presented in the style of a ‘clinic’ where pupils can get help for their medical maths problems.
When I last used this for revision I printed each one in A3 and put them on tables for pupils to attempt in groups.
**Update **
A colleague has written out full solutions which I’ve now added.
Correction #1: Sickly Sequences Q4 the first sequence definition should end ‘+2’ instead of '-2’
Correction #2: Vicious Circles Q4(a) the tangent line should be ‘2x+3y=0’
A thorough test of differentiation skills.
Covers differentiating polynomials and trig (chain rule but no product or quotient rule), tangents and stationary points.
I’ve included the original homework, a version with hints (that my class needed) and full solutions.
Some revision questions on the topics my Higher Pupils found tricky this year
log equations (e.g. cooling water, and algebra with logs)
trig equations (algebra and wave equation)
integration (polynomials and trig)
There’s also a practice test which I took from somewhere and typed up solutions. I just used it as revision.
A booklet for pupils to fill in with practice questions on curve sketching, of trig graphs and log graphs. Includes translating graphs.
Q1 & Q2 are taken from past papers. Q7 and Q8 are left blank for extra questions.
Full solutions at the end.
A fun introduction to units, converting between e.g. metres and centimetres. A starter activity, two pages of worksheet activities, and a challenge to find the amount of air in the room.
This is a free-standing resource on finding the area and perimeter of rectangles.
The difficulty comes as sometimes you need to use a bit of logic by looking at the diagram to find the dimensions of the rectangles.
It's taken from a Murder Mystery Package I wrote hence it includes a small riddle element at the end. There are two levels of difficulty (A is easier than B) that both have the same solution.
Full solutions included.
Two sets of worksheets with solutions on
- writing numbers in words
- adding and subtracting whole numbers
- time intervals and 24 hour time
- order of operations (BODMAS)
- multiplication and division by e.g. 10, 200, 3000
- long multiplication
- rounding with significant figures
A set of 13 fun questions on a halloween theme, tailored to test
- decimals
- large numbers (million and billlion)
- problem solving.
Solutions included.
This is an extension of an easier Halloween maths Quiz on TES from rjcarter68, available here:
A fast paced relay testing understanding of ratio in unusual and interesting situations.
Print out multiple copies of the questions (ideally laminated) and get each pair of pupils started on a copy of Question One. Once they bring you the right answer to that, given them Question Two and so on.
All answers should be fully simplified.
A Power Point that includes questions on finding 10% (and 20%, 30% etc) and another one for 15%, 25%, 35% et cetera,
Useful for teaching the topic or just for practice.
A fun crossword to be done alone or in pairs. Tests easy decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
Solution provided.
Based on original by eam_larkin.
A bumper collection of resources for Factorizing Quadratics, including various activities and games and plenty of practice questions, which also include the other types of factorizing required for 9th and 10th grade.
(Note: Some of the embedded equations may not display properly on the TES preview but they all display perfectly on the downloadable files)
This is a series of worksheets testing a range of algebra skills. This is the rough order of increasing difficulty:
Simplify and Brackets
- Simplify 2t + 5t
- Simplify 2(x+3) – 4
- If a = 3 and b = 2 find 3a – b
- Find the set of dice rolls where x > 3 and x
Consecutive numbers
- Find two consecutive numbers that add up to eleven
Full solutions included.