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A wide range of resources available including: - Leadership templates - Emotional Wellbeing resources - Assemblies - Humanities resources Contact me if you would like some further details about running CPD or embedding practice.




A wide range of resources available including: - Leadership templates - Emotional Wellbeing resources - Assemblies - Humanities resources Contact me if you would like some further details about running CPD or embedding practice.
Moving on assembly

Moving on assembly

A short assembly that considers how children move on through transition. Easily adaptable to your setting. Includes a reference to Tony Walsh’s ‘New Beginnings’. You may need to find the Youtube clip if the link gets updated.
Volunteering Assembly

Volunteering Assembly

An assembly that looks at the work of charities and the benefits of volunteering. There are some videos from ‘V’ that introduces pupils to their work.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Assemblies

Mental Health and Wellbeing Assemblies

Two assemblies (linked) about emotional wellbeing. Includes: An explanation of emotions and how they link to the brain An interactive game to get pupils thinking about empathy A description of Dan Siegel’s hand model Ways pupils could improve their mental wellbeing Slide notes to help with the delivery of the assembly You can adapt the assemblies to your settings. If you would like more information on emotional wellbeing CPD or further assistance then email me on dan@talkingleaders.co.uk
Titanic Scheme of Work

Titanic Scheme of Work

A cross curricular SOW I wrote for my History department which worked alongside the Drama team. The pupils loved the fact they went to both subjects and explore the same topic. I have also included the first lesson. History focused on the building of the ship and the tragic events while Drama studied the passengers and Edwardian class system.
Medieval fun and entertainment lesson

Medieval fun and entertainment lesson

A suggested structure of the lesson: Starter Display picture of fun in the Middle Ages. Pupils have to identify as many forms of entertainment as they can. Next, pupils study an image of the Feudal System and are asked to calculate the differences in classes according to the diagram. They are also asked what they can learn from this source. Main activities Think, Pair, Share – Pupils read and then shade in details about Medieval fun that looks dangerous and other activities that don’t. Emerging/Secure/Mastery choice activities – Pupils complete 2 activities (one literacy and one visual/creative) to help consolidate and show their understanding of medieval entertainment. Plenary Display the picture of fun in the Middle Ages used in the starter. Pupils have to identify as many forms of entertainment as they can. Have they discovered anymore? What activities are missing?
Roman Entertainment Lesson

Roman Entertainment Lesson

A fully resourced lesson with: - A fun hook/starter were pupils place bets on Ben Hurs Chariot Race - Detailed skim reading and scanning tasks to help develop key literacy skills - Engaging gladiator resources and task - Links to progress and outcome throughout
Ambition Growth Mindset assembly

Ambition Growth Mindset assembly

An assembly that looks at the ingredients that make up ambition. It also goes through how often to reach your ambitious goals you will get setbacks. I use the story of Jamie Vardy to illustrate this. I have included some notes on the PP slides to help you deliver it and explore the concepts with your pupils.
Thomas Becket

Thomas Becket

A murder mystery exercise. Split the class into pairs or groups of three. Give each pupil the you decide worksheets to jot down their findings. then: -Starter: As they sit down introduce the mystery using the presentation to get them engaged. They need to work out who was 'responsible' for the murder. - Put sources into three envelopes and give them to the groups in 5-8 minute intervals so it feels like an ongoing investigation and they are not swamped. - Finally discuss their findings.
Titanic Lessons and Resources

Titanic Lessons and Resources

7 lessons and an Assessment on the Titanic. Includes an investigation into the Edwardian class system, passengers, design of the ship and why and who was to blame for the disaster.
Norman Conquest Revision lesson

Norman Conquest Revision lesson

A fully resourced revision lesson on the Norman Conquest that helps pupils recall and reflect on castles, feudal system, Domesday Book and the Church. Activities are group and individual focused with a dice activity that gets pupils to think more deeply about the idea of control.
Easter Pack - 2 assemblies and a quiz

Easter Pack - 2 assemblies and a quiz

2 assemblies included - 1) The first assembly tells the story of the main events of Holy Week. The angle I have taken is to try and get students to think about some of the feelings and emotions people may have felt when Jesus was in Jerusalem. 2) The second assembly focuses on how Easter has developed over time, its origins and also explores what it means to people in modern times. The quiz is a simple multiple choice double sided sheet that can be completed in class afterwards or as a standalone activity.
Industrial Revolution Children in Mills

Industrial Revolution Children in Mills

A complete lesson which gets pupil to use their source skills to investigate an enquiry question. - PowerPoint with targeted lesson objectives - A worksheet with sources. Print this on A3 as the questions are also embedded. I have used this for both an interview and for observations - succeeded in both. Pupils enjoy it too.
Warfare Through Time Revision lessons

Warfare Through Time Revision lessons

Based on the Edexcel History B paper and good to use in the lead up to exams. Includes: - A quick revision exercise for pupils in groups to revise key periods - Exploration of the exam questions (with examples) and how to approach them - An individual revision exercise for pupils to complete on each period of study
Compassion Assembly

Compassion Assembly

An assembly that explores what compassion means, and uses ideas from the bible and modern life to provide a thoughtful session for pupils to think more deeply.
The Norman Conquest Revision Lesson

The Norman Conquest Revision Lesson

A great way to revise the key events and features of the Norman Conquest. There is a pupil revision sheet which you need to expand to A3 that holds all the information they need to complete the tasks. There is a link (on note section of PP) to a website with the documentary for completing part of the lesson. The lesson covers the main events of 1066 (including the Battle of Hastings) and ways William controlled the English. Good as the first lesson on revision to help them get an overview of the chronology of the period.
Slave Trade Scheme of Work

Slave Trade Scheme of Work

A detailed SOW on Slavery that includes: - Lesson Objectives and outcomes - Key questions to use for lessons - Coherent sequence of lessons that build up to an assessment - Suggested activities to use in every lesson
CPD Whole School Booklet

CPD Whole School Booklet

A comprehensive 12 page whole school CPD booklet focused on: Setting up collaboration research groups amongst your staff focused on school key priorities Research cycle and forms for groups to complete Rationale on introducing research groups A focus on Solution Focused Coaching to assist with research, including a detailed rationale. I have introduced this across two schools in the past, including one outside of my trust. The document is editable for leaders to amend priorities and add names of teachers. I have left priorities and rationale as examples. If you would like further assistance with embedding the CPD then please contact me.
Geography Exam board spec overview 2012

Geography Exam board spec overview 2012

A document that summarises all of the major Geography GCSE courses that have now been accredited from September 2012. Useful for departments to study and compare what each exam board covers and the assessments pupils have to complete. I have left it as a word document so you can add details and ammend it as you wish.
Ofsted School Evaluation Tool

Ofsted School Evaluation Tool

A document to use as an SLT to evidence your progress against the Ofsted criteria, highlight areas if strength, and areas for development. A good way to keep self evaluating is have the template as a working document that you update each term. Think about: Specific evidence (e.g. events, data highlights) instead of a narrative. Next steps could help determine your SIP