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Black slavery ppt focusing on slavery poetry. Lesson outcomes: All pupils should be able to; 1) Describe the meaning of the slave poem and write their own poem on slavery Even better if; 2) Annotate the poem to outline the key features and use some of these features within your own poem Excellent when; 3) Analyse the key features of the slave poem and use some of these features as well as others within your own poem.
WW2 causes

WW2 causes

Ppt with activities and assessment on ww2. Lesson Outcomes All pupils should be able to; 1) list reasons why World War Two started Even better if; 2) You can explain the short and long term causes of the war Excellent when; 3) You can evaluate which cause was the most important and justify your decision. Preparation: Print out slide 14 and photocopy 5/6 times Photocopy worksheet for class This should take between 3-4 lessons. There is an assessment at the end. You may want give your class a research homework to find more info on the 6 main causes which will help with their assessment.
Evacuation in WW2

Evacuation in WW2

PPt and worksheet on Evacuation. Lesson Outcomes All pupils should be able to; 1) Describe what evacuation was and why is it was used. Even better if; 2) You can explain how successful evacuation was. Excellent when; 3) You can assess the reliability of the sources.
Social Mobility - Do thoses born in poverty remain there?

Social Mobility - Do thoses born in poverty remain there?

Ppt, essay plan and differentiated items looking at social mobility in Britain. Lesson Outcomes All pupils should be able to; 1) Complete an item grid to identify reasons why people are living in poverty in the UK. Even better if; 2) You can categorise the information correctly in your answers and essay plan. Excellent when; 3) You can evaluate the sociological views in your conclusion and use sociological terms within your answers.
Are the poor responsible for their situation?

Are the poor responsible for their situation?

I received an outstanding grade with this lesson. Ppt, essay plan and worksheet looking at whether the poor are responsible for their situation. Lesson Outcomes All pupils should be able to; 1) Complete a item grid to identify reasons of why people are living in poverty in the UK. Even better if; 2) You can categorise the information correctly in your essay plan. Excellent when; 3) You can evaluate the sociological views in your conclusion and use sociological terms within your answers.
The Phoney War

The Phoney War

Ppt on The Phoney War, group task where pupils try to protect London from attack. Lesson Outcomes All pupils should be able to; 1) Describe how you would defend London from attack. Even better if; 2) You can explain why different items were needed Excellent when; 3) You can evaluate which items were the most important
Nature and Nurture

Nature and Nurture

Ppt looking at the nature/nurture debate through focussing on feral children. Activities and youtube link.