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Docchris's Shop

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Teacher of RE, Philosophy and PSHE with many years' experience as a classroom teacher and leader of learning. I've also taught English, History and Government and Politics. I make lessons, units of work, assembly content and A Level Philosophy revision resources. Check out my shop to find out more - free resources too! MA (Philosophy), MSc (History & Politics), PGCE.




Teacher of RE, Philosophy and PSHE with many years' experience as a classroom teacher and leader of learning. I've also taught English, History and Government and Politics. I make lessons, units of work, assembly content and A Level Philosophy revision resources. Check out my shop to find out more - free resources too! MA (Philosophy), MSc (History & Politics), PGCE.
An Inspector Calls lesson PPT The Inspector

An Inspector Calls lesson PPT The Inspector

PPT for 60-75 min lesson - 13 slides. How does Priestley present the Inspector in AIC / An Inspector Calls? GCSE AQA English Literature Includes: Starter activity 2 key vocabulary slides Context & AO4 - why do we have a police force and inspectors? 5 slides close reading of the text & Priestley’s AO2 and AO3 language choices Pages 168-171 with guidance on Priestley’s presentation of Inspector & Mr Birling’s interactions
ACC 2-3 lessons A Christmas Carol

ACC 2-3 lessons A Christmas Carol

PPT of 20 slides for GCSE English Literature, aimed at AQA but usable for OCR/Edexcel/etc. covering: AO1 analysis AO2 and AO3 exam technique, structure and exploring effectiveness of techniques AO4 context - specifically struggles of poor in Victorian England, importance of family Multiple model paragraphs and writing frames for scaffolded / scaffolding work
GCSE English Lang Paper 2 Qs1-3 (3 lessons)

GCSE English Lang Paper 2 Qs1-3 (3 lessons)

20 complete PPT slides, covering: English Lang GCSE AQA Paper 2 Q1 English Lang GCSE AQA Paper 2 Q2 English Lang GCSE AQA Paper 2 Q3 Each PPT has starters / Do Now tasks, exemplar questions, model answers, guides on markscheme and how to tackle AQA Paper 2 Q1, Q2, Q3
LIMITED TIME OFFER English Starters & Plenaries Pack of 61

LIMITED TIME OFFER English Starters & Plenaries Pack of 61

61-slide PPT presentation containing Do Now Tasks / Starters / Plenaries for Y7, Y8, Y9, Y10 and Y11. Not all have answers to them, though several for each year group do. Each activity should take 5-15 mins, depending on ability of group. All grouped by year group. 11 slides for Y11 20 slides for Y10 12 slides for Y9 10 slides for Y8 8 slides for Y7 Can mix up the year groups - only Y10 and Y11 directly follow AQA English exam board content.
LIMITED TIME OFFER The Tempest 18 lessons SoW & full PPTs

LIMITED TIME OFFER The Tempest 18 lessons SoW & full PPTs

18 lessons, each at least 60 mins long, covering The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Assumes no prior knowledge of Shakespeare. KS3, KS4 English. Goes through entire play with key vocabulary taught each lesson. Also includes possible assessment point, with AfL prep & AfL feedback.
SoW & lessons on Rhetoric and Writing Speeches

SoW & lessons on Rhetoric and Writing Speeches

Full SoW of 9 lessons, each at least 60 mins long, on: Rhetoric Effective speech writing Analysing speeches Crafting and writing speeches Logos, ethos, pathos Aimed at upper KS3 (Y8-Y9) or lower KS4 (Y10).
GCSE English Unseen Poetry lesson & crib sheet

GCSE English Unseen Poetry lesson & crib sheet

Full lesson 60-75 mins PPT plus additional guidance document on approaching unseen poetry or texts generally. GCSE. Aimed at AQA but can translate across OCR/Edexcel as appropriate. Contains: PPT with starter activity, 8 slides including paragraph for students to evaluate, step-by-step guidance for exam practice Word document detailed & listing scaffolded steps to guide students through approaching an unseen text.
What is "The Canon"? PPT lesson

What is "The Canon"? PPT lesson

PPT for assembly, Drop-Down Day, lesson segment or form-time/tutor-time with KS3, KS4, KS5, pre-16, post-16 on ‘The Canon’, with diversity embedded throughout.