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Romeo and Juliet Act 5 scene 3
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focus on key scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Part of a ten lesson scheme of work.
Act 5 scene 3 (Concepts of love. Exam question)
Aimed at the new AQA specification for English Literature.

Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 1
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focus on key scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Part of a ten lesson scheme of work.
Act 1 Scene 1 (Language analysis. Context Elizabethan dueling)
Aimed at the new AQA specification for English Literature.

Lady Macbeth and Macbeth Revision - Key Quotation images and practice questions
Revision for Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
Set of images to represent 8 key quotations for the characters of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Students to recall key quotation to match the image.
2 AQA exam style questions. Includes slides with guidence for approaching and answering the specific question.
Please review. Feedback is appreciated.

Valentine Carol Ann Duffy Edexcel poetry
The lesson focuses on Carol Ann Duffy’s poem Valentine and comes from a series of lessons covering all 15 of the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Poetry Anthology Relationships. The lessons are structured to prepare students to annotate all poems with meaning, language, form and structure.
The lessons introduce key themes, encourage students to work out the meaning and synopsis of the poem, provide space for teacher led annotation and links the meaning to the form and structure of the poem.
The context resource summarises key information about the context of the poem, allowing students to make links to between text and context. As a revision resource it outlines the relevant contextual information across the whole anthology.

Context Poetry Relationships Edexcel First 5 poems
First 5 poems from a full context resource, which summarises key information about the context of each poem from the Poetry Relationships Pearson Edexcel GCSE anthology, allowing students to make links to between text and context. As a revision resource it outlines the relevant contextual information across the whole anthology.

Romeo and Juliet Act 3 scene 5
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focus on key scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Part of a ten lesson scheme of work.
Act 3 scene 5 (Language analysis. Context Patriarchal gender roles)
Aimed at the new AQA specification for English Literature.

Fortnite (gaming) newspaper article. Reading and writing non-fiction.
An engaging approach to reading and writing non-fiction. It uses an article on the video game Fortnite to enable students to recognise the features of a newspaper article, what makes them effective and write their own interesting and appropriate newspaper articles. In particular, students learn to identify the features of a newspaper article, discuss their purpose and create their own. There are easily enough resources here for 3 lessons on this topic.
Uses an article on Frotnite as an engaging and interesting topic for students’ discussion.
Over the course of their learning journey, students:
Understand and categorise the different techniques used by newspapers;
Identify the features of newspapers in a model example;
Analyse the effect of techniques in newspapers upon the reader;
Use techniques effectively in writing their own newspaper articles;
Peer self assess each other’s newspaper article attempts.
The resources include:
-Clear and engaging whole-lesson PowerPoint;
-A model article on Fortnite, which is an effective topic to engage students in discussion.

Romeo and Juliet. Act 1 scene 4
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focus on key scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Part of a ten lesson scheme of work.
Act 1 scene 4 (Petrachan lover)
Aimed at the new AQA specification for English Literature.

Romeo and Juliet. Act 1 scene 5
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focus on key scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Part of a ten lesson scheme of work.
Act 1 scene 5 (Light and dark imagery)
Aimed at the new AQA specification for English Literature

Romeo and Juliet. Act 3 scene 1
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focus on key scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Part of a ten lesson scheme of work.
Act 3 scene 1 (Character analysis)
Aimed at the new AQA specification for English Literature.

Romeo and Juliet. Act 2 scene 2
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focus on key scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Part of a ten lesson scheme of work.
Act 2 scene 2 (Language analysis. Context: The Copernican Theory)
Aimed at the new AQA specification for English Literature

Romeo and Juliet. Act 2 scene 3 and 6
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focus on key scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Part of a ten lesson scheme of work.
Act 2 scene 3 and 6 (Character analysis. Context fate)
Aimed at the new AQA specification for English Literature.

Poetry - Love and Relationships Revision
A fantastic visual revision tool for the Love and Relationships poetry, uses images to recall and recap the poems, key quotations and key themes. Extension questions for each poem to create disucssion.
Includes ALL 15 poems, excellent revision materials for GCSE students for AQA English Literature Paper 2 students.
Versatile: I use it with LA students to recap key ideas in the poems and memorise quotations and also with HA students to analyse the poems, make comparisons and revise key quotations.
Love’s Philosophy
Porphyria’s Lover
When We Two Parted
Winter Swans
Sonnet 29
Neutral Tones
Letters from Yorkshire
The Farmer’s Bride
Walking Away
Eden Rock
Mother any distance
Before You Were Mine
Singh Song
Climbing My Grandfather

Home learning English KS3
This Home Learning Pack for English at KS3 has been designed to provide learning activities during any school closure.
It covers:
Descriptive writing
Writing a playscript
Showing not Telling
Can be used to support students write a wide range of stories, descriptions and scripts.

Romeo and Juliet. Prologue. Analysis key scenes.
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focus on key scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Part of a ten lesson scheme of work.
Prologue (Language analysis, key themes)
Aimed at the new AQA specification for English Literature.
Covers plot, characters, themes and context in detail.

Context Edexcel Poetry Relationships
The context resource summarises key information about the context of each poem from the Poetry Relationships Pearson Edexcel GCSE anthology, allowing students to make links to between text and context. As a revision resource it outlines the relevant contextual information across the whole anthology.

Home learning. Literacy and English skills through football
This resource is designed as a fun and engaging project that also teaches students key writing skills. It involves tasks based around football, creating a fantasy team, the perfect player and commentating. these tasks have a literacy focus.
Learning Objectives:
LO: To learn more adjectives based on physical abilities.
LO: To learn how to use superlatives in explanatory writing.
LO: To learn how to include ambitious vocabulary in writing.

One Flesh Elizabeth Jennings Edexcel Poetry
This lesson focuses on the poem One Flesh from a series of lessons covering all 15 of the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Poetry Anthology Relationships. The lessons are structured to prepare students to annotate all poems with meaning, language, form and structure.
The lessons introduce key themes, encourage students to work out the meaning and synopsis of the poem, provide space for teacher led annotation and links the meaning to the form and structure of the poem.
The context resource summarises key information about the context of the poem, allowing students to make links to between text and context. As a revision resource it outlines the relevant contextual information across the whole anthology.

Descriptive / Creative writing
A fully resourced lesson for KS3 and KS4 students to help them develop their descriptive / creative writing skills.
Pre-teaches the sophisticated term ‘tabula rasa’ meaning blank canvas and uses an animation to create discussion and then stimulate the creative writing task.
Uses peer assessment based on success criteria.
Pair and group work align well with SMSC objectives.

Romeo and Juliet. Act 1 Scene 2.
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focus on key scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Part of a ten lesson scheme of work.
Act 1 Scene 2 (Language analysis. Exam question and model paragraphs. Elizabethan gender roles)
Aimed at the new AQA specification for English Literature.
Outstanding observation lesson.