An MFL teacher and private tutor focusing on producing high-quality, interactive resources for MFL students - primarily working with Spanish and French.
Feel free to message to organise a personalised bundle.
An MFL teacher and private tutor focusing on producing high-quality, interactive resources for MFL students - primarily working with Spanish and French.
Feel free to message to organise a personalised bundle.
A Spanish bundle comprising of 5 powerpoints (5 individual lessons) and 3 handouts which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 6.1:Medellín, ciudad inteligente.
These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group.
The first two lessons are based on the ‘Mi barrio y yo’ introduction-to-the-module pages of the textbook.
This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams.
Powerpoint/lesson 1:
34 slides
Knowledge retrieval starter activity
Colombia warm-up activity
Vocab activities
Listening activities x3
Recap of ‘este/esta…’
Grammar activities
Introduction of ‘se encuentra(n)’
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations
Powerpoint/lesson 2:
21 slides
Town vocabulary starter activity
Recap of direct object pronouns
Grammar activities
Reading comprehension
Vocabulary activities
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations
Speaking tasks
Writing task
Powerpoint/lesson 3 (student access needed to Internet for this):
27 slides
Translation starter activity
Dictation task
Cultural aspect on Colombia
Worksheet lesson (based on research and language activities)
Plenary translation game
Powerpoint/lesson 4:
25 slides
Complex vocab starter activity
Introduction of the perfect tense
Grammar activities
Outline of irregular past participles
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations
Powerpoint/lesson 5:
16 slides
Perfect tense starter activity
Listening comprehensions x2
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translations
Writing task
Plenary video on Mariana Pajón
A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons) which focus on Viva 3’s Module 5.4: En la tienda de recuerdos. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students (mixed-ability groups).
This series of lessons doesn’t include a booklet (like the other Viva 3 Bundles).
Powerpoint/lesson 1:
44 slides
Translation starter activity
Introduction of souvenir vocabulary
Vocabulary activities
Recap of comparative structures
Grammar activities
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations
Writing task
Powerpoint/lesson 2:
23 slides
Souvenir vocabulary starter activity
Listening task
Buzzer translation game
ES>EN translation
EN>ES translations
Writing task
A Spanish powerpoint (1 individual lessons) which focuses on Viva 3’s Module 5.3: Mi día favorito. This lesson is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students (mixed-ability groups).
This lesson doesn’t include a booklet (like the other Viva 3 Bundles).
Powerpoint/lesson 1:
15 slides
Preterite tense starter activity
Listening comprehensions x2
Recap of days of the week
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translations
Writing task
A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons), and 1 handout, which focus on Viva 3’s Module 5.1: Mucho gusto. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students (mixed-ability groups).
This series of lessons doesn’t include a booklet (like the other Viva 3 Bundles).
Powerpoint/lesson 1:
37 slides
‘MADRID’ knowledge retriever starter
Madrid cultural introduction questions
Recap of family vocabulary
Introduction of ‘tengo…’ phrases
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translations
Speaking activities
MWB plenary game
Powerpoint/lesson 2:
22 slides
Vocabulary starter
Listening comprehension
Vocabulary activities
Cultural aspect on Costa Rica
Reading comprehension
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations
Ping-pong translation translation
A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons), and 2 handouts, which focus on Viva 2’s Module 4.3: Cómo te preparas. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students.
Disclaimer: These resources are based on the vocabulary within this chapter, however do not directly follow the activities within the Textbook
Powerpoint/lesson 1:
55 slides
Colour vocabulary starter
Introduction of clothes vocabulary
Vocabulary activities
ES>EN translations
Grammar point on “llevar”
Grammar point on adjective agreement
Grammar activities
Writing tasks
Writing plenary game
Dictation plenary game
Powerpoint//lesson 2:
22 slides
Clothes vocabulary starter
Dictation task
Vocabulary activities
Reading comprehension
Grammar point on ‘este/esta/estos/estas’
Grammar activities
Mosaic translations
Tangled translations
Points plenary game
A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons), and 1 handout, which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 5.5: El viaje de fin de curso.
These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group.
This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams.
Powerpoint/lesson 1:
18 slides
Preterite tense starter
Vocabulary activities
Translation ‘buzzer game’
Grammar activity
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translation
‘Expensive’ writing task
Powerpoint/lesson 2:
15 slides
Past holiday vocabulary starter
Dictation task
Reading comprehension
Tongue-twisters activity
Trapdoor activity
Speaking tasks
Powerpoint/lesson 3:
12 slides
Writing starter activity
Photo card activities (writing)
90-word writing question activities
A Spanish bundle comprising of 1 powerpoint (1 individual lesson) which focuses on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 5.4: La gente de mi insti.
This resource is tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. Furthermore, it doesn’t directly follow the activities in the textbook, but rather focuses mainly on the vocabulary and independently-created activities. To prevent disappointment, this is a free resource.
This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams.
Powerpoint/lesson 1:
21 slides
Vocabulary starter
Recap of personality adjectives
Vocabulary activities
Listening comprehension
Cultural aspect on Colombia
Reading comprehension
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations
Writing task
Dictation plenary game
A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons), and 2 handouts, which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 5.3: Cómo cambiarías tu insti.
These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group.
This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams.
Powerpoint/lesson 1:
25 slides
Infinitive verb starter
Introduction of ‘si +imp. subj’ structures
Introduction of conditional tense
Grammar activities
Vocabulary activities
EN>ES translation
Grammar plenary game
Powerpoint/lesson 2:
29 slides
Translation starter
Recap of ‘si +imp.subj’ structures
Recap of school facilities vocabulary
Vocabulary activities
Recap of conditional tense
Listening comprehension
Reading task
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations
Translation plenary game
Powerpoint/lesson 3:
25 slides
Translation starter
Introduction of obligation structures
Listening task
Vocabulary activities
Worksheet tasks (translation/vocab/writing)
MWB writing activities
Points plenary game
A 10-page document which outlines an overview of Italian Edexcel A-Level.
The key content includes:
Exam structure
Themes and sub-themes
Prescribed literary texts and films
Key information about the IRP
Two 13-page documents which outline an overview of AQA A-Level. One of the documents is a Spanish translation.
The key content includes:
Exam structure
Themes and sub-themes
Prescribed literary texts and films
Key information about the IRP
Recommended study resources
A 2-page worksheet which can be used for a cover lesson, or a “worksheet lesson”. It is aimed for Viva 1 Module 3 Qué hay en tu insti.
This resource recaps subject vocabulary, as well as consolidating knowledge on adjective agreement.
Included skills:
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations
A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons) which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 5.2: Qué tal tus estudios.
These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group.
This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams.
Powerpoint/lesson 1:
29 slides
Retrieval knowledge starter
Vocabulary activities
Listening tasks x2
ES>EN translations
Reading task
Mini writing game
Speaking tasks
Powerpoint/lesson 2:
19 slides
Subject adjectives starter
Reading comprehension
Introduction of ‘me cuesta +inf’
Grammar activities
Vocabulary activities
Reading comprehension
Pronunciation tasks
Writing task
Plenary game to consolidate vocabulary
A Spanish bundle comprising of 4 powerpoints (4 individual lessons) and 2 handouts which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 5.1: Un día en el insti.
These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group.
The first two lessons are based on the ‘A clase’ introduction-to-the-module pages of the textbook.
This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams.
Powerpoint/lesson 1:
28 slides
Subject vocab starter activity
Cultural warm-up activities
Introduction of uniform vocabulary
Vocabulary activities
Introduction of “llevar”
Cultural aspect on Chile
Reading comprehension
Writing tasks
Dictation plenary activity
Powerpoint/lesson 2:
25 slides
Uniform vocabulary starter
Introduction of “claro/oscuro”
Listening comprehension
Recap of direct object pronouns
ES>EN translations
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translations
Writing task
Optional trapdoor task
Powerpoint/lesson 3:
22 slides
Days of the week starter
Recap of telling the time
Listening comprehension
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translation
Speaking activities
Powerpoint/lesson 4:
26 slides
Vocab starter
Listening comprehension
Translation buzzer game
Reading comprehensions x2
EN>ES translations
“Expensive” writing activity
A Spanish bundle comprising of 9 powerpoints (9 individual lessons), 1 hand-out and 1 booklet (to be used alongside), which focus on Viva 3’s Module 4 (Jóvenes en acción).
These resources have been designed for a mixed-ability group, and due to the the F + H books not using the same content, so some content isn’t included. A full sequence of lessons is provided however. Module 4.4 (Mi ciudad) from the H book doesn’t include many of the textbook activities.
A reduced price as I understand that the lessons may not directly follow your school’s SOW - I hope you find them useful regardless.
Viva 3, Module 4.1: Mis derechos
PPT/lesson 1:
25 slides
Human rights starter
Introduction of ‘tengo derecho a’
Vocabulary activities
Dictation task
Grammar recap of ‘a’
Grammar activities
EN>ES translations
Speaking plenary game
PPT/lesson 2:
24 slides
Translation starter
Recap of ‘a’
Listening tasks x2
Vocabulary activities
Recap of ‘poder’ grammar
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations
PPT/lesson 3:
14 slides
Vocabulary starter activity
Listening comprehension
Reading comprehension
ES>EN translation
Writing task
Viva 3, Module 4.2: El comercio justo
PPT/lesson 1:
24 slides
Nationality starter
ES>EN translations
Recap of present tense endings
Grammar activities
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translations
Trapdoor activity
Speaking tasks
PPT/lesson 2:
18 slides
Grammar starter
Recap of grammar endings
Listening comprehension
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations
Expensive writing task
Writing task
Viva 3, Module 4.3: Reciclamos
PPT/lesson 1:
31 slides
Vocabulary starter
Recap of present tense endings
Grammar activity
Dictation task
ES>EN translations
Translation buzzer game
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translations
Points plenary games
PPT/lesson 2:
31 slides
Verb starter
Grammar activities
Introduction of ‘se debería +inf’
Vocabulary activities
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translations
Writing task
Unfair game plenary activity
Viva 3, Module 4.4: Mi ciudad
PPT/lesson 1:
23 slides
Town attractions starter
Recap of ‘(no) hay’
Dictation task
Vocabulary activities
Introduction of ‘había’
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translations
Ping-pong translation task
Speaking tasks
Writing task
PPT/lesson 2:
20 slides
STARS starter
Vocabulary activities
Listening task
ES>EN translations
Reading comprehension
EN>ES translations
Writing task
Sentence stealers
Speaking plenary game
A 2-page worksheet which can be used for a cover lesson, or a “worksheet lesson”. It is aimed for Viva 1 Module 3 Te gustan las ciencias.
This resource recaps subject vocabulary, as well as consolidating knowledge on “me gusta v me gustan”.
Included skills:
ES>EN translations
EN>ES translations