A standalone guided reading worksheet on tourism in Jamaica, which focuses on how it is being used a strategy to reduce the development gap.
This does not need to be used with any other resource and could be set as a homework or main class activity.
Jamaica is often a named example used in the Changing Economic World part of Paper 2.
Recommended to enlarge the worksheet to A3 when printing.
A worksheet exploring the economic challenges created by urban growth in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. A range of comprehension questions which includes the growth of the informal economy as well as skills based questions using a line graph. Perfect as a standalone worksheet as part of a lesson or additional homework.
A fully resourced lesson exploring the costs and benefits of urban sprawl and the growth of commuter settlements.
It includes a pre-made worksheet and challenge tasks which do not require the use of any other resources such as textbooks.
A bundle of two fully resourced lessons on environmental opportunities and challenges in Bristol, which are linked directly to the 8035 AQA GCSE Geography specification.
Three summary revision worksheets which cover:
Rio de Janeiro as a city experiencing urban growth
Bristol, as UK city experiencing urban change
Urban sustainability (with some links to Bristol)
These worksheets are designed to summarise key content and knowledge and could be used as a standalone resource and/or with the blue AQA GCSE Geography textbook.
Perfect for revision, cover work or as a catch up activity for students with long-term absence.
Starter questions
A range of explanation slides
A range of short knowledge focused tasks
Opportunity for exam practice at the end
Stretch/challenge tasks on each power-point slide.
Lesson is designed for 55-65 minute lessons.
*Lesson will require students to have access to the GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) Paperback – 28 April 2016
Lesson features:
Starter questions
A range of explanation slides
A range of short knowledge focused tasks including discussion tasks using photographs.
Opportunity for exam practice at the end
Stretch/challenge tasks on each power-point slide.
Lesson is designed for 55-65 minute lessons.
Worksheet included
A handout which can be given out to parents and guardians at parents evenings. Easily adaptable. Version included is for Year 8.
Handout includes sections on:
what is my child studying this year?
what support is available?
what can I do as a parent to support my child?
how do I know if my child is progressing?
to improve in geography I need to…
A simple worksheet which is good for cover work or homework setting. Does not require a textbook and can be used as a standalone resource. Two main activities:
Students create an appropriate graph using data on methods of transport to work.
Students colour code the different statements concerning Rio’s environmental challenges and solutions.
Two revision sheets focusing on tectonic hazards and an overview of the different types of hazard and factors affecting hazard risk.
Designed to be used for the AQA 8035 geography course and can be used as standalone worksheets or as part of a lesson.
Best printed A4 and then en-larged to A3.
Two summary revision sheets on Bristol as a UK city and on urban sustainability as part of the 8035 GCSE Geography course.
Perfect for revision, cover or catch-up for students with long-term absence.
Advise would be to enlarge to A3 when printing.
A worksheet that focuses on why the banana trade is unfair. The first part of the worksheet focuses on comprehension questions and the second part is completely skills based, for example calculating how much a supplier chain worker earns as part of the banana trade.
A lesson which covers the importance of resources for economic and social well being as part of the AQA 8035 Geography course.
Lesson features:
Starter questions
A range of explanation slides
A range of short knowledge focused tasks
Opportunity for exam practice at the end
Lesson is designed for 55-65 minute lessons.
Lesson will require students to have access to the GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) Paperback – 28 April 2016
by Simon Ross (Author), Nick Rowles (Author)
A set of worksheets, which can be used standalone or as a booklet on the Urban Issues and Challenges unit of work for the AQA (8035) GCSE Geography specification. Examples focus on Bristol and Rio de Janeiro.
Sheets requires the blue Oxford University Press textbooks for the 9-1 GCSE Geography AQA Course.
Three board games (made on publisher) for Paper 1 of the 8035 GCSE Geog. Sepcification.
One board game for Section A (Natural Hazards), one board game for Section B (Living World) and one board game for Section C (Rivers and Coasts only).
The board games include some questions focused around named examples and case studies, however these can be very easily adapted in publisher by just changing the names to those relevant to your school/department
Case studies and examples included:
Board Game 1:
Chile earthquake (2010)
Nepal earthquake (2015)
Typhoon Haiyan
Somerset Levels Floods (2014)
Board Game 2:
Freshwater pond ecosystem
Malayisa (TRF)
Sahara (Hot Desert)
Board Game 3:
Swanage coastline for coastal landforms
Holderness coastline for management
Boscastle floods
A worksheet on weather, which includes:
Task 1 - students read the different elements of weather and match them to the correct definition.
Task 2 - students have to identify the type of weather shown in the photographs.
Task 3 - students read some examples of weather and categorise them to show if they have a positive or negative impact on people.
Task 4 - students read a short paragraph explaining the impacts of high temperatures and highlight the connectives and weather elements in two different colours.
Task 5 - students write their own PEEL paragraph to explain how heavy snow can impact people.
A worksheet based on Bristol’s traditional industries and why they have changed.
Part 1 - reading comprehension based on Bristol’s traditional industries. Students read a piece of text and then answer a set of questions.
Part 2 - students highlight the causes and impacts of industrial change using two different colours.