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Soccer Statistics

Soccer Statistics

2 activities I created around Soccer statistics. The first asks the question "Who is the best striker in the world?" and students are to use goals to games ratio to determine the ranking of 15 top strikers. The second is structured around analyzing the Premier League table utilizing mean, median, mode, range and creating histograms from the data.
The Digestive System

The Digestive System

The presentation features a summation of the key components of the digestive system. The presentation contains detailed visuals as well as clear and concise explanations about the function of each component of the system.
Cartesian Planes- Presentations and Worksheet

Cartesian Planes- Presentations and Worksheet

The package contains; 2 presentations- 1 introductory presentation on the Cartesian plane and 1 on how to plot on a Cartesian plane. 1 worksheet- An activity in which students have to fill linear graphing tables and plot them on a planes.
DNA in Forensics

DNA in Forensics

A collection of PowerPoints I created on DNA in Forensics, this resource also includes a wheat germ practical activity and end of unit assessment.