Spend your Sundays collecting resources from under your duvet! Find free teaching resources and other publications targeted at children including fiction, poetry and language books amongst others.
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Spend your Sundays collecting resources from under your duvet! Find free teaching resources and other publications targeted at children including fiction, poetry and language books amongst others.
Feedback is always appreciated.
Teaching our young people about how to hold traditional values of good manners is more important than ever before.
Tell you class that only young ladies & young gentlemen are allowed in your classroom. This handy guide can be displayed in your classroom to act as a useful reminder for how they should behave at all times.
Simple but very effective.
Print and position of the door of your classroom to remind students that only positive, 'can do' attitudes are acceptable in your classroom.
A great resource for educators and parents.
Thinking about questions is a great way to develop thinking skills. Some questions may be answered in seconds and others may start debates which last for days.
Some of these questions make us think about peoples place in the world (72 - If humans eat animals, why don’t we allow animals to eat humans?), others question what we know (125 - Are clouds alive?), which others are just downright pointless (17 - If you had to have either a moustache or a beard, which would you choose?). Each question however will exercise brains.
The most important thing to remember is to support the reasons for your answer by explaining your arguments
It is important to know that there are no right answer to any of these questions. Also you are also invited to go off at tangents and interpret each question as you wish.
An interesting approach could be to think out what would be the positive aspects of your argument, the negative aspects of the argument and would be other interesting points to consider.
For example:
(Q91) How would life be different if money grew on trees?
- Everyone would have access to money.
- No one would be poor.
- You could plant more trees.
- Would money be worth less is there was more of it?
- If money grew outdoors, would people be more likely to steel it from your tree?
- Who would own the trees?
- Would different trees grow different values of money?
(Q128) What would happen if all cars were the same color?
- Choosing a car would be easier.
- With fewer options to manufacture, cars would be easier to manufacture and cheaper.
- Repairing damage would be easier.
- Emergency services vehicles may not be obvious.
- It would be difficult to find your car in a car park.
- It would be boring.
- It would be difficult for police to track criminals.
- People could customise their cars with interesting patterns to make them stand out.
- Would cars be customized in different ways?
A great summer holiday challenge...
Kids can't be wrapped up in cotton wool forever. A few bumps and bruises go a long way.
There are things that children have been doing since the dawn of mankind and other things they are just discovering. This is our collection of fun activities we believe all children to be able to experience and accomplish before they grow up and we’ve split them loosely into the following categories:
Go Old School
Crafts & Hobbies
Life Skills
Be At One With Nature
Have Fun Outdoors
Be Good
Make Food An Experience
Rely On The Weather
Be Around People
Get Wet
Have fun with your children and achieve challenges like these with them:
2. Go a whole weekend without tech!
7. Learn to ride a bike
20. Help to fix something
40. Watch a sunrise/sunset
56. Sleep in a tent
91. Draw a face on a boiled egg
111. Learn to swim
How many will your kids achieve?