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Number Bonds 10 and 20 Word Problems
Number Bonds 10 and 20 Word Problems.
Addition and subtraction word problems.

Stick Insect Life Cycle
Stick insect life cycle sorting activity. Pictures, labels and explanations.
Life Cycles.

KS1 Continuous Provision Maths Challenges
Year 1 and 2 Continuous Provision Maths Challenge cards for Place Value, Ordering, More than Less than. Four challenges.

KS1 Continuous Provision Maths Challenges
Year 1 and year 2 Continuous Provision maths games and activity challenge cards.
Number binds to 10 and 20, Place Value and partitioning.

KS1 Continuous Provision 3D Shape Challenges
KS1 Continuous Provision 3D Shape Challenges for inside and outside the classroom. Four Year 1 and Year 2 independent math challenges.

Year 3/4 Spellings Chalkboard Display
Year 3 and 4 spelling list can be used as a powerpoint or as a display.
Natural chalk board display black and white theme.

Addition KS1 Continuous Provision Challenges
4 Continuous Provision Math Challenges
3 Indoor and 1 Outdoor challenge
Addition and doubles games and problems
Reasoning opportunities - True and False

Number bonds 20 Fact Family
Using the number cards, investigate all the ways to write number sentences for 20.

Tally Chart Template&Questions Rainforest Animals
Tally chart Template with questions to answer based on the data recorded.
Rainforest animals.
Year 2

Fact Families Bonds to 20
Active Learning number cards representing addition or subtraction sentences for bonds to 20.
Suitable for outdoor learning activity/ continuous provision finding all the numbers in the family eg 12, 8 and 20.

KS1 Continuous Provision 2D Shape math challenges
KS1 Continuous Provision 2D Shape math challenges.
Seven challenge cards for indoor and outdoor areas. Year 1 and Year 2

Countries in the UK
KS1 / Year 2 Geography activity for children to investigate the 4 countries that make up the UK. Includes lego images, map labels and colour the flag worksheet.

Sculpting Art Continuous Provision KS1
1 Term worth of Art continuous provision activities for KS1 children.
Focus on sculpting in 2d and 3d.

Great Fire of London History KS1 Planning
Meduim Term History planning for KS1. Includes planning and resources.

Geography KS1 Mapping planning
Medium Term Planning for Map work Geography for KS1 children.
Mixed class planning Year 1 and 2.

Stone Age Art Medium Term Planning LKS2
5 Lesson plans and resources (activinspire flipcahrts) covering the following in Stone Age topic suitable for year 3 or 4
Create handprint art for classroom display
Design cave painting and create background and add animals –
Mark making with chalks, charcoal, pencil and pastels
Explore cave artwork and choose pieces they like. Practice shapes in sketchbooks
Explore tonal palette and create those colours with chalks
Sketch Books:
The children are encouraged to write down any evaluations and statements that show they are considering their own choices and taking on board any advice given throughout

Stone Age Geography Medium Term Planning
6 lessons and resources (activinsprire flipchart) suitable for year 3 or 4.
covering the following outcomes:
Progression statements:
Who were the first people to live in Britain and how did they make a home for themselves?
Begin to identify types of settlement and land use Stonehenge
Which would be the best environment to hunt and gather food?
Begin to identify types of settlement and land use Stonehenge
Mysteries of Stonehenge
Pre teach lesson for Stonehenge Trip Trip –
Begin to use an atlas to locate places and begin to look at OS maps
What might the stone circle have looked like during the stone age compared with today?
Draw a sketch of a simple feature from an observation or photo Stonehenge
Are there any other stone age sites in the UK?
Begin to use an atlas/OS map to locate significant places and environments.
What was life like in an Iron Age hill fort?
Begin to identify types of settlement and land use

Reading Comprehension Time Travellers Adventure Calling
12 lessons suitable for Lower Key Stage 2
Reading comprehension lessons following VIPERS
Every lessons starts with retrieval questions from the chapter
Vocabulary for each session
All sessions focus on a chapter from Time Travellers Adventure Calling
In Flipchart