I started out as a science teacher and made the transition to teaching ICT and Computer Science, which I have now been doing for over 20 years. I have also worked with primary school teachers to support their delivery of the national curriculum in computing.
Edulito is a UK based educational publishing company that provides learning resources for school-aged children. All of the available resources have been tested in UK schools.
I started out as a science teacher and made the transition to teaching ICT and Computer Science, which I have now been doing for over 20 years. I have also worked with primary school teachers to support their delivery of the national curriculum in computing.
Edulito is a UK based educational publishing company that provides learning resources for school-aged children. All of the available resources have been tested in UK schools.
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (62 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 1.1.
It includes:
· Teaching PowerPoint (includes checkpoint questions and answers)
· Student PowerPoint (Includes checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
The purpose of the CPU:
The fetch-decode-execute cycle
Common CPU components and their function: ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
CU (Control Unit)
Von Neumann architecture:
MAR (Memory Address Register)
MDR (Memory Data Register)
Program Counter
How common characteristics of CPUs affect their performance:
Clock speed
Cache size
Number of cores
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (188 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 1.2.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoint Presentations (including checkpoint questions and answers)
Part 1 – Memory (33 Slides)
Part 2 – Secondary Storage (45 Slides)
Part 3 – Data Storage – Numbers (49 Slides)
Part 4 - Data Storage: Characters, Images & Sound (61 Slides)
Student PowerPoint Presentations (Including checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Part 1 – Memory
Part 2 – Secondary Storage
Part 3 – Data Storage – Numbers
Part 4 - Data Storage: Characters, Images & Sound
Content Covered:
The need for primary storage
The difference between RAM and ROM
The purpose of ROM in a computer system
The purpose of RAM in a computer system
Virtual memory
The need for secondary storage
Common types of storage:
Solid state
Suitable storage devices and storage media for a given application
The advantages and disadvantages of different storage devices and storage media relating to these characteristics:
The units of data storage:
Nibble (4 bits)
Byte (8 bits)
Kilobyte (1,000 bytes or 1 KB)
Megabyte (1,000 KB)
Gigabyte (1,000 MB)
Terabyte (1,000 GB)
Petabyte (1,000 TB)
How data needs to be converted into a binary format to be processed by a computer
Data capacity and calculation of data capacity requirements
How to convert positive denary whole numbers to binary numbers (up to and including 8 bits) and vice versa
How to add two binary integers together (up to and including 8 bits) and explain overflow errors which may occur
How to convert positive denary whole numbers into 2-digit hexadecimal numbers and vice versa
How to convert binary integers to their hexadecimal equivalents and vice versa
Binary shifts
The use of binary codes to represent characters
The term ‘character set’
The relationship between the number of bits per character in a character set, and the number of characters which can be represented, e.g.:
How an image is represented as a series of pixels, represented in binary
The effect of colour depth and resolution on:
The quality of the image
The size of an image file
How sound can be sampled and stored in digital form
The effect of sample rate, duration and bit depth on:
The playback quality
The size of a sound file
The need for compression
Types of compression:
These resource has been produced to teach 7 to 14 year olds about programming concepts by creating fun games using the text-based programming language Python. The activities and challenges have been designed to provide a stimulating, engaging and effective way of improving students’ knowledge of the core programming concepts.
This unit provides detailed teaching resources to teach students about computational thinking and includes at least 6 hours of lessons.Students develop simple algorithms and learn about key terminology such decomposition, abstraction and pattern recognition.
This unit includes a:
PowerPoint presentation (43 Slides)
PDF teaching file
Unit Test (including mark scheme)
These resources can be used by a computing teacher or a non-specialist teacher to teach about computational thinking. This unit can be taught in a classroom with no computers.
What will students learn in Unit 1?
• I understand the terms algorithm, decompose, abstraction and pattern recognition.
• I can produce a simple algorithm that solves a problem.
• I can produce an algorithm that solves a problem.
• I can apply the terms algorithm, decompose, abstraction and pattern recognition.
• I can compare two algorithms that perform the same task and understand why one algorithm is more efficient than another algorithm.
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (33 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 1.5.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoints (includes checkpoint questions and answers)
Student PowerPoints (Includes checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Content Covered:
The purpose and functionality of operating systems:
User interface
Memory management and multitasking
Peripheral management and drivers
User management
File management
The purpose and functionality of utility software
Utility system software:
Encryption software
Data compression
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (111 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 1.3.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoint Presentations (including checkpoint questions and answers)
Part 1 – Networks & Topologies (66 slides)
Part 2 - Wired & Wireless Networks, Protocols & Layers (45 slides)
Student PowerPoint Presentations (Including checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Part 1 – Networks & Topologies
Part 2 - Wired & Wireless Networks, Protocols & Layers
Content Covered:
Types of network:
LAN (Local Area Network)
WAN (Wide Area Network)
Factors that affect the performance of networks
The different roles of computers in a client-server and a peer-to-peer network
The hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network:
Wireless access points
NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card)
Transmission media
The Internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks:
DNS (Domain Name Server)
The Cloud
Web servers and clients
Star and Mesh network topologies
Modes of connection:
Wired - Ethernet
Wireless Wi-Fi & Bluetooth
IP addressing and MAC addressing
Common protocols including:
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) o POP (Post Office Protocol)
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
The concept of layers
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (42 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 1.4.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoint (includes checkpoint questions and answers)
Student PowerPoint (Includes checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Content Covered:
Forms of attack:
Social engineering, e.g. phishing, people as the ‘weak point’
Brute-force attacks
Denial of service attacks
Data interception and theft
The concept of SQL injection
Common prevention methods:
Penetration testing
Anti-malware software
User access levels
Physical security
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (43 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 1.6.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoints(includes checkpoint questions and answers)
Student PowerPoints (Includes checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Content Covered:
Impacts of digital technology on wider society including:
Ethical issues
Legal issues
Cultural issues
Environmental issues
Privacy issues
Legislation relevant to Computer Science:
The Data Protection Act 2018
Computer Misuse Act 1990
Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
Software licences (i.e. open source and proprietary)
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (42 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 2.4.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoint Presentations (includes checkpoint questions and answers)
Student PowerPoint Presentations (Includes checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Content Covered:
Simple logic diagrams using the operators AND, OR and NOT
Truth tables
Combining Boolean operators using AND, OR and NOT
Applying logical operators in truth tables to solve problems
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (31 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 2.5.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoint Presenations (includes checkpoint questions and answers)
Student PowerPoint Presentations (Includes checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Content Covered:
Characteristics and purpose of different levels of programming language:
High-level languages
Low-level languages
The purpose of translators
The characteristics of a compiler and an interpreter
Common tools and facilities available in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE):
Error diagnostics
Run-time environment
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (50 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 2.3.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoint Presentations (includes checkpoint questions and answers)
Student PowerPoint Presentations (Includes checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Content Covered:
Defensive design considerations:
Anticipating misuse
Input validation
Use of sub programs
Naming conventions
The purpose of testing
Types of testing:
Identify syntax and logic errors
Selecting and using suitable test data:
Refining algorithms
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (86 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 2.1.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoints (includes checkpoint questions and answers)
Student PowerPoints (Includes checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Content Covered:
Principles of computational thinking:
Algorithmic thinking
Identify the inputs, processes, and outputs for a problem
Structure diagrams
Create, interpret, correct, complete, and refine algorithms using:
Reference language/high-level programming language
Identify common errors
Trace tables
Standard searching algorithms:
Binary search
Linear search
Standard sorting algorithms:
Bubble sort
Merge sort
Insertion sort
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (148 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 (from 2020) component 2.2.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoint Presentations (including checkpoint questions and answers)
Part 1 – Programming Fundamentals (62 Slides)
Part 2 – Data Types & Additional Programming techniques (86 Slides)
Student PowerPoint Presentations (Including checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Part 1 – Programming Fundamentals
Part 2 – Data Types & Additional Programming techniques
Content Covered:
The use of variables, constants, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments
The use of the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program:
Iteration (count-and condition-controlled loops)
The common arithmetic operators
The common Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT
The use of data types:
Character and string
The use of basic string manipulation
The use of basic file handling operations:
The use of records to store data
The use of SQL to search for data
The use of arrays (or equivalent) when solving problems, including both one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays
How to use sub programs (functions and procedures) to produce structured code
Random number generation
This pack consists of 37 editable homework/classwork activities that can be used to support your delivery of the Computer Science GCSE course. In addition, the homework bundle also contains a suggested mark scheme for each activity.
Unit 1.1
· Components of a CPU
· CPU Performance
· Embedded Systems
Unit 1.2
· Flash Memory & Virtual Memory
· Data Capacity
· Storage Comparison
· Data Storage
· Compression
Unit 1.3
· Wired & Wireless Networks
· Star & Mesh Topology
· Network Protocols
· The Concept of Layers
Unit 1.4
· Malware
· Network Threats
· Network Vulnerabilities
Unit 1.5
· Operating Systems
· Utility Software
Unit 1.6
· The Impacts of Technology
· The Digital Divide
· Legislation + Proprietary and Open Source Software
Unit 2.1
· Decomposition & Abstraction
· Flowcharts & Programs
· Sorting Data
· Sorting & Searching Programs
Unit 2.2
· Selection
· Iteration
· Arrays (Lists)
· Functions
Unit 2.3
· Authentication
· Maintainability
· Testing
Unit 2.4
· Boolean Logic & Truth Tables
· Logic Gates
Unit 2.5
· Programming Languages
· IDEs
This pack consists of 14 end of topic tests that can be used to support your delivery of the course. In addition, the topic test bundle also contains a mark scheme for each test.
Unit 1.1 – 1 Test
Unit 1.2 – 3 Tests
Unit 1.3 – 2 Tests
Unit 1.4 -1 Test
Unit 1.5 - 1 Test
Unit 1.6 - 1 Test
Unit 2.1 - 1 Test
Unit 2.2 - 1 Test
Unit 2.3 - 1 Test
Unit 2.4 - 1 Test
Unit 2.5 - 1 Test
These adaptable PowerPoint Presentations (74 Slides) cover all aspects of the specification in relation to AQA GCSE Computer Science 8525 (from 2020) component 3.1.
It includes:
Teaching PowerPoint Presentations (includes checkpoint questions and answers) -74 Slides
Student PowerPoint Presentations (Includes checkpoint questions, but omits the answers)
Content Covered:
Understand and explain the term algorithm.
Understand and explain the term decomposition.
Understand and explain the term abstraction.
Use a systematic approach to problem solving and algorithm creation representing those
algorithms using pseudo-code, program code and flowcharts.
Explain simple algorithms in terms of their inputs, processing and outputs.
Determine the purpose of simple algorithms.
Understand that more than one algorithm can be used to solve the same problem.
Compare the efficiency of algorithms explaining how some algorithms are more efficient than others in solving the same problem.
Understand and explain how the linear search algorithm works.
Understand and explain how the binary search algorithm works.
Compare and contrast linear and binary search algorithms.
Understand and explain how the merge sort algorithm works.
Understand and explain how the bubble sort algorithm works.
Compare and contrast merge sort and bubble sort algorithms.
Parts 1 -3 of this guide to programming using Python go through many of the programing techniques required to produce simple programs. Part 4 seeks to provide an opportunity to put these ideas into practice. The first section provides instructions on creating a simple board game and the second section demonstrates how Python can be used to create a simple database that can then be searched.