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I’m an English teacher with over twenty years of experience teaching Language, Literature, Media and Drama. I’ve taught a host of curriculum incarnations in the UK where I live and trained, the USA and Australia. I am a fairly new TES author and it’s my ambition to build a collection of high quality, enjoyable, interesting resources for students and teachers.




I’m an English teacher with over twenty years of experience teaching Language, Literature, Media and Drama. I’ve taught a host of curriculum incarnations in the UK where I live and trained, the USA and Australia. I am a fairly new TES author and it’s my ambition to build a collection of high quality, enjoyable, interesting resources for students and teachers.
Romantic Poets Edexcel A Level Literature Scheme of Work

Romantic Poets Edexcel A Level Literature Scheme of Work

A full Scheme of Work for the Romantic Poetry unit (9ETO/03) of the Edexcel A Level Literature course. Information and a host of learning activities address each Assessment Objective, focus on contextual influences, conventions and characteristics of the movement, then on each poet and prescribed poem in turn. Tasks and ideas for study are provided to extrapolate evaluative and insightful understanding of the meanings of each poem in conjunction with further activities which prepare students for writing high level essay responses to essay questions.
Edexcel Prose Study Frankenstein and Handmaid's Tale Thesis Statements and Tasks

Edexcel Prose Study Frankenstein and Handmaid's Tale Thesis Statements and Tasks

Created to raise student achievement in the Edexcel A Level Literature 9ETO/02 examination, a collection of eight sophisticated, evaluative and detailed thesis statements drawing connections between Frankenstein and The Handmaid’s Tale. The statements address all Assessment Objectives for this examination and can be adapted for use in most essays. A number of tasks are included to familiarise students with the language of the mark scheme and to develop their analytical writing skills to an excellent standard. The content and tasks here can be used as one lesson and homework or extended into a longer unit of work.
Jekyll and Hyde Essay Questions, Plans, Exemplar Analytical Writing for AQA GCSE

Jekyll and Hyde Essay Questions, Plans, Exemplar Analytical Writing for AQA GCSE

A Jekyll and Hyde essay writing unit of work with a worksheet pack for AQA GCSE Literature Paper. This gets fantastic results in examination analytical writing focusing on the themes, issues and contextual influences on the novel Jekyll and Hyde and teachers students how to build an argument and write an essay which meets all assessment objectives. This extends skills to level 8 or 9 in analysis, evaluation, incorporating contextual influences and academic writing. The resource contains a list of the central themes of the novel, two extended thesis statements for students to expand upon with supporting evidence, and a number of shorter ideas which students are asked to use to form their own thesis statements and explorations. There are a number of specific references to the contextual influences on the narrative. Together this builds to a sample exam style question and a detailed essay plan. A ppt of 12 slides and 13 page workpack.
Creative Writing Lesson Plans,  Examples, Fun Tasks, Structural and Language Devices for AQA GCSE

Creative Writing Lesson Plans, Examples, Fun Tasks, Structural and Language Devices for AQA GCSE

Creative narrative and descriptive writing unit of work, full lessons of fun, practical activities guaranteed to enable students to make incredible progress. Skills include basing a narrative around a central theme, show don’t tell, avoiding repeating words, focussing on small details of a larger scene, symbolism and layers of meaning, using a variety of sentence structures and punctuation, creating a character, narrative structure, impact openings and closings and more. There are 32 slides and a 27 page worksheet document with easy to follow guidelines, lots of tips for improvement and examples. Tasks are structured to build towards high quality short stories or extended piece of descriptive writing, although they work just as well as stand-alone starters or full lesson tasks. Primarily designed for AQA GCSE Paper 1 Section B, a tried and tested comprehensive selection which can be used with any age group and ability from Year 7 through to 6th Form.
Persuasive Writing Tasks, Devices Definitions, Examples, Scaffolding Ideas for Building an Argument

Persuasive Writing Tasks, Devices Definitions, Examples, Scaffolding Ideas for Building an Argument

A huge 23 page document that gives you everything students need to write effective detailed and well developed persuasive pieces. It consists of definitions and a host of examples (most have between 10 and 20) of 31 persuasive devices which include more sophisticated techniques such as parallel structure, antanagogue, absurdity, weasel words, neologisms, allusion, delayed epithet, hypophora, distinction and metabasis. All of the better known devices such as rhetorical questions, emotive language etc are present as are examples of how to use punctuation for persuasive effect such as ellipsis and inverted commas. There is a list of 34 topics for debate followed by 13 AQA style GCSE Language Paper 2 Question 5s. Also provided are 14 ideas that students can choose between to build any argument around which will help them avoid repeating the same point in their writing. 10 mnemonics are included to help students remember these argument ideas. The resource ends with a handy checklist to aid students in ensuring their writing uses the conventions of a persuasive piece. This resource acts as an excellent addition to any scheme of learning or works very well alone. It is also a useful reference when focusing on specific skills with any age group.
Show Don't Tell Examples, Top Tips, Tasks and Challenges

Show Don't Tell Examples, Top Tips, Tasks and Challenges

A nine slide ppt and 8 page work pack filled with examples of good quality writing that shows rather than tells, top tips, tasks and challenges for students to build skills in using language to show something with their creative writing skills rather than tell it. Ideal for AQA GCSE Language Paper 1 or Key Stages 2 and 3 creative writing.
Sentence Structures Games and Activities for Creative Writing

Sentence Structures Games and Activities for Creative Writing

An editable, no prep required worksheet hand out containing examples of 20 different sentence types which are ideal for extending student achievement in descriptive or narrative writing, a short list of verbs to use when creating personification and ideas for imagery. 10 fun activities / games are provided which consolidate and extend skills in using these sentence types effectively. This works well as a mini unit of work estimated to take between 2 or 4 lessons, or as a useful addition to a longer scheme of learning in preparation for AQA GCSE Language Paper 1 Section B or for skills practice at Key Stage 3.
Introduction to Romanticism Presentation for A Level Literature and Arts

Introduction to Romanticism Presentation for A Level Literature and Arts

An interesting and accessible 18 page ppt presentation introduction to Romanticism which focuses on the contextual influences and central values of the movement across works of literature, visual art and music. Quotations from contemporary philosophers and artists are included with examples of neo classical and Romantic works of art and music. This provides a fun and interesting introduction to any unit of work on Romanticism for A Level Literature or Arts students.
Taming of the Shrew Ten Things I Hate About You Scheme of Work and Resources

Taming of the Shrew Ten Things I Hate About You Scheme of Work and Resources

A 17 page Scheme of Learning focussing on appropriation and comparing The Taming of the Shrew with the film Ten Things I Hate About You. This is written for the Australian National Curriculum English Stage 4 for a Year 8 class, though it could be easily adapted for another curriculum or age group. The scheme is fully differentiated for ESL, Learning Difficulties and Gifted and Talented students. Resources included are: a detailed table connecting all the main elements of the play and film, graphic organisers to aid student thinking and planning, an essay / speech scaffold, a worksheet focussing on the conventions of Shakespearean comedy, at least 20 assessment task ideas, most of which focus on making connections and analysis skills. Assessment tasks take the form of analytical essays and speeches, debate and discussion tasks and creative writing. Six alternative interpretations of Katherina’s final speech are provided with a fun discussion and debate task as well as clear definitions and explanations of the concept of narrative appropriation and transformation. There is a two page introductory essay which explores the way each text reflects the context within which it was created.
The Handmaid's Tale Detailed Chapter by Chapter Breakdown

The Handmaid's Tale Detailed Chapter by Chapter Breakdown

A thorough (15 pages, 5200 words), chapter by chapter breakdown of the content, themes, issues and concerns of the author, literary devices and impact of The Handmaid’s Tale. Every point is tied to specific textual references which together provide an essential support resource for any study of the novel for A Level study for AQA, Edexcel, OCR or other examination boards. This reource also assists study for the Australian HSC.
Frankenstein Themes, Issues and Concepts Analysis Table

Frankenstein Themes, Issues and Concepts Analysis Table

A detailed analysis of the novel Frankenstein incorporating literary and contextual themes, concepts and issues. Twelve thinking questions for essays or discussion are also included. This is pitched at a sophisticated level and is best suited to an advanced GCSE class or A Level group. The resource is divided into sections depending on the issue under consideration. This also allows for the document to be cut into sections to stimulate a range of discussions and further research among students. This will provide an excellent addition to any GCSE Frankenstein scheme, particularly for the AQA specification. It will also benefit A Level students in their continued exploration of the novel.
AQA GCSE Language Paper 2 Last Minute Advice

AQA GCSE Language Paper 2 Last Minute Advice

Four pages of question by question advice and tips for AQA GCSE Language Paper 2 Section A and Section B. Easy to remember acronyms, sentence stems and phrases, rhetorical devices and strategies tailored to the Assessment Objectives of each question. Excellent for last minute cramming or consolidation of knowledge.
Wolves of Willoughby Chase Mini Unit

Wolves of Willoughby Chase Mini Unit

37 detailed study questions for chapters 1 to 5, a list of gothic features with a task, a short exemplar essay analysing an extract and another extract with questions which can be used as a test. A list of ideas for learning activities is also included.
Shelley Stanzas ... Naples sample A Grade Essay for Edexcel A Level Literature

Shelley Stanzas ... Naples sample A Grade Essay for Edexcel A Level Literature

A short 600 word A Grade exemplar essay exploring the spontaneous overflow of emotion in Shelley’s Stanzas Written in Dejection Near Naples. The meaning and impact of literary devices are explored in connection with contextual issues relation to Shelley’s own life and the wider Romantic movement. Originally designed for the Edexcel A Level Literature course, this can be used as an exemplar analysis and to assist creating an essay response which explores two Romantic poems for the 9ETO/03 examination paper.
Prose Study Frankenstein and Handmaid’s Tale Edexcel A Level Literature Scheme of Work

Prose Study Frankenstein and Handmaid’s Tale Edexcel A Level Literature Scheme of Work

For the Edexcel A Level Literature Prose Study: Science and Society, a detailed Scheme of Learning connecting Frankenstein and The Handmaid’s Tale. A range of concepts and focuses for study are included, along with sophisticated vocabulary and terminology. There are many thought provoking discussion questions, critical viewpoints and ideas provided which can be adapted to extended essay content. Interesting individual and collaborative learning activities with a number of links to websites with useful related content are included throughout.
Of Mice and Men Reading Guide

Of Mice and Men Reading Guide

A 21 page reading guide to Of Mice and Men including chapter summaries, brief thinking tasks, a bank of quotations, character descriptions, explanations of themes and issues.
Macbeth Plot Synopsis

Macbeth Plot Synopsis

A one page synopsis of the story of the play with embedded quotations. This is ideal to begin a unit of work on the play or as a resource to aid revision.