Edexcel GCSE PE Workbook used for the end of term/topic.
Key information from the specification
Activities such as fill in the gaps, answering questions, matchups
Key terminology
Command Words for Exam Q’s.
A powerpoint on Exercise Intensity with integrated questions for BTEC Sport Level 2 lessons.
Measuring Heart Rate
Training Zones
Calculating Training Zones
Borg RPE Scale
Practice questions
Information is taken from the most up to date specification.
Please feel free to leave a review - much appreciated :)
Edexcel GCSE PE Component 2 Lesson 1:
Powerpoint presentation focusing on the following topics -
1.1.1 Physical health: how increasing physical ability, through
improving components of fitness can improve health/reduce
health risks and how these benefits are achieved
1.1.2 Emotional health: how participation in physical activity and
sport can improve emotional/psychological health and how
these benefits are achieved
1.1.3 Social health: how participation in physical activity and sport
can improve social health and how these benefits are
A short resource for Football Pitch Orienteering (smaller 3G pitches).
Includes answer sheet for students to add to and a main map with control points and points that they are worth (although this can be changed and adapted as you wish!)
If you find it useful please leave a short review :)
A booklet for all skills at Level 1 in Cheerleading for use either in lessons or in extra curricular clubs.
The booklet provides acknowledgement for those that have attempted skills, and those who continue to complete and master skills.
Can be adapted for all levels.
There are three different roles that you can use to create these lanyards.
Additionally, there is a ‘feedback slip’ where by a 'tick ’ and a ‘target’ is used. This is essentially what went well and even better if, however using the school’s terminology. Feel free to adapt these as you please!
An April Calender complete with hyperlinks to tutorials and videos for students to complete at home during isolation.
Stretching tutorials
Improving flexibility
Improving Technique
Learning new skills
Long Jump Challenges - Year 7 pupils in pairs work through tasks based on understanding of the best way to jump. This can be completed indoors/outdoors/ into a pit and use of cones shows progression throughout.
(Change name on Microsoft Word)
A 58-slide long presentation for classroom based Dance lessons (can be adapted and used within a studio/hall). Focus is on gesture & tutting with links to youtube videos.
PPT Includes:
Links/ QR Codes to videos for analysis/inspiration
Engaging starter tasks to ensure students are still physical within a classroom setting
A structured lesson set (7) including self-reflection and peer-reflection ideas
Key words & Phrases with links to GCSE Dance Terminology
Easily adaptable!
A booklet created for Health Related Fitness practical lessons for years 7 and 8 with an element of theory behind it.
Includes worksheets with starter Q’s and exit tasks for the pupils to complete:
WHat is Health and Fitness
Warm Ups
Heart Rate and Exercise Intensity
Heart Rate and Cardiovascular Endurance
Components of fitness & Links to Sport
Components of fitness & Fitness Testing (x2)
PDF Document and Word Document
If choosing to adapt you will need to download the following fonts from dafont.com - BUDMO/GREAT WISHES/SUGARY PANCAKE
A Dance work booklet including a number of worksheets for students to complete either in lessons or as home learning.
Requires pupils to complete the worksheets using their own knowledge/research. Contains links to their current learning and with GCSE Dance terminology/anthology.
Example of contents:
safe working practices / warm ups
action space dynamic relationships sort
word searches based on key terminology
dance dictionary (to complete)
motif development tasks
Please feel free to review it - would be much appreciated! :)
A components of fitness powerpoint with key information and accompanying questions.
Self-Mark Questions
Physical Components of Fitness Slides
Table to Complete
Skill-Related Components of Fitness Slides
Awards 3-10 in trampolining with individual skills written out & routine for each award.
Students can peer check this by ticking off each of the skills as they think their partner can do them and finally ticking the routine once complete.
PDF document created on Canva so cannot make changes (no school logo’s etc on them)