
Edexcel 9-1 history command word descriptors
Examination command words created to support pupils with understanding expectations of all three papers.

REVISION CLOCK ANGLO-SAXON AND NORMAN ENGLAND ( Edexcel 9-1: Anglo Saxon and Norman England)
The concept of a revision clock is that pupils spend five minutes completing each section - thus meaning they revise a large amount of a single topic in an hour.
this resource includes two revision clocks, i plan to provide my pupils with it printed double sided, they will complete one side in class and one side for homework.
I have based these clocks largely on the Pearson purple revision guides, the clock follows the pages from front to back.
Another technique is to ask pupils to fill out what they know in one colour, and then use a second colour to revise using a revision guide or textbook, giving them a colour coded guide to what they need to focus their revision on.

REVISION Hitler's Rise to Power (Edexcel 9-1: Weimar and Nazi Germany)
This lesson is set to help pupils revise content surrounding Hitler’s rise to power in preparation for Paper 3 of the new edexcel specification (2016).
Pupils will:
Describe the Reichstag Fire
Analyse the reasons he rose to power - differentiated
Plan and answer (if time) a 20 mark interpretation question
Analyse how useful a source is

REVISION American West Thinking Quilt (Edexcel 9-1)
American West thinking quilt designed to provide pupils with the opportunity to make links between different events and consider their impact on the development of the American West.
I have checked through both the Pearson textbook and revision guide to ensure that all key content is included in this A3 thinking quilt.
Pupils first read the boxes and add a sentence to any that they are not sure of with the support of peers, revision guides or the teacher.
They then colour code them based on catagories they could fit into such as ‘law and order’ and ‘conflict with Plains Indians’.
You can find the lesson that this thinking quilt is a part of here:

WW1 Medicine Revision Session (Edexcel 9-1)
Session covers the Western Front section of the Edexcel history 9-1 course.
Pupils cover:
features of a trench
features of the main battles
key medical problems
key medical advances
blood transfusions and x-rays (problems and solutions)
following up a source

Who should be King 1066?
Lesson to pair with who should be king homework.
Who should be king homework - pupils have one each (3 claimants covered, Hardrada, Godwinson and William the Conqueror)
Each profile includes: Why the individual wants to be king, problems with their plans, who they are and extension activity (an interesting fact about the individual).
Support and differentiation: on the back of the worksheet it tells pupils who they are, their claim (strengths and weaknesses) and there are some websites for each individual at the bottom of the page.
Pupils then use their research collaboratively to compare each other claimants and write a persuasive speech as to whom they think is the best choice.

Medicine Through Time Revision Activity Book (designed for Edexcel 9-1)
Revision booklet with:
Knowledge checker (RAG rated)
input of knowledge for each section laid out appealingly
tasks at the end of teach unit - 10 ideas of how pupils can revise, four key words to define and a quick quiz (answers in the back)
source (strengths and weaknesses) table at the back of the booklet

Renaissance Medicine Homeworks (Edexcel history 9-1)
Selection of homeworks to support pupils outside of their lessons, mixture of consolidating knowledge and exam questions. All fully differentiated to aid progress.

Anglo-Saxon and Norman England key words (Edexcel 9-1)
two page document with key words for the unit on it - in line with Edexcel 9-1.
I went through the Pearson textbook and included all of the key words from front to back of the textbook.

Medicine Through Time Revision Bundle
Five sessions that cover revision for the Medicine Through Time unit.
Each session comes with a worksheet for pupils to create that they can take home to revise from.
Sessions include:
Medieval medicine 1250-1500
Renaissance medicine 1500-1700
Early Modern medicine 1700-1900
Modern medicine 1900-2000
WW1 Medicine in the trenches (Historic environment) 1914-1918

Weimar and Nazi Germany key words (Edexcel 9-1)
Three page document of key words for the Weimar and Nazi Germany unit.
I used the Hodder textbook and went through cover to cover to produce a document of all key words to support pupils with the content prior to examination.

AMERICAN WEST REVISION CLOCK (Edexcel 9-1: The American West)
The concept of a revision clock is that pupils spend five minutes completing each section - thus meaning they revise a large amount of a single topic in an hour.
this resource includes two revision clocks, i plan to provide my pupils with it printed double sided, they will complete one side in class and one side for homework.
Another technique is to ask pupils to fill out what they know in one colour, and then use a second colour to revise using a revision guide or textbook, giving them a colour coded guide to what they need to focus their revision on.

REVISION CLOCK: Weimar and Nazi Germany (Edexcel 9-1)
The concept of a revision clock is that pupils spend five minutes completing each section - thus meaning they revise a large amount of a single topic in an hour.
this resource includes two revision clocks, i plan to provide my pupils with it printed double sided, they will complete one side in class and one side for homework.
Another technique is to ask pupils to fill out what they know in one colour, and then use a second colour to revise using a revision guide or textbook, giving them a colour coded guide to what they need to focus their revision on.

Chronology (What is history? (KS3))
Pupils explore the concept of chronology and how it supports historical learning, they are also introduced to the concept of a turning point and identify turning points in their own lives/across history. Includes a chronological order game of significant events from history.
WALT: define chronological order and apply this skill to historic events.
L3: Define what the term chronological means.
L4: create a timeline of events from history in chronological order.
L5: Explain what a turning point is.
L6: Apply skills to a timeline of my own life and evaluate the biggest turning point in my life so far.

Ice Mummy Interpretation Skills Lesson (What is history? (KS3))
This lesson follows a pupil led investigation in which they discover what has happened to the ice mummies - this lesson builds upon this knowledge and develops skills of working with interpretations prior to baseline assessment - this lesson is part of a series of lessons that build upon use of sources, interpretations and finally a baseline assessment. These can be found separately or as part of a bundle in my tes shop.
WALT: apply knowledge of the Ice Maiden to interpretations about what happened to her.
L3: Recall key facts about the Ice Maiden.
L4: Describe what an interpretation is and how a historian creates it.
L5: Create an interpretation about what happened to the Ice Mummy.
L5-6: Analyse interpretations that we will use in our assessment to plan why we agree and disagree with them.

What is History? KS3 introduction to history
This scheme of work has been created to introduce and embed historical skills across KS3.
Pupils explore key concepts such as chronology, bias, and interpretations before conducting their own investigation over a series of six lessons.
The seventh lesson of the series can be used as a baseline assessment and is in line with the interpretation skills included in Paper 3 (edexcel 9-1).

KS3 Elizabeth I
Full scheme of work consisting of 9 lessons exploring the reign of Elizabeth I.
All lessons fully differentiated and designed to embed skills required for the reformed GCSE’s.
Topics in order of teaching are:
Who was Elizabeth?
Who should marry Elizabeth?
Poverty and the poor laws
Mary Queen of Scots - whats the problem?
Mary Queen of Scots - plots and execution
Armada - causes
Armada - events narrative account

The Rising Against Tostig Godwinson (Anglo-Saxon and Norman England (Edexcel 9-1))
WALT: Evaluate the reasons and response to the rebellion against Tostig.2-3: Recall key facts about the role of an earl.
4-5: Describe reasons Saxons did not like Tostig.
6-7: Explain why factors would make somebody rebel.
8-9*: evaluate whether Harold was right to exile his brother.
Pupils will recall the roles of an earl for the starter.
They will then go through each of the reasons the Saxons hated Tostig (printable handout that pupils highlight and annotate)
They write a letter to Harold (LA) or a response from Harold (HA) explaining why they are upset/ how they are going to offer help
They analyse the impact this had upon Harold’s claim and whether he was right to exile his brother.

WW1 Medicine in the Trenches homework (Edexcel history 9-1)
Free resources, homework for pupils to support the Edexcel 9-1 medicine through time paper.

Edexcel History 2016 AO descriptors 9-1
Grade descriptors taken from the Edexcel specification and created as a display for a classroom including the percentage of weighting for each skill pupils need to be successful in their examination. easily adapted to suit your needs.