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Ellieteacher's Shop

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I am a junior school teacher with 24 year's experience. I love to teach English most of all, but I get inspired by all aspects of the curriculum. In my shop you will find resources covering English, Maths, History, Philosophy, Art and RE and much more!




I am a junior school teacher with 24 year's experience. I love to teach English most of all, but I get inspired by all aspects of the curriculum. In my shop you will find resources covering English, Maths, History, Philosophy, Art and RE and much more!
MAGIC MATHS TRIANGLES using and applying Yr 2-5

MAGIC MATHS TRIANGLES using and applying Yr 2-5

Follow the SB and the web link. The children have to make all the sides equal the same by trial and error. On the web link complete the first one together and then ask them to use the worksheet to find other totals. There is a reflection/plenary sheet for them to fill in at the end.
Quarters and Fifths Bingo  KS 2/3

Quarters and Fifths Bingo KS 2/3

Children love to play these types of games. Download the rules to understand the different ways it can be played and to get the clues to read out. This helps them to learn quarters and fifths and some of their equivalent fractions too. It helps them to find the numerator (never under) and the denominator(down). PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK!
Yr 3/4/5 Division Challenge 6 stages+ SB

Yr 3/4/5 Division Challenge 6 stages+ SB

The children LOVED this lesson! Follow the Smart board to understand what to do. The children try to answer the 10 division questions on each card as quickly as possible and then self mark before moving on to the next stage. Only let them have one stage at a time. PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK!The questions get harder as they go along but there are no division with remainders questions. It is very motivation. (A few managed all 6 stages in half an hour-that's a lot of maths!)
Maths Sudoku 4x4 grid symbols 2 levels Yr 2/3/4+SB

Maths Sudoku 4x4 grid symbols 2 levels Yr 2/3/4+SB

This is a using and applying maths lesson which introduces the children to the idea of Sudoku using symbols. PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK! There is a web link to the free worksheets. There are 2 levels of difficulty. Use the Smart board which takes you through the lesson. Use the plenary sheet at the end, one for each child to stick in their book, so they can reflect on their learning. This type of lesson takes a bit longer than an hour if you include all the starter activities too.
3D shape investigation Smartboard and sheet KS2

3D shape investigation Smartboard and sheet KS2

The children have a chart with pictures of 3D shapes on and they have to write how many faces, vertices (remember this as the points and there is a point in the letter v) and edges the shapes have. They also have to write or draw pictures of any other objects they can think of which are the same shape.
Time table bingo simple and harder + answers KS2

Time table bingo simple and harder + answers KS2

Read the very simple instructions. This will help the children to learn key times tables like 7x8, 7x7, 9x6 etc. There is an easier and harder game. The harder one includes some negative numbers to times. This is easy to use because all the children have the same bingo card. PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK!
Subtraction bingo Yr 2-4 + subtraction vocab

Subtraction bingo Yr 2-4 + subtraction vocab

This is my simple version of bingo which involves everyone having the same board! They only highlight 4 or 5 of the squares and then get that number of counters. There is a mixture of questions and subtraction vocab such as minus, less, decrease and take away. You give clues by giving the answer to one of the questions or e.g. 'this is the subtraction symbol&'. The first one to have 5 counters on their board is the winner. This is a great way to teach children subtraction vocabulary and can be used as a starter or in the plenary.
2 Carroll diagrams 5/6 times table even/odd

2 Carroll diagrams 5/6 times table even/odd

Two Carroll diagrams to sort numbers on to. The easier one is 5 times table/not 5 times table even/not even and the second one is the same but this time it is the 6 times table. You can do the easier one all together on the carpet and then the children can do the 6 times table one at their desks. I teach in a set so I can able to give them all similar work. If you have different abilities you could adapt it to the 2 times table for example. Please leave feedback!
using and applying addition SBoard  'MAZE 100' KS2

using and applying addition SBoard 'MAZE 100' KS2

There is a link to the nrich website where you will find the sheet and more information. The starter of this lesson looks at balancing sums , Then the main part of the lesson introduces the maze. They have to go from beginning to end and each number they go through they have to add on to their total and they must have 100 by the end. Please leave feedback!
Hyperlinks to  fun online 3D shape games KS2

Hyperlinks to fun online 3D shape games KS2

The children can click on these and it takes them directly to lots of fun online games from various websites. I had all the laptops out for a lesson and they loved it. They are doing so much maths through play! Very motivational.
Using and Applying Maths Games lesson+SB   KS1+2

Using and Applying Maths Games lesson+SB KS1+2

Use the Smart board to take you through explaining the four games. Use the web link to download the free games: Pig, Boxes, Thirty up and Four Star. The idea is that they work strategically and use their knowledge to win! It should be a fun lesson. They can work with different partners. There is a plenary/reflection sheet at the end that can be stuck in their books.PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK!
Planning a birthday party for 10 maths money KS2

Planning a birthday party for 10 maths money KS2

The children have a price list with the cost of savoury and sweet food, party bag items and games. They can choose which products to buy and put them into tables and calculate the cost. It could be made harder or easier by changing the prices. They should enjoy this as every child loves a party! May take more than 1 lesson. PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK!
KS2 Football lesson 5 activities/5 stations

KS2 Football lesson 5 activities/5 stations

If you are not a PE specialist this is a good lesson as it could be repeated several times and it teaches some of the key skills in football. Follow the lesson plan but it is very simple. After the warm up split the class into 5 groups. Laminate the cards and put them at five different places as there are five different activities. You might want to pick children to demonstrate each activity first, especially if they are younger. PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK!