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French and Geography Resources based on Irish curriculum. Well-structured and easy to use! Please leave a review :-)




French and Geography Resources based on Irish curriculum. Well-structured and easy to use! Please leave a review :-)
Leaving Cert French Oral Exam - Ireland

Leaving Cert French Oral Exam - Ireland

This document is aimed at higher level Leaving Cert French students in Ireland who are preparing for the oral exam. Could be adapted for ordinary level students. The booklet has one page dedicated to a theme (e.g. myself & my family, my area, school, pastimes etc…). There are margins at the side of each themed page in which students can take notes on pronunciation. There is some guidance at the top of each page as to what to include. There is a ‘star of the show’ section at the end of each theme in which student can write idioms/expressions/pieces of key vocab that they really want to be sure to include when discussing that theme. At the back of the booklet, there are tips for the exam and also details on the marking scheme. My students are really happy to have all of their oral content together in one place and find this document very useful in the last stages of their preparation.
Mon Stage - Sentence Builder Worksheet (Work Experience)

Mon Stage - Sentence Builder Worksheet (Work Experience)

A sentence builder worksheet for Transition Year students for their return after work placement. End goal: to write a detailed description of their work placement. Students should be encouraged to use dictionaries / online translating tools to look up vocab specific to their placement. Once everyone has written a description, I like to invite 2-3 students to read their description aloud in order to facilitate a listening exercise for the others in the class. For more resources like this, see ‘my shop’.
Après le Bac/L'avenir

Après le Bac/L'avenir

A unit of work designed to help Leaving Cert French students prepare for the theme of ‘l’avenir’ (the future/life after the Leaving Cert) for the oral examination. There are six main questions under which are there are multiple answers. This will help students to enrich their vocab on this theme. Once all vocab is translated, students can choose sentences from each section and use these to build a detailed description of what they would like to do after the Leaving Cert. There is also an extension activity which incorporates listening skills. The teacher can select a few students to read their future plans aloud and students then complete the listening/answer the questions based on their classmates description.
Les Jeux Olympiques Paris 2024

Les Jeux Olympiques Paris 2024

A unit of learning based on the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Suitable for a range of ages/year groups. Lots of differentiation. Graphic organiser/vocab worksheet - students need to use the Quizlet study set (linked here) to complete the worksheet. Small extension exercises included here e.g. can you not only list but also conjugate the verb? https://quizlet.com/ie/914411227/les-jeux-olympiques-flash-cards/?i=2r8x8o&x=1jqt Listening exercise using ‘Un jour, une question’ YouTube video (authentic material)- also linked here. Two worksheets - one with English questions and one with French questions. I allowed the students to choose which one they wanted here. Includes a word bank. *I slowed the video down to 0.75 speed as it is quite fast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpMFhfomipc&t=1s Gap-fill exercise based on the transcript of the YouTube video (slightly adapted), using the key vocab from previous exercise as the missing words. Facilitates written production in a scaffolded way. For more materials like this, see My Shop!
Le Tournoi des Six Nations

Le Tournoi des Six Nations

A 9-slide PPT on the Six Nations with focus on Ireland and France. Includes an translation exercise based on rugby vocab as well as a small comprehension exercise using a short factfile on 4 players. Also includes an infographic from World Rugby to bring in some numeracy - this is accompanied by a ‘Do you understand’ slide in which the students are given some figures from the infographic and they must state to what each one refers. A small unit of work - could be completed in an hour-long class maybe with some oral discussion added in on pastimes/sport. For more resources like this, see ‘My Shop’.
Trouve quelqu'un qui... activity

Trouve quelqu'un qui... activity

A ‘find someone who’ activity which can be used to get to know a new class or to facilitate active learning, group work, to get the students moving around the class. Great activity for getting students speaking en français.
La Francophonie

La Francophonie

French in the world! A 28 slide ppt including several activities and embedded YouTube clips. Also includes details of project work which I assign after this unit of work - this slide can be deleted or amended to suit your lesson. Also included is a sentence builder/notes sheet which can be given to students to assist them with the project work or with an additional translation exercise if you wished. I use this resource with a mixed ability TY class. For more resources like this, see ‘My shop’.
La Coupe du Monde de Rugby 2023

La Coupe du Monde de Rugby 2023

An 11 slide ppt on the Rugby World Cup (in French). Suitable for a strong 3rd year/Junior cycle class, TY or 5th year group. Includes a flag activity, vocab activity and short comprehension/fact-file activity. Takes approximately a one hour class to complete. For more resources like this, see my shop!
Le tabagisme et le vapotage chez les jeunes

Le tabagisme et le vapotage chez les jeunes

A lesson on smoking and vaping amongst young people, aimed at higher level, Leaving Cert students. The first document is a sentence builder worksheet. I ask students to work together to translate the key vocab (dictionaries are available to them for this if required). I then mix up the student pairings so that everyone is working with someone new, and ask the students to categorise the vocab into nouns, verbs and adjectives (this helps to prepare them for the ‘trouvez dans le texte’ questions often seen in the comprehensions in LC exams). Once the words have been translated, categorised and corrected, students work alone to translate the sentences on the worksheet from French to English. These sentences can then be used in an opinion piece on this topic. The second document is a text which can be used to further build and enrich vocab, can be used as a reading activity, or as a comprehension. Useful vocab and expressions can be identified and copied into a notes copy or added to the first worksheet for future use in opinion pieces. I find these activities really useful for preparing students for opinion questions or oral questions on these themes. Differentiation can be facilitated through the student pairings. For more Higher Level Leaving Cert French resources, see ‘My Shop’.
L'interdiction de Mediator - Le médicament du diabète

L'interdiction de Mediator - Le médicament du diabète

A gapfill exercises on the banning of diabetes drug, Mediator. I use this in my teaching of ‘la santé’. It includes some useful theme-based vocab and some complex grammar ideas. Also includes a ‘trouvez dans le texte’ exercise as an extension activity. Suitable for a higher level leaving cert class.
French Idioms

French Idioms

A PPT with French idioms which can be used as a teaching tool or printed and used as posters.
L'importance du sport

L'importance du sport

A gapfill exercises on the importance of sport, looking at physical, mental and other benefits. Once corrected, this piece will serve as a sample answer for an opinion piece on the topic. Also attached is the full sample answer. Can be used as a pair or group reading activity or comprehension.
L'arbitrage dans le sport

L'arbitrage dans le sport

A theme based ‘production écrite’ worksheet on refereeing. Includes a worksheet for students and the answer sheet for teachers. I started this activity using the key vocab listed - students had to work in pairs to translate and categorise the words (nouns/adjectives/verbs). They then had to use the vocab and prior knowledge to translate the sentences, all of which can be used for an opinion piece on this topic. Suitable for a Higher Level Leaving Cert/A level class.
Charlie Hebdo

Charlie Hebdo

A short PowerPoint that introduces the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo and that gives a brief overview of the terrorist attack at their Parisian HQ in 2015. Includes a short vocab and grammar exercise. Aimed at higher level Leaving Cert students.
Le gaélique et sa survie

Le gaélique et sa survie

A gap-fill exercise on the status of Irish/Irish as a compulsory subject. Will serve as a notes handout for an opinion question on this topic when completed and corrected. Aimed at Higher Level Leaving Cert students.
Les avantages d'apprendre une langue étrangère - Benefits of learning a foreign language

Les avantages d'apprendre une langue étrangère - Benefits of learning a foreign language

A gap-fill exercise based on the advantages of learning a foreign language/French as a second language. This serves as a detailed sample answer for an opinion question once completed and corrected. Also has a follow-on ‘Trouvez dans le texte’ exercise which requires students to find different grammar elements in the text, e.g. an infinitive verb, a possessive adjective etc… Aimed at a higher level Leaving Cert/A-Level class.