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AQA 9-1 American West Flashcards

AQA 9-1 American West Flashcards

All of the Key Dates on one side, their description on the back. Simply print backto back on card. Instructions for different ways to use them also attached.
AQA History:  1C Knowledge Organisers for Early Tudors

AQA History: 1C Knowledge Organisers for Early Tudors

All the essential knowledge condensed into one/two sides of A4 per Key Question. Knowledge Quizzes and more to come. Students and staff have commented that they made revision manageable. Detailed examples and facts and figures included for AO1 evidence and contextual knowledge for AO3.
AQA History Edward & Mary Knowledge Organisers

AQA History Edward & Mary Knowledge Organisers

All of the essential information on Edward and Mary on 1 sheet. Can be pasted to PowerPoints or made into flash cards. Knowledge quizzes to come which are based upon these sheets. Students said they helped them to feel revision was manageable.