A 9 week introduction to the basic concepts of C#. Includes fully made PowerPoint and Worksheets with further reading included for extending the learning of students who are more proficient in programming. Over 30 hours of teaching and activities included - designed for level 3 learners (A-Level, BTEC and Access) but can be used for younger learners, however they may need more time.
Week 1 - Introduction to C# includes PowerPoint, Activity sheet and Extension
Week 2- Variables, includes Reading, PowerPoint and Activity
Week 3 -IF and SWITCH statement, includes PowerPoint and 2 Activity Sheets
Week 4 - Error Handling, Includes Activity Sheet, PowerPoint and a program relating to the tasks.
Week 5 - Loops, Includes PowerPoint and Activity Sheet
Week 6 - Object Oriented Programming, includes Starter, PowerPoint and Activity Sheet
Week 7 - Encapsulation, Includes PowerPoint and Activity Sheet
Week 8 - Arrays, includes PowerPoint and Activity Sheet
Week 9- Programming Challenges includes PowerPoint and Activity sheet - designed to test students learning. Can be used as a stand alone lesson at the end of can be used to test throughout the teaching.
Lesson 1 - British Values worksheet
Lesson 2 - Create a poster about the values of Pakistan.
Lesson 3 - Limbo
Lesson 4 - Jamaican Market Place
Lesson 5 - Presents from my Aunt
Lesson 6 and 7 - Hurricane Hits England.
Lesson 8 - Half Caste