Help your students to write effective analytical paragraphs with this bright What, How, Why display pack.
Step by step posters that support your students in their writing.
Support your students with their analysis skills by giving them a learning mat to help them to structure their paragraphs.
Use as a laminated support mat, or print them off and stick them into their books so they can be referred to as many times as needed.
A selection of lessons on Roald Dahl’s ‘The Landlady’
The PowerPoint takes you through the story, looking at the language that Roald Dahl uses to write such a compelling and unnerving piece of work.
The lessons finish with a descriptive writing task that asks students to create their own piece of writing based on what they have learned from Dahl’s work.
A descriptive writing techniques learning mat using the acronym A COAST MAP.
Provide your students with a laminated copy as support during descriptive writing lessons, or print off and have them stick them into their books to refer to whenever they need.
A display pack for upgrading sentences based on the boring sentence “The boy looked grubby”. A lovely and colourful resource for both KS3 and KS4 classrooms.
The pack consists of:
14 A4 sheets: 1 x display title, 1 x “boring sentence” and 10 x upgraded sentences. It also includes arrows to use in the display.
These printable starter activities for the Merchant of Venice give your students a fun and engaging activity to complete at the beginning of your lesson. Just print and leave on their desk before they enter the classroom.
This pack includes 8 activities:
If this is the answer, what is the question?
A crossword
Who said it?
Key vocabulary definition activity
Hot air balloon activity
A writing challenge
A plot cloze activity