A lesson based on the events of the destruction of Pompeii. Pupils create an escape plan and then test it’s success by analysing the events of the day. Includes Powerpoint, info sheet and pupil worksheet.
Three knowledge organisers covering the three key topics for Edexcel’s Early Elizabethan England:
Queen, government and religion
Challenges to Elizabeth
Elizabethan society and the age of exploration
Each key topic is condensed to one page with keywords, key info and a timeline of key dates.
Fully editable
Designed primarily for my mid grade students.
In this lesson pupils will examine the growth of the Roman empire. There is a map exercise where pupils colour the growing empire at different stages. Pupils analyse the map by answering questions. Extension task included.
Pupil map can be found at the end of the PPT
Help pupils access the course, deepen understanding and build cultural capital.
Designed to be copied as an A5 booklet for pupils to complete as homework throughout the Germany unit (ideally prior to the keyword/term being used in lesson). Each page (see image) contains a keyword, definition, origin, example of use in context and information to enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding.
This document is 23 pages long and editable.
Literacy builder for keywords associated with history intro unit and the Romans. Can be copied as an A5 booklet and used for homework. Intended to improve pupils understanding of keywords associated with the unit and therefore build cultural capital. A blank template at the end allows teachers to add additional keywords linked to their own scheme of work or for pupils to add additional keywords that pop up through a unit of study. This document is 16 pages long.
Introduction to the Romans using artefacts. Ideally the lesson should be taught using some original and replica items which may be in your stockroom or can be borrowed from local museums. However, there are photos of the objects in the Powerpoint which could be printed off for pupils. The lesson could also be delivered as a general history lesson on the use of artefacts. Powerpoint and editable worksheet included.
Pupils take on the role of Roman experts to advise Tony Robinson’s Time Team on a possible villa site. Using the evidence they produce an ‘I Spy’ top 4 things to look out for in a Roman Villa
Sources can be found in the PPT
This document is 20 pages long and editable.
Designed to be copied as an A5 booklet for pupils to complete as homework throughout the Elizabethan unit (ideally prior to the keyword/term being used in lesson).
Each page (see image) contains a keyword, definition, origin, example of use in context and information to enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding. Designed to help pupils access the course, deepen understanding and build cultural capital.