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Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING

Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING

UPDATED with new graphics and HANDS-ON application of ratio for DEEPER LEARNING. This resource has been made using the ratio and proportion objectives for Year 6 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Solve problems involving relative sizes of two quantities where missing values can be found by using integer multiplication and division facts Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages (of measures, and such as 15% of 360) and the use of percentages for comparison Solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known or can be found Solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions and multiples ADDITIONALLY there is a HANDS-ON RATIO & PROPORTION WITH FOOD for children to apply their understanding in context with cookies, pancakes, and pizza dough. The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks. ----------------- You might also like: Year 6 Maths: Number and Place Value Year 6 Maths: Operations Year 6 Maths: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Year 6 Maths: Algebra Year 6 Maths BUNDLE
Year 4 Maths BUNDLE

Year 4 Maths BUNDLE

5 Resources
This resource is a BUNDLE of all of the different strands of the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s Maths objectives for Year 4 in NUMBER & PLACE VALUE; OPERATIONS; FRACTIONS & DECIMALS; MEASUREMENT; AND PROPERTIES OF SHAPE. ADDITIONALLY there are HANDS-ON FRACTION & DECIMAL AND MEASUREMENT PRACTICE WITH FOOD AND PAPER AIRPLANES for children to apply their understanding in context with donuts and lemonade. The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.
Year 4 Maths: Properties of Shape

Year 4 Maths: Properties of Shape

This resource has been made using the properties of shape objectives for Year 4 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles, based on their properties and sizes Identify acute and obtuse angles and compare and order angles up to two right angles by size Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes presented in different orientations Complete a simple symmetric figure with respect to a specific line of symmetry The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.
Year 4 Maths: Operations

Year 4 Maths: Operations

This resource has been made using the operations objectives for Year 4 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation Solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12 Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally, including: multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing by 1; multiplying together three numbers Recognise and use factor pairs and commutativity in mental calculations Multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout Solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to multiply two digit numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems such as n objects are connected to m objects The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.