A full hour lesson with demos and differentiated questions as well as a simple plenary. I have borrowed from the brilliant GoTeachMaths to integrate into a simple lesson. Some of the questions have elements of Higher but it is largely aimed at Foundation
A series of exam questions covering all the bases: rounding, error intervals, upper and lower bound calculations, suitable accuracy, maximum error, re-arranging the subject, similarity, Pythagoras with hypotenuse, rules of indices, trig and equations with significant figures. This should cover grades 7-9. With solutions
An introductory lesson with differentiated worksheet introducing the concept of iteration to lower ability groups who can then progress to making their own iteration machines for the following lesson by re-arranging. If uploaded please comment (positive or negative).
This is a free sample of the 9-1 series. I have only excluded the toolkit from this free sample.
This is part of a collection of 9-1 Topic booklets I have created aimed at Grade 7-9 with a focus on Grade 8/9 questions. I intend to charge a nominal sum of £1 for the booklet and £1 for the model solutions. I have inserted a toolkit for exam questions in each booklet which allows for independent practice as well as quick revision. It also highlights and hints on how to deconstruct more difficult exam questions.
Higher Prime Factorisations
A collection of exam style and problem solving questions using basic number theory around prime factorisation
A tookit (should be printed in A3) which covers different algebraic expressions used in probability and works towards setting up and solving garde 7/8/9 exam questions. I have used this when giving students questions taken from Maths Genie, Resourceaholic as well as the new 9-1 questions set by Edexcel. Hope its useful.
A simple cut out and match activity combining worded problems, concept diagrams, algebraic equations and a solution space. There is an simple exercise followed by a more challenging one.
I reformulated the initial worksheet so that it appears more like the new 9-1 worded type questions. I used this for my students working towards Grades 8/9I will put up the solutions soon. Kindly leave a review if you find this useful.
One of my pupils requested some questions similar to an Edexcel Mock which involved creating two equations, solving one and substituting into another. Harder questions usually involve setting up non-replacement but this was a nice question on replacement trees. I built a series of questions on the same one with variations as well as model to help understanding.
I have included a model, blank tree diagrams, questions and solutions