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The Aristotelian Triad - Poster - English Language, Paper 2, Section B - Pathos, Ethos and Logos
A colourful, informative poster depicting The Aristotelian Triad (Pathos, Ethos and Logos) which is good to use in English Language, Paper 2, Section B
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Electromagnetic Waves Visual Aid - GCSE AQA PHYSICS - Foundation/Higher/Trebles
A poster that explains the difference between the waves in the EM spectrum including frequency, wavelength, and uses
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Tropical Rainforests - Forests under Threat - GCSE Edexcel Geography
Questions and answers about Tropical Rainforests
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Introduction to A-level (Further) Maths - Differentiation, Integration, Complex Numbers etc.
A brief introduction to some of the ideas encountered in A-Level Maths and A-Level Further Maths
Trapezium Rule
Recurrence Relations
Complex Numbers
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Costs and Benefits about different Energy Types - Edexcel GCSE Geography
Tables of costs and benefits of each of these energy types
Hydroelectric Power
Edexcel GCSE Geography. Please review if you found useful

GCSE Geography Edexcel - Revision Mindmap - Costs and benefits of extracting oil & gas from Arctic
A Revision Mindmap detailing the costs and benefits of extracting oil & gas from the Arctic for GCSE Edexcel Geography
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Butterfly Effect (Chaos Theory) - Contextual Links to An Inspector Calls AQA GCSE English Literature
A unit of work about the butterfly effect and chaos theory
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Sustainable management strategies - Forests under threat - GCSE Edexcel Geography
A table of sustainable management strategies for the Forests under threat topic of GCSE Edexcel Geography
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Introduction to Afro Celt Sound System - Members, WOMAD, Languages, Outline - GCSE Edexcel Music
A brief introduction to Afro Celt Sound System - a page of notes on the band themselves - Who they are, where they are from etc.
Can be used as a poster for classroom decoration.
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Explain how economic growth, in India, has had a negative impact on the environment - GCSE Geography
4 Mark question from the GCSE Edexcel Specification

Drawing lines to Solve Equations - GCSE Edexcel Maths
Help with the topic of Drawing lines to Solve Equations
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Difficult Vocabulary (2)
A selection of 150 different words with definitions, word types and examples

Difficult Vocabulary (1)
A selection of 150 different words with definitions, word types and examples

Sustainable Forest Management - GCSE Edexcel Geography Notes - Forests Under threat
A page of notes on sustainable forest management - GCSE Edexcel Geography for the topic ‘Forests Under threat’
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Defying Gravity Overview - GCSE Edexcel Music
An overview of Wicked and Defying Gravity, one of the set works from the syllabus

Local factors (Rock & soil type, Altitude and Water drainage) - GCSE Edexcel Geography
Explanation of local factors that affect biomes:
Rock & Soil Type
Water Availability & Drainage
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Tibetan Wheel of Life - GCSE AQA RE
Dependant Arising - Tibetan Wheel of life - Buddhism
Printed out and made into visual display

Rock Types - Physical landscape variation in the UK (Geology) - GCSE Edexcel B Geography
An infographic poster detailing the different types of rock: Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary

Taiga biome - Fact file - GCSE Edexcel Geography - Weather, Climate, Animals & Plants
Fact file about the Taiga biome (boreal forest) for the forests under threat topic of Edexcel GCSE Geography.
The Nutrient Cycle
Light Intensity
Plant Adaptations
Animals’ Adaptations
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