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Rob Biddulph Blown Away activity Year 1
Comprehension activities for Year 1 on ‘Blown Away’ by Rob Biddulph.

Anthony Browne - Into the Forest
The plan is for Year 3 English but can be adapted for other year groups. I’ve included the planning for ideas on how to use the resources.

Year 1: Reading and Writing numbers to 20
Three differentiated worksheets to match numbers to 10 (LA) 20 (MA) or 30 (HA) with corresponding name written in words.

Reading incentive
I designed this for my Year 3 class to persuade them to read a wider variety of genres. Once they had read a specific genre, their parents signed it off in their reading diary and they earned a sticker for their booklet. The stickers were printed onto sticky labels.

Identifying and representing numbers
My Year 2 pupils had experienced using objects to represent numbers before having a go at this activity.

Fractions finding half of a set of objects , reasoning activity
I used this resource for my year 2 class when looking at fractions.

Adding and Subtracting 1, 10 and 100 from 2 and 3 digit numbers
I used these worksheets for my Year 2 class. There are 3 strips on each page to be cut and stuck into books or given to pupil to copy and complete.

Useful websites - all subjects
Here is a list of some websites that I have found very useful! I hope there might be something new there for you :)