Resources covering topic 5 (5th bullet point of spec) for Health, AQA A Level Sociology.
Full lessons for the role of the medical profession (covering Functionalist, Weberian, Marxist, Feminist, Postmodernist approaches) and globalisation of health
health and social care lessons with activities/youtube links for all lessons covering task 1 of the RO22 coursework - verbal skills through to factors that influence communication. starters and activities included.
5 tutor time quizzes with answers as separate documents. Each quiz lasts 15-20 minutes once students swap their answers and mark etc. Each quiz has 4-5 rounds such as food, general knowledge, inspirational people, logos etc.
Cambridge nationals RO21 exam lessons for legislation with worksheets and a revision activity with a grid and card sort for all the Acts at the end for impact lesson.
resources to teach Unit 2 Cambridge Technicals Health and Social care LO2 (Discriminatory practices)
includes activities, a homework of exam questions and full lesson powerpoints
CTEC HSC unit 22 Psychology resources for P1.
These are lessons and activities for the biological approach covering genes / Nervous system and endocrine system, Maturational theory and application for all including how it supports person centred care.
Resources and lessons covering P2 of Unit22 Psychology for health and social care
It is 2 research based lessons to enable students to analyse factors that impact on health.
Lesson for one hour on expo2 rouge module 2 unit 2
hier soir introducing ir and re verbs and irregular past participles
did not have time for the plenary so reused it as a starter for the next lesson using MWB