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Primary school teacher sharing some resources with you :)
English Planning - Street Child - Victorians - Week 5

English Planning - Street Child - Victorians - Week 5

Year 5, Planning for the first week of a unit around Street Child and the Victorians. The children will participate in drama to immerse themselves in the story. These will include planning, resources, smart-boards etc. Other parts of the unit include: Week 1 - Drama Week 2 - Diary Entry Week 3 - Argument Week 4 - Diary Entry Week 5 - Letter
The Match Girl - English Planning - Victorians- Week 2

The Match Girl - English Planning - Victorians- Week 2

Year 5, Planning for the second week of a unit around The Little Match Girl and Victorian. The children will participate in drama to immerse themselves in the story. These will include planning, resources, smart-boards etc. Other parts of the unit include: Week 1 - Drama, Character Feelings, figurative language for visions and sequencing Week 2 - Active and passive voice, Character Description, Week 3 - Transition paragraph, first vision, second vision. Week 4 - third vision, fourth vision. Week 5 - final vision, converting into prose and grammar
Autumn Term 2 SPAG - Year 5/6

Autumn Term 2 SPAG - Year 5/6

Autumn Term SPAG - Year 5/6 Week 1 - homophones Week 2 - homophones Week 3 - ough Week 4 - cias tial Week 5 - ai and ly Week 6 - ee and +ly part 2
Spring Term 2 SPAG - Year 5/6

Spring Term 2 SPAG - Year 5/6

Spring Term SPAG - Year 5/6 Week 1 - ai and +er fer Week 2 - ai and +ary Week 3 - ee and +able ably Week 4 - igh and silent letters Week 5 - ible and ibly Week 6 - oa and hyphens
The Little Match Girl - English Planning - Victorians- Week 5

The Little Match Girl - English Planning - Victorians- Week 5

Year 5, Planning for the first week of a unit around The Little Match Girl l and Victorian. The children will participate in drama to immerse themselves in the story. These will include planning, resources, smart-boards etc. Other parts of the unit include: Week 1 - Drama, Character Feelings, figurative language for visions and sequencing Week 2 - Active and passive voice, Character Description, Week 3 - Transition paragraph, first vision, second vision. Week 4 - third vision, fourth vision. Week 5 - final vision, converting into prose and grammar
The Little Match Girl - English Planning - Victorians- Week 1

The Little Match Girl - English Planning - Victorians- Week 1

Year 5, Planning for the first week of a unit around The Little Match Girl and Victorian. The children will participate in drama to immerse themselves in the story. These will include planning, resources, smart-boards etc. Other parts of the unit include: Week 1 - Drama, Character Feelings, figurative language for visions and sequencing Week 2 - Active and passive voice, Character Description, Week 3 - Transition paragraph, first vision, second vision. Week 4 - third vision, fourth vision. Week 5 - final vision, converting into prose and grammar
Spring Term SPAG - Year 5/6

Spring Term SPAG - Year 5/6

Spring Term 1 SPAG - Year 5/6 Week 1 - ai and 's possession part 1 Week 2 - ai and 's possession part 2 Week 3 - ee and +ant ance ancy Week 4 - igh and silent letters Week 5 - oo contractions Week 6 - oa and hyphens
The Little Match Girl - English Planning - Victorians- Week 5

The Little Match Girl - English Planning - Victorians- Week 5

Year 5, Planning for the fifth week of a unit around The Little Match Girl and Victorian. The children will participate in drama to immerse themselves in the story. These will include planning, resources, smart-boards etc. Other parts of the unit include: Week 1 - Drama, Character Feelings, figurative language for visions and sequencing Week 2 - Active and passive voice, Character Description, Week 3 - Transition paragraph, first vision, second vision. Week 4 - third vision, fourth vision. Week 5 - final vision, converting into prose and grammar
The Little Match Girl - English Planning - Victorians- Week 3

The Little Match Girl - English Planning - Victorians- Week 3

Year 5, Planning for the third week of a unit around The Little Match Girl and Victorian. The children will participate in drama to immerse themselves in the story. These will include planning, resources, smart-boards etc. Other parts of the unit include: Week 1 - Drama, Character Feelings, figurative language for visions and sequencing Week 2 - Active and passive voice, Character Description, Week 3 - Transition paragraph, first vision, second vision. Week 4 - third vision, fourth vision. Week 5 - final vision, converting into prose and grammar
Science Knowledge Organisers - Year 6

Science Knowledge Organisers - Year 6

Science Knowledge Organisers - Year 6 Animals Including Humans Electricity Evolution and Inheritance Living things and their habitats Light These include what children should already know, what they need to know, key facts and what they will be learning next. Some may also include assessments with prior assessment and post assessment sections.