Specialists in creating engaging, interactive and fun language learning resources for English, French , Spanish, German and Portuguese classes.
Exam preparation, conversation, reading & writing, speaking & listening, grammar & vocabulary.
Specialists in creating engaging, interactive and fun language learning resources for English, French , Spanish, German and Portuguese classes.
Exam preparation, conversation, reading & writing, speaking & listening, grammar & vocabulary.
Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary
Students match vocabulary to images of kids doing housework & chores.
Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary
Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to housework & chores.
Target Vocabulary:
Arroser - Balayer - Faire la lessive - Faire la vaisselle
Jardiner - Jeter - Nettoyer la table - Nettoyer les vitres
Nourrir le chien - Passer l’aspirateur - Passer la serpillière
Plier les vêtements - Polir - Ranger les jouets
Target Skills:
Express opinions
Extend answers
Maintain a conversation
Elicit more information
Agree or disagree
Justify arguments
Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary
Students match vocabulary to images of natural disasters.
Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary
Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to natural disasters.
Target Vocabulary:
Astéroïde - Avalanche - Éruption volcanique - Feu de forêt
Inondation - Pandémie - Réchauffement climatique - Tornade
Tremblement de terre - Tsunami - Vent
Target Skills:
Express opinions
Extend answers
Maintain a conversation
Elicit more information
Agree or disagree
Justify arguments
Thematic discussion questions designed to encourage fluency & confidence in French
Ideal to use as an engaging warmer or as a dynamic speaking activity to finish a class.
Aimed at adults and teenagers.
Thematic discussion questions designed to encourage fluency & confidence in French
Ideal to use as an engaging warmer or as a dynamic speaking activity to finish a class.
Aimed at adults and teenagers.
Thematic discussion questions designed to encourage fluency & confidence in French
Ideal to use as an engaging warmer or as a dynamic speaking activity to finish a class.
Aimed at adults and teenagers.
Thematic discussion questions designed to encourage fluency & confidence in French
Ideal to use as an engaging warmer or as a dynamic speaking activity to finish a class.
Aimed at adults and teenagers.
Thematic discussion questions designed to encourage fluency & confidence in French
Ideal to use as an engaging warmer or as a dynamic speaking activity to finish a class.
Aimed at adults and teenagers.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
20 x Flashcards with vocabulary related to:
The classroom
Increase vocabulary retention with active engagement with new words.
A communicative approach to learning new vocabulary.
Gamification options and full instructions provided.
Student A takes the first card and describes the word to Student B.
Student B tries to guess the word on the card.
If Student B is correct, the card is placed on the right. If Student B does not know the word, or only knows the word in their native language, the card is placed on the left. (This way, a pile of unknown vocabulary will build up on the left for students to record after the activity)
Now it is Student Bs turn to describe a card.
Students alternate until all the words have been described.
Wake your students up with a whiteboard vocabulary race!
Level: Elementary
Cut the flashcards out and stick them in random places on the whiteboard.
Divide the class into two teams and give each a team a name.
Write the team names on the whiteboard (see picture below)
Line up the students single-file in front of the whiteboard. There should be two lines in front of the whiteboard.
Stand adjacent to the whiteboard and shout out one of the words.
Award a point to the first student to touch the correct flashcard.
Both students go to the back of the line.