This lesson focuses predominantly on the different ways in which religion is defined within sociology. Teachers can also refer to the notes section for extra information. There is also a brief intro into theoretical perspectives regarding religion e.g. the Marxist, Feminist and Functionalist take on religion.
This resource can be used for homework or as an assessment.
Students are to answer exam questions.
The following slides include potential answers that the teacher could use to go through with students.
A GCSE AQA lesson based on formal and informal social control. This resource contains images and questions (with answers in the notes section). Feel free to tweak!
Based on pages 189 - 193 from the David Brown textbook.
This PowerPoint includes 20 slides with images relating to Education. The purpose of the task is to show the images to the students and ask them what it suggests/implies about education. This can be given as an introduction task to get the students thinking or could be given as a revision task once the students have covered the education topic. This can be used for any exam board.
The topics covered though the images: marketisation, the hidden curriculum, ethnicity and education, social class and education, the correspondence principle etc.
A revision task I created for my year 11 class in prep for their mocks.
The students are to fill in the boxes with the answers. This can be made into a competition if you like.
The answers are in the notes box.