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UK based Science teacher, mainly sharing resources for the Edexcel GCSE (combined science and biology), Exploring Science at KS3, OCR Biology A A Level Biology and one off Science lessons / projects.




UK based Science teacher, mainly sharing resources for the Edexcel GCSE (combined science and biology), Exploring Science at KS3, OCR Biology A A Level Biology and one off Science lessons / projects.
Edexcel CP2c Mass and Weight

Edexcel CP2c Mass and Weight

CP2c lesson from the new Edexcel Science GCSE, looking at mass and weight. The lesson includes an investigation looking at mass and weight, the difference between mass and weight, what gravity is, how to calculate weight, rearranging the formula and forces on a falling object.
Edexcel CP2e Newton's Third Law

Edexcel CP2e Newton's Third Law

CP2e lesson for the new Edexcel Science GCSE, looking at Newton's Third Law. The lesson includes, a recap of the first two laws, explaining what the third law is, what forces in equilibrium are, action-reaction forces, how they're different to balanced forces and collisions.
Edexcel CB9b Abiotic Factors and Communities

Edexcel CB9b Abiotic Factors and Communities

CB9b lesson from the new Edexcel combined Science GCSE (9-1) all about abiotic factors and communities. Lesson includes what affects where organisms can live, what abiotic factors are, distribution of organisms, investigation into woodlice and abiotic factors, adaptations of organisms, how water/temp/light affect distribution and pollution. A second lesson focusing on the CB9b core practical is also included.
Edexcel CB7c The Menstrual Cycle

Edexcel CB7c The Menstrual Cycle

CB7c lesson from the new Edexcel science GCSE (9-1) all about the menstrual cycle. The lesson includes menstruation, the menstrual cycle, the role of oestrogen & progesterone and contraception.
Edexcel CB5c Cardiovascular Disease

Edexcel CB5c Cardiovascular Disease

CB5c lesson from the new Edexcel science GCSE looking at cardiovascular disease. The lesson includes what cardiovascular disease it, examples of cardiovascular disease, how to calculate bmi, hit to waist ratio, the effect of smoking on cardiovascular disease and how to treat cardiovascular disease.
Science End of Year Quiz 2023

Science End of Year Quiz 2023

End of Year quiz for use within Science lessons towards the end of term. There are 8 Quiz rounds to choose from (I usually have the folder open on the board and let one team at a time choose which round we do). *There are several science based rounds, more loosely based science rounds as well as some generic rounds. *
Edexcel CB2a Mitosis

Edexcel CB2a Mitosis

New Edexcel Science GCSE, CB2 topic looking at Mitosis. Lesson includes looking at what mitsosis is, the stages of mitosis and looking at slides using a microscope. *All of CB2 can be found together here (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-cb2-11282994)*
Edexcel CB9h The Carbon Cycle

Edexcel CB9h The Carbon Cycle

CB9h lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about the carbon cycle. The lesson includes the importance of carbon, recaps on respiration, photosynthesis and combustion and the carbon cycle.
Edexcel CC15 Revision Worksheet

Edexcel CC15 Revision Worksheet

Revision worksheet covering content from the Edexcel science GCSE (9-1) CC15 topic, including: CC15a Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions CC15b Energy Changes in Reactions
Transpiration Practical Skills

Transpiration Practical Skills

Practical skills lesson (variables, drawing tables, graphs, etc) based around measuring transpiration using a potometer. Was planned to go alongside OCR Biology A- 9.3 transpiration.
Magnets Revision Quiz

Magnets Revision Quiz

20 question true or false quiz all about magnets. Planned to go with the CP10/11 topic from the Edexcel combined science GCSE, but would also work with other schemes of work.
OCR Biology A- 15.2 Thermoregulation in Ectotherms

OCR Biology A- 15.2 Thermoregulation in Ectotherms

15.2 lesson from the OCR Biology A A Level all about thermoregulation in ectotherms. *The lesson was planned with the intention of carrying out flipped learning whereby students do pre-reading on the topic prior to the lesson so that we can consolidate that learning with activities/exam questions during the lesson. *
Edexcel CP5e EM Radiation Dangers

Edexcel CP5e EM Radiation Dangers

CP5e lesson from the new Edexcel science GCSE (9-1) all about the dangers of EM waves. The lesson includes dangers of microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays.
Edexcel Combined Science Biology Revision Worksheets

Edexcel Combined Science Biology Revision Worksheets

9 Resources
Revision worksheets for the two biology papers in the new Edexcel Combined Science GCSE (9-1). Including: CB1- Key Concepts in Biology CB2- Cells and Control CB3- Genetics CB4- Natural Selection and Genetic Modification CB5- Heath, Disease and the Development of Medicines CB6- Plant Structures and their Functions CB7- Animal Coordination, Control and Homeostasis CB8- Exchange and Transport in Animals CB9- Ecosystems and Material Cycle
Edexcel CC13 Revision Worksheet

Edexcel CC13 Revision Worksheet

Revision worksheet covering content from the Edexcel science GCSE (9-1) CC13 topic. Includes content from: CC13a Group 1 CC13b Group 7 CC13c Halogen Reactivity CC13d Group 0 Intended to be printed as a double sided A3 worksheet. All the learning outcomes for the topic are on the reverse side of the worksheet.