foycharlotteArea of triangles(0)Looks at the two formulas to work out the area of a triangle and when to use each formula. Worked examples.
foycharlotteSine and Cosine Rules Revision Sheet(0)Revision sheet for using the cosine and sine rules. What you need to know plus examples.
foycharlotteCongruent Triangles revision sheet(0)Looks at the 4 different conditions you need to know and the notation used.
foycharlotteCircle Theorems Revision Booklet(0)This booklet goes over the main circle theorems needed for GCSE maths. It also explains how to use these in example questions.
foycharlotteTrigonometry revision sheet(0)Looks at the key trigonometry ratios and how to apply them when looking at finding sides ans angles.
foycharlotteConverting between units revision sheet(0)Explains the key conversions students need to know and how to work them out.