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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
Parlez de vos goûts ! - Talk about your tastes! (French worksheet)

Parlez de vos goûts ! - Talk about your tastes! (French worksheet)

This easy, no-prep activity will help your students express themselves in French and speak about their taste, what they like, etc. The preliminary activity deals with 6 verbs that needto be conjugated (adorer, aimer (bien), apprécier, ne pas aimer, détester, haïr). Then, a writing exercise will ask student to explain what they like or dislike. They have examples of activities and need to write a short text below the instructions. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) and its PDF equivalent. A complete answer sheet, with 10 examples of sentences for the writing exercise.
[French A2, B1] La vie à Paris - Life in Paris - Text & questions

[French A2, B1] La vie à Paris - Life in Paris - Text & questions

Voici un texte et des exercices sur le thème de Paris, la capitale française. Vous trouverez un texte d’une page contenant un petit historique de la ville, avec l’évocation de certains avantages et inconvénients de la vie à Paris (avantages : transports en commun, cafés, restaurants, sorties, culture, travail… / inconvénients : saleté, criminalité, manque de civisme…). Sur la deuxième page, vous trouverez un exercice de vocabulaire, où il s’agira de choisir la bonne définition pour 12 termes proposés. Ensuite, il faudra répondre à quatre questions de compréhension, puis à trois questions d’expression écrite. L’exercice est adapté aux apprenants de niveau FLE A2 et B1. On peut aussi le donner à des écoliers (niveau CM2) et collégiens (6ème, 5ème). Un corrigé est inclus. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF AND DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Here is a text and exercises on the theme of Paris, the French capital. You will find a one-page text containing a short history of the city, with the evocation of some advantages and disadvantages of life in Paris (advantages: public transport, cafés, restaurants, outings, culture, work… / disadvantages: dirtiness, criminality, lack of civic-mindedness…). On the second page, you will find a vocabulary exercise, where you will have to choose the right definition for 12 terms. Then, you will have to answer four comprehension questions and three written expression questions. The exercise is adapted to learners of FLE level A2 and B1. It can also be given to schoolchildren (CM2 level) and college students (6ème, 5ème). An answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format.
[French text + Writing] Santé – Comment rester en forme ? – Bonnes et mauvaises habitudes

[French text + Writing] Santé – Comment rester en forme ? – Bonnes et mauvaises habitudes

Ce document contient 1 page sur le thème de la santé, avec un court texte intitulé : Comment rester en forme ? et deux sujets d’expression écrite : Quelles sont vos bonnes habitudes ? Quelles sont vos mauvaises habitudes ? Le texte contient quelques conseils pour être en bonne santé : Manger beaucoup de fruits et légumes Éviter le sucre blanc Avoir des apports équilibrés Ne pas boire d’alcool ni fumer, et éviter le stress Sortir chaque jour Faire de l’exercice physique Se reposer suffisamment On pourra lire le texte en classe, en discuter, puis demander aux apprenants de répondre aux deux questions. Cet exercice a été élaboré à destination des niveaux A2, B1 et B2. Vous pouvez adapter cet exercice pour les écoliers et collégiens (en modifiant le passage sur l’alcool et le tabac). Le document est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below This worksheet includes a one-page A4 document on the topic of health, with a short text entitled: “How do you stay in shape?” and two written expression topics: What are your good habits? What are your bad habits? The text contains some tips for good health: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables Avoid white sugar Have a balanced diet Don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and avoid stress Go out every day Exercise every day Get enough rest The text can be read to the class, discussed and then learners can be asked to answer the two questions. This exercise was developed for levels A2, B1 and B2. You can adapt this exercise for schoolchildren (by modifying the passage on alcohol and tobacco). The document can be downloaded in PDF format as well as in DOCX format.
(French vocabulary) Vocabulaire : le travail et les métiers

(French vocabulary) Vocabulaire : le travail et les métiers

This exercise focuses on the theme of work and jobs. You will find 14 sentences with blanks to be filled from the list on the left. The 14 words to be written in the right place are:bibliothécaire, caissière, contrat de travail, démissionner, entretien d’embauche, expérience, guitariste, libraire, licencié, photographe, recruter, salaire, secrétaire, serveur. This document can be used with learners of level A2 or even B1, or with schoolchildren of French level CE2 (= third grade) minimum. An answer sheet is attached to the exercise. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… French version: Cet exercice porte sur le thème du travail et des métiers. Vous trouverez 14 phrases avec des espaces vides à compléter, à partir de la liste figurant sur la gauche. Les 14 mots à écrire dans le bon emplacement sont : bibliothécaire, caissière, contrat de travail, démissionner, entretien d’embauche, expérience, guitariste, libraire, licencié, photographe, recruter, salaire, secrétaire, serveur. Ce document peut être utilisé avec des apprenants de niveau A2 voire B1, ou encore avec des écoliers de niveau CE2 minimum.
[French A1, A2, Writing] Family tree, family relations, age grouping

[French A1, A2, Writing] Family tree, family relations, age grouping

Here are two French exercises on the theme of family. The document contains two pages. A family tree represents a family and indicates the first names and ages of each person. The 1st exercise, quite simple, consists in classifying the characters according to their age, from the oldest to the youngest. The 2nd exercise, a little more complex, consists of describing the family relationships between the characters. These exercises are suitable for A1 and A2 level learners, as well as for CE1 and CE2 students (2nd & 3rd grade in France). They can be downloaded in PDF format, as well as in DOCX format, allowing you to modify and adapt them if you wish.
Synonyms in French (les synonymes) - Worksheet with 3 exercises + answers

Synonyms in French (les synonymes) - Worksheet with 3 exercises + answers

This worksheet will help your French-learning students to improve their vocabulary by studying French synonyms. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A modifiable worksheet with three exercises: Match the words Find the synonym (multiple-choice answers) Find the mismatch A complete answer sheet The worksheet is in DOCX format as well as PDF. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
Les auxiliaires ÊTRE et AVOIR / French auxiliaries ÊTRE and AVOIR

Les auxiliaires ÊTRE et AVOIR / French auxiliaries ÊTRE and AVOIR

In this exercise, you’ll be able to study the French verbs ÊTRE (to be) and AVOIR (to have). This sheet has been made by myself, a 30-year-old French teacher for strangers and migrants near Paris. I spent most of my life in France and I’m happy to share my knowledge. The exercise sheet goes along with an answer sheet. It can be modifiable (DOCX) or not (PDF)
Text and exercises: "Visit in Brittany" (Séjour en Bretagne) (French B1-B2)

Text and exercises: "Visit in Brittany" (Séjour en Bretagne) (French B1-B2)

This document includes 4 pages of exercises on the theme of Brittany and tourism. After a short introduction on this region, you will be able to read a booking confirmation e-mail from a Brittany hotel. This is followed by six questions about the text (written comprehension), then a question about geography: the aim is to locate Brittany on a map of France. Then comes an exercise in written expression (or oral expression, depending on the teacher’s choice): you would like to come to the hotel one day earlier, and should therefore write an e-mail to the establishment to find out if this is possible. You will then be asked to write a letter to the hotel, in which the client will state his or her complaints because he or she did not enjoy the stay. The formatting of the letter is visible to help the writer. Finally, a final exercise will ask the learner to write a Google review of the hotel. The expected level for these exercises is A2 minimum, preferably B1-B2. All these exercises have detailed answers, with writing examples. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than ten books on various topics). Thank you! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… French version: Ce document comprend 4 pages d’exercices, sur le thème de la Bretagne et du séjour touristique. Après une courte introduction sur cette région, vous pourrez lire un e-mail de confirmation de réservation en provenance d’un hôtel breton. S’ensuivent six questions sur le texte (compréhension écrite), puis une question de géographie : il s’agira de situer la Bretagne sur une carte de France. Vient ensuite un exercice d’expression écrite (ou expression orale, selon le choix de l’enseignant) : vous souhaitez venir un jour plus tôt à l’hôtel, et devez donc écrire un e-mail à l’établissement pour savoir si cela est possible. On proposera ensuite l’écriture d’une lettre à l’établissement, où le client fera état de ses doléances car le séjour ne lui a pas plu. La mise en forme de la lettre est visible afin d’aider le rédacteur. Enfin, un dernier exercice incitera l’apprenant à rédiger un avis Google par rapport à l’hôtel. Le niveau attendu pour ces exercices est A2 minimum, B1-B2 souhaitable. Tous ces exercices sont corrigés, avec des exemples de rédaction.
French Handwriting (kids & illiterate): "animaux et insectes" (animals and insects)

French Handwriting (kids & illiterate): "animaux et insectes" (animals and insects)

In this activity, you will find 7 pages to learn how to write words about insects and animals. This activity is intended for young children, or illiterate adults. This work is based on my book entitled “J’apprends à lire et à écrire: Exercices de lecture et d’écriture du français (pour débutants - alphabétisation)”. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A 7-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + PDF) Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In the first 4 pages, you can copy animal words from the words already indicated. In the 5th page, there are 12 images of animals, and you have to write the right word next to it, from the words in the list. On pages 6 and 7, you must find the words (from scratch) of the animals that correspond to the image. If you’re interested… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page on Amazon (more than ten books on various topics). Thank you!
Carte de l'Europe : identifie les pays et les monuments (Europe map & monuments)

Carte de l'Europe : identifie les pays et les monuments (Europe map & monuments)

In this short activity, students will be able to study the map of Europe (all in French). They will be able to better locate the countries, and familiarize themselves with some monuments (the Brandenburg Gate, the Colosseum, Big Ben, the Atomium, the Alhambra, Notre Dame Cathedral). What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) + its PDF equivalent A two-page answer sheet Details: As a first step, it will be necessary to indicate the States bordering France, from the proposed list. Then, the students will be asked to write on the map the European countries they know. Then, in a writing exercise, the students will have to write which European countries they have already visited. Finally, 6 photos of monuments are presented: the students will have to write the name of the corresponding monument and the city where it is located. If you want some more :) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page on Amazon (more than ten books on various topics). Thank you!
French adjectives: describe qualities and shortcomings (qualités et défauts)

French adjectives: describe qualities and shortcomings (qualités et défauts)

This worksheet will allow you to work on some very useful adjectives relating to qualities and shortcomings. It will enrich your learners’ vocabulary. You will find two exercises with blank spaces to be filled in using the given words. The following adjectives are presented: Exercise 1: envious / idealistic / curious / sad / independent / pessimistic / ambitious / shy / selfish / authoritarian / moody / lucky / indifferent (envieux / idéaliste / curieux / triste / indépendante / pessimiste / ambitieux / timide / égoïste / autoritaire / lunatique / chanceux / indifférent) Exercise 2: nervous / independent / interesting / complicated / unfriendly / strong / optimistic / clumsy / generous / sensitive / courageous / talkative / cheerful / realistic (nerveux / indépendant / intéressant / compliqué / antipathique / fort / optimiste / maladroit / généreux / sensible / courageux / bavard / joyeux / réaliste) An answer key is attached to this handout. This sheet is especially suitable for children from CE1 to CM2 (7 y.o. > 11 y.o. French children), as well as for learners at levels A2-B1. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). FRENCH VERSION: Cette feuille d’exercices vous permettra de travailler certains adjectifs très utiles, relatifs aux qualités et aux défauts. Il enrichira le vocabulaire de vos apprenants. Vous y trouverez deux exercices avec des espaces vides à compléter à partir des mots donnés. Les adjectifs suivants sont présentés : Exercice 1 : envieux / idéaliste / curieux / triste / indépendante / pessimiste / ambitieux / timide / égoïste / autoritaire / lunatique / chanceux / indifférent Exercice 2 : nerveux / indépendant / intéressant / compliqué / antipathique / fort / optimiste / maladroit / généreux / sensible / courageux / bavard / joyeux / réaliste Un corrigé est joint à ce polycopié. — Public — Cette feuille est surtout adaptée aux enfants de CE1 à CM2, ainsi qu’aux apprenants niveau A2-B1.*
French handwriting: Fruits

French handwriting: Fruits

In this cursive writing exercise (2 pages), the names of several fruits are written. The kid has to copy the words in order to write them and learn them. The words are: figue, fraise, ananas, kiwi, citron, avocat, orange. This activity is useful for adopting the writing gesture, and for learning how to read (several sequences of words are repeated). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). Thank you!
[French A2-B1] Correct the sentences - Avoid common mistakes

[French A2-B1] Correct the sentences - Avoid common mistakes

This 2-page worksheet will help your students avoid common mistakes made when speaking French as a foreign language. Suitable for level A2-B1 or even B2. Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In this PDF document, you’ll find 12 sentences written in French, with at least one mistake in each. These were real and recurrent mistakes made by some of my students. Your students will have to correct each sentence by writing the correct form below. An answer sheet is attached. On page 2, you will find the answers for these 12 sentences. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
Handwriting (French): Farm animals (les animaux de la ferme)

Handwriting (French): Farm animals (les animaux de la ferme)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Farm animals (Les animaux d’Afrique). You will find the following animals: *un âne - un chat - un cheval - une chèvre - un chien - un cochon - un lapin - un mouton - une poule - une vache * This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French Vocabulary A2, B1] Niveaux de langue (Levels of language)

[French Vocabulary A2, B1] Niveaux de langue (Levels of language)

Ce document contient 8 pages : une leçon, 4 pages d’exercices et un corrigé de 3 pages, sur le thème des niveaux de langue (aussi appelés registres de langue). 1er exercice : Indiquer le niveau de langue de 23 phrases différentes (soutenu, courant ou familier). 2ème exercice : Placer les 22 mots et expressions dans la colonne appropriée. 3ème exercice : Compléter un tableau en écrivant les deux mots manquants de chaque ligne. 4ème exercice : Réécrire 22 phrases du langage familier au langage courant. Ces exercices ont donc une difficulté graduelle et sont utiles pour mieux maîtriser les nuances des différents registres. Ils sont avant tout destinés aux adultes, mais vous pouvez aussi l’utiliser avec des enfants (je vous conseille de modifier certaines phrases dans le document Word, si vous souhaitez que l’exercice soit plus profitable au jeune public). En outre, les exercices ont été conçus pour être le plus proche du vocabulaire parlé par les Français (France métropolitaine) afin de rester terre-à-terre. Ces exercices ont été élaborés à destination du niveau A2 et B1. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF. ENGLISH VERSION BELOW This document contains 8 pages: a lesson, 4 pages of exercises and a 3-page answer sheet, on the theme of language levels (also called language registers). Exercise 1: Indicate the language level of 23 different sentences (formal, informal or colloquial). Exercise 2: Place the 22 words and expressions in the appropriate column. Exercise 3: Complete a table by writing the two missing words in each row. 4th exercise: Rewrite 22 sentences from colloquial to everyday language. These exercises have a gradual difficulty and are useful to better master the nuances of the different registers. They are primarily intended for adults, but you can also use them with children (I advise you to modify some sentences in the Word document, if you want the exercise to be more beneficial to a young audience). In addition, the exercises have been designed to be as close as possible to the vocabulary spoken by the French (metropolitan France) in order to remain down to earth. These exercises have been designed for A2 and B1 level. The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
[French A1 A2 written comprehension] Sortie au musée (trip to the museum)

[French A1 A2 written comprehension] Sortie au musée (trip to the museum)

Dans cet exercice pratique de FLE, il faudra restituer des informations à partir du programme du site internet d’un musée (en l’occurrence, il s’agit du Musée Carnavalet situé à Paris). La feuille est construite en 2 parties : Informations diverses : accès au musée, téléphone, jours et horaires d’ouverture, lignes de métro utilisable et prix de l’entrée. Questions : huit questions de restitution d’informations. L’apprenant devra bien étudier les éléments de compréhension et écrire les réponses appropriées. Ce travail est destiné aux apprenants de niveau A1 et A2. Il peut être donné aussi à des écoliers ou collégiens (CM1 à 6ème). L’exercice est téléchargeable au format PDF et DOCX (si vous souhaitez le modifier, par exemple). Un corrigé est inclus. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below In this practical exercise of FFL, you will have to give information from the program of the website of a museum (in this case, it is the Carnavalet Museum located in Paris). The sheet is built in 2 parts: Miscellaneous information: access to the museum, telephone, opening days and times, usable metro lines and entrance fee. Questions: eight questions on information retrieval. The learner will have to study the elements of understanding and write the appropriate answers. This work is intended for A1 and A2 level learners. It can also be given to schoolchildren (CM1 to 6ème). The exercise can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format (if you wish to modify it, for example). An answer key is included.
Handwriting (French) - Choose the right word: insects

Handwriting (French) - Choose the right word: insects

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Insects (les insectes). You will find the following animals: un bourdon - une coccinelle - une guêpe - une libellule - un moustique - un papillon – une punaise - une sauterelle This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French A2] Conjugation - Conjugate sentences in 5 different tenses

[French A2] Conjugation - Conjugate sentences in 5 different tenses

In this exercise, you will have to conjugate 30 sentences (2 pages) in each of these tenses: imparfait, passé composé, présent, futur proche et futur simple. This task was requested by one of the learners in my French course (near Paris) . The aim is to better understand the use of these different tenses, and also to know when to use the passé composé and the imparfait (the teacher will have to provide explanations on this subject which is often difficult for learners). The verbs used here are: prendre, partir, avoir, savoir, voir, pouvoir. This work is adapted to learners from the FFL A2 level. It can also be used with schoolchildren, to revise or perfect the conjugation. A detailed answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format.
[French] Écriture cursive + exercices : jours de la semaine (Days of the week)

[French] Écriture cursive + exercices : jours de la semaine (Days of the week)

Here is a fun activity inspired by my own second grade classes. The theme is: The seven days of the week. I have adapted and enriched the worksheet that was handed out to me when I was a child. This worksheet will help students consolidate their knowledge of the days of the week, and to find their way through time. It can be useful for French learners (level A1.1 / A1) The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
(French) Verb "POUVOIR" (can) - Free exercise

(French) Verb "POUVOIR" (can) - Free exercise

Here is a worksheet around the verb POUVOIR (can). After completing the verb chart, you will find 8 sentences to complete. This exercise is ideal for students in Cours élémentaire 1 - CE1 (2nd grade), as well as for A1 learners. French version: Voici une feuille d’exercices autour du verbe pouvoir. Après avoir complété le tableau du verbe, vous trouverez 8 phrases à compléter et à recopier. Cet exercice est idéal pour les élèves de CE1, ainsi que pour les apprenants de niveau A1.