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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
[French Writing] Répondre à une annonce sur leboncoin (Reply to an ad)

[French Writing] Répondre à une annonce sur leboncoin (Reply to an ad)

Leboncoin est le site internet de petites annonces le plus connu en France. Nous avons donc eu l’idée de faire un exercice d’expression écrite pour permettre aux étrangers d’apprivoiser cette plate-forme très utilisée dans l’Hexagone. Il s’agira donc de répondre à une annonce de logement, en l’occurrence une chambre en colocation. Après le texte de l’annonce, vous trouverez un espace de texte où l’apprenant devra proposer un e-mail de réponse, en respectant certaines indications (poser des questions supplémentaires, proposer un rendez-vous…). Cet exercice est idéal pour les apprenants FLE A2 ou B1, mais on peut aussi le donner aux apprenants de niveaux supérieurs (B2 voire C1). Ce sera l’occasion d’améliorer leur rédaction. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF ainsi qu’au format DOCX. ENGLISH VERSION BELOW Leboncoin is the most famous classified ads website in France. We therefore had the idea of doing a written expression exercise to allow foreigners to get to know this platform, which is widely used in France. They will have to answer an advertisement for accommodation, in this case a shared room. After the text of the ad, you will find a text space where the learner will have to propose a response e-mail, respecting certain indications (ask additional questions, propose an appointment…). This exercise is ideal for FLE A2 or B1 learners, but it can also be given to learners at higher levels (B2 or even C1). It will be an opportunity to improve their writing. The document can be downloaded in PDF format as well as in DOCX format.
(French) "Plantes et fleurs" - Write and identify plants + flowers

(French) "Plantes et fleurs" - Write and identify plants + flowers

This worksheet about plants and flowers is intended for students in 2nd Grade (level A1 according to the CERCL). In the first exercise, the names of plants and flowers have to be circled among a list of 12 words. Then, in the second exercise, you will have to write down these correct answers. Finally, in the last exercise, you will have to recompose the name of each of the six plants from the syllables present on the pictures, and write down the name in the small box below each plant. The plants in question are: orchid, mint, poppy, daffodil, tulip and sunflower (orchidée, menthe, coquelicot, jonquille, tulipe et tournesol). This activity provides an introduction to the world of plants. It will also help the students to decompose and write French words (this work is useful to better master cursive writing).
French (1st, 2nd grade, A1) - I choose and copy the right word: Jobs (Les métiers)

French (1st, 2nd grade, A1) - I choose and copy the right word: Jobs (Les métiers)

In this activity sheet (PDF), on the theme of jobs, you will have to choose the right word from the list and write it below the corresponding image. You will find the following words: an artist - a barber - a cashier - a driver - a cook - a doctor - a breeder - an office worker - a farmer - a journalist - a deliveryman - a soldier (un artiste – un barbier – un caissier – un chauffeur – un cuisinier – un docteur – un éleveur – un employé de bureau – un fermier – une journaliste – un livreur – un militaire) This exercise is is suitable for children of CP-CE1 level (1st, 2nd grade - A1.1 minimum). You will find the answers in the document.
Handwriting (French): Forest animals (les animaux de la forêt)

Handwriting (French): Forest animals (les animaux de la forêt)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Forest animals (Les animaux de la forêt). You will find the following animals: une biche - un cerf - une chouette - un hérisson - un hibou - un lièvre - un loup - un renard - un sanglier This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French cursive handwriting] Insects and small animals

[French cursive handwriting] Insects and small animals

Voici une feuille d’exercice au format PDF sur le thème des insectes et petites bêtes. Elle est focalisée sur la lecture et l’écriture, et est à destination des niveaux CP, CE1, ainsi que FLE A1.1 et A1. 12 insectes et petites bêtes : papillon, coccinelle, guêpe, blatte (cafard), abeille, moustique, chenille, mouche, fourmi, libellule, araignée, sauterelle Écriture scripte et cursive 5 mots proposés à chaque fois L’enfant / apprenant devra lire les mots et entourer celui qui convient Nous avons utilisé plusieurs polices d’écriture pour familiariser l’élève aux différentes graphies 1 espace en dessous de chaque image, pour écrire le bon mot English version below: Here is a PDF exercise sheet on the theme of insects and small animals. It is focused on reading and writing, and is intended for 1st grade, 2nd grade, and FFL A1.1 and A1 levels. 12 insects and small animals: butterfly, ladybug, wasp, cockroach, bee, mosquito, caterpillar, fly, ant, dragonfly, spider, grasshopper Handwriting and script 5 words proposed each time The child/learner will have to read the words and circle the appropriate one We have used several fonts to familiarize the student with the different spellings 1 space below each image, to write the right word
Oral comprehension - Ronny's presentation (English / ESL)

Oral comprehension - Ronny's presentation (English / ESL)

This easy, no-prep activity will help your students understand a basic presentation. They will have to fill the empty spaces. Then, they will be asked to write their own presentation. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page printable and modifiable docx, and a printable pdf A text with blanks and a word list A writing question You can use it with the mp3 file linked to in the document. It is a 1-minute audio file, and you can hear Ronny talking about himself. I wrote the transcript and enhanced it in a document, in which I added pictures and a word list, as well as a writing question. You can easily use it in class, as I already did in my ESL course. Thank you and take a look at our other materials if you’ve got some time! Greetings from France
[French, basics 1st & 2nd grade] Crossword - Letters d and t

[French, basics 1st & 2nd grade] Crossword - Letters d and t

Here are some crossword puzzles that will be useful for those who are learning to read in French. You will find various objects and crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and place them in the right place. These works are intended for CP / CE1 (1st & 2nd grade). They can also be used with adults (A1 level). These exercises can be downloaded in PDF format. The subject here is the letters d and t. The purpose of the exercise is to avoid the frequent confusion between these two letters We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French, basics 1st & 2nd grade] Crossword - Letters b and p

[French, basics 1st & 2nd grade] Crossword - Letters b and p

Here are some crossword puzzles that will be useful for those who are learning to read in French. You will find various objects and crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and place them in the right place. These works are intended for CP / CE1 (1st & 2nd grade). They can also be used with adults (A1 level). These exercises can be downloaded in PDF format. The subject here is the letters p and b. The purpose of the exercise is to avoid the frequent confusion between these two letters We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French, basics 1st & 2nd grade] Crossword puzzles - Letters G and GU

[French, basics 1st & 2nd grade] Crossword puzzles - Letters G and GU

Here are some crossword puzzles that will be useful for those who are learning to read in French. You will find various objects and crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and place them in the right place. These works are intended for CP / CE1 (1st & 2nd grade). They can also be used with adults (A1 level). These exercises can be downloaded in PDF format. The subject here is the letters G and GU. The purpose of the exercise is to avoid the frequent confusion between these two letters We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics).
[French Writing A2, B1] Mon pays d'accueil (host country)

[French Writing A2, B1] Mon pays d'accueil (host country)

Ce document à destination des apprenants adultes en FLE comporte 5 sujets de rédaction à propos du pays d’accueil. Les 5 sujets de rédaction sont : Quel est votre pays d’origine et quel est votre pays d’accueil ? Quand êtes-vous arrivés dans votre pays d’accueil et comment ? Qu’est-ce que vous appréciez dans votre pays d’accueil ? Qu’est-ce que vous n’appréciez pas dans votre pays d’accueil ? Quelles sont les choses qui vous manquent par rapport à votre pays d’origine ? Ce travail est adapté aux niveaux A2 et +. Cet exercice est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below This document for adult FFL learners includes 5 essay topics about the host country. The 5 essay topics are: What is your country of origin and what is your host country? When did you arrive in your host country and how? What do you like about your host country? What do you dislike about your host country? What do you miss about your home country? This worksheet is suitable for French as a Foreign Language levels A2 and above. This worksheet can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX.
[French Writing A2, B1] Mon pays d’origine (native country)

[French Writing A2, B1] Mon pays d’origine (native country)

Ce document à destination des apprenants adultes en FLE comporte 8 espaces à remplir, à propos du pays d’origine de l’étudiant. Voici les informations à compléter : Nom du pays Capitale Nombre d’habitants Fête nationale Votre ville d’origine Spécialités culinaires et traditions du pays Avantages du pays Inconvénients du pays Ce travail est adapté aux niveaux A2 et +. Cet exercice est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX (pour pouvoir le modifier à votre guise). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version below This document for adult learners of French as a foreign language has 8 spaces to be filled out about the student’s country of origin. Here is the information to be completed: Name of the country Capital Number of inhabitants National holiday Your home town Culinary specialties and traditions of the country Advantages of the country Disadvantages of the country This exercise is suitable for levels A2 and above. This exercise can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX formats (so you can modify it as you wish).
[French Grammar FFL FLE] Grammaire - Valeurs du présent

[French Grammar FFL FLE] Grammaire - Valeurs du présent

This grammar worksheet teaches the different uses of the present indicative in French. There are 3 parts: Lesson: the present tense can be used to express an immediate action, a general truth, a habitual action, an action in the near future and a conditional future fact. Exercise 1: Match 20 sentences with the corresponding use of the present tense, indicating the corresponding letter (A, B, C, D or E) in brackets. Exercise 2: In the second part, learners are asked to write five sentences, each corresponding to one of the five types of present tense mentioned in the lesson. This worksheet is suitable for learners of French as a foreign language (FLE) levels B1 to B2, as well as for CM1 and CM2 pupils (or even 6ème for a refresher course). There are 2 exercises on a single page (ink savings). Downloadable in PDF and DOCX.
French Interrogative Pronouns - Worksheet (22 sentences with gaps to fill + answers)

French Interrogative Pronouns - Worksheet (22 sentences with gaps to fill + answers)

Interrogative pronouns, primarily used for asking questions, are very important in French. In this worksheet, you will find 22 sentences where the students need to find the appropriate interrogative pronoun (qui, que, où, comment, quoi, quand, combien, à qui) for each gap. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable DOCX, and a printable PDF A complete answer sheet
"La Tour Eiffel" - Comprehension & Writing in French about the Eiffel Tower

"La Tour Eiffel" - Comprehension & Writing in French about the Eiffel Tower

This text written in French is dedicated to the Eiffel Tower: it talks about its creation by Gustave Eiffel, its construction, the number of tourists who visit it, its height and its use. In this document (docx + pdf), you will find a comprehension exercise, with 6 questions to be answered. Then comes a writing question, the subject of which is: “Have you ever visited the Eiffel Tower? What did you think of it?” The answer sheet is accompanied by the answers to the questions and two examples of writing. We hope you’ll enjoy this worksheet! Don’t hesitate to have a look at our other worksheets or at our books. Thanks!
[French A2] partitive articles (articles partitifs) : de, de la, du, de l', des...

[French A2] partitive articles (articles partitifs) : de, de la, du, de l', des...

In this PDF file (also available in DOCX format), you will find a lesson and an exercise with 18 sentences on the topic of partitive articles (de, de la, du, des). This is an area that is often difficult for foreign learners to tackle. This colorful sheet aims to explain, in a clear and concise way, the rules of French related to these articles. It is preferable that this lesson be supervised by a teacher (for the grammar points but also for the vocabulary used in the text). Below the lesson, you will find an exercise with 18 sentences, inspired by the courses I gave in the association where I work. To make it easier for learners, I have indicated the gender of the nouns used in the sentences (♂= masculine; ♀ = feminine). On the second page is a detailed answer key. The exercise can be modified by you. It is adapted to A2 or even B1 level. You can download the exercise in PDF and DOCX format. An answer key is included.
French adjectives: describe qualities and shortcomings (qualités et défauts)

French adjectives: describe qualities and shortcomings (qualités et défauts)

This worksheet will allow you to work on some very useful adjectives relating to qualities and shortcomings. It will enrich your learners’ vocabulary. You will find two exercises with blank spaces to be filled in using the given words. The following adjectives are presented: Exercise 1: envious / idealistic / curious / sad / independent / pessimistic / ambitious / shy / selfish / authoritarian / moody / lucky / indifferent (envieux / idéaliste / curieux / triste / indépendante / pessimiste / ambitieux / timide / égoïste / autoritaire / lunatique / chanceux / indifférent) Exercise 2: nervous / independent / interesting / complicated / unfriendly / strong / optimistic / clumsy / generous / sensitive / courageous / talkative / cheerful / realistic (nerveux / indépendant / intéressant / compliqué / antipathique / fort / optimiste / maladroit / généreux / sensible / courageux / bavard / joyeux / réaliste) An answer key is attached to this handout. This sheet is especially suitable for children from CE1 to CM2 (7 y.o. > 11 y.o. French children), as well as for learners at levels A2-B1. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). FRENCH VERSION: Cette feuille d’exercices vous permettra de travailler certains adjectifs très utiles, relatifs aux qualités et aux défauts. Il enrichira le vocabulaire de vos apprenants. Vous y trouverez deux exercices avec des espaces vides à compléter à partir des mots donnés. Les adjectifs suivants sont présentés : Exercice 1 : envieux / idéaliste / curieux / triste / indépendante / pessimiste / ambitieux / timide / égoïste / autoritaire / lunatique / chanceux / indifférent Exercice 2 : nerveux / indépendant / intéressant / compliqué / antipathique / fort / optimiste / maladroit / généreux / sensible / courageux / bavard / joyeux / réaliste Un corrigé est joint à ce polycopié. — Public — Cette feuille est surtout adaptée aux enfants de CE1 à CM2, ainsi qu’aux apprenants niveau A2-B1.*