This power point is aimed at key stage 2 children to introduce them to the art of block printing, African designs and how such prints are used in fabric design.
This workshop is great for Art or D&T lessons
This is a clear step by step worksheet explaining with pictures and text how to make a 2 colour reduction lino print with minimal materials.
Great for key-stages 2, 3 or 4 for art or D&T
This resource has been developed by artists working with KS2 pupils and teachers to create beautiful lanterns which can be used for any celebratory event, to decorate the school or be part of a parade or procession outside of school.
The scheme of work planning is divided into 6 parts which can be spread over a half term or be done over a whole day or for an arts week activity. There are video links in the planning to how other groups have made and used lanterns and assessment guides at the end of each session.
The learning objectives cover how to design, develop and produce a 3 dimensional form using linear sticks which can then be decoratively covered to create beautiful illuminated lanterns. This unit has many cross curricular links for example with geometry in maths, circuits and electricity in science and community development and culture in PSHCE
The plans offer a step by step, recipe approach yet still offering opportunities for differentiation, creativity and extension activities for every student. The power point also has very easy to follow methods and materials lists and diagrams.
This is a great starter lesson to help children learn how to read pictures and develop their own pictorial language. The focus painting is a classical depiction of the timeless story of George and the Dragon by Italian artist Paulo Uccello from the National Gallery in London. It works well as an Art History Lesson as well as a starter for a painting unit. Children love the challenge of the memory game and it can equally be applied to other paintings and images.
This is a step by step power point on how to make an indoor kite with young children. Things you will need are scissors, kebab skewers, sticky tape, string and ribbon.
A step by step guided lesson that can work over a day or spread out over 3 or 4 art lessons with years 5 or 6 children. Fantastic result with simple methods and materials. Good for an arts day or arts and crafts movement research.
This is a great introduction to the ways in which artists use perspective in their work. there are some practical examples and tips for students starting to learn about perspective.
This fun arts and crafts workshop will suit any age and can include a walk to gather sticks for the decorations for winter festivals. Tools required are glue-guns, scissors, saws and string