All resources

ma maison / ma chambre worksheet
KS3 French resource : This 4-page worksheet starts as a reading comprehension, on describing your house, your bedroom and the chores you do at home. Then you will find more activities to revise vocabulary. Last activity is a writing task where students write their own paragraph (steps to success included).
Student AFL box included at the bottom of last page, to check their own understanding of the topic.

French pros and cons of technology KS3-4
KS3/4 worksheet on using technology and social networks.
Reading activity followed by consolidation tasks practicing arguments for and against technology.
Last activity is a writing task, scaffolded to present arguments with sequencing words in a logical paragraph.
UPDATE : student AFL box at the bottom of last page !

MFL help mats KS3/4 for DIRT
Great resources for independent work !
I have designed these resources after visiting the amazing website : .
The zip file comprises about 30 helps mats, in both French and Spanish, covering different grammatical points (past, future, conditional tenses; giving and justifying opinions, using intensifiers, adding more complex language, etc.)
Also, you will find 2 worksheets on KS3 and KS4 DIRT strengths and targets (presented as codes to write on students’ book).
During DIRT, students improve their work by using the corresponding help mats, each colour-coded to the target they belong to.
Print and laminate the help mats and have them available in your classroom.
All resources are editable.
Please share in a comment below if it was effective during your lesson :)

French describing my family worksheet
French KS3 worksheet : reading, grammar (adjectival agreement) and writing tasks.
Describing physical and personality characteristics of family members.

MFL take away homework
3 MFL worksheets to be used as take away homework (for KS3)
Powerpoint worksheets, so can be adapted to what you are actually teaching your students.
These worksheets have been inspired by StephyMitch’s Nando’s resource

French food - drinks
Revise the vocabulary of drinks in French with this free resource.
Use the 3 extra activities in this worksheet to deepen your students’ knowledge on drinks and opinions in French!
This resource is designed for primary years French lessons on the unit of Food and Healthy Lifestyle.

Free French Virtual Field Trip - les Alpes Maritimes
Add some culture to your French lessons with this amazing free French field trip.
Embark on a fantastic virtual field trip to discover one of the most beautiful regions of France - les Alpes Maritimes
This free resource is engaging for your students who will visit some incredible French sites from the comfort of their homes.
No worksheet/printing needed. All of the digital material needed is accessible from this free Google Slides document. Almost no preparation needed with this resource.
This free resource comes with :
3 pages of Teacher’s Notes/Guidance
1 illustrated Map of the 06 department with clickable links for students to access the cities to visit
a free Google Sheets link for student activities
a one-hour documentary (YouTube video) about the wonders of les Alpes Maritimes (link embedded on Google Slides).
**All embedded links and videos are in French. This resource might therefore better suit French learners with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please let me know in a comment how you used these slides with your learners! :)
Merci a tous,
La Brunette.

Free French Virtual Field Trip - le Var
Add some culture to your French lessons with this amazing free French field trip.
Embark on a fantastic virtual field trip to discover one of the most well-preserved regions of France - le Var.
This free resource is engaging for your students who will visit some incredible French sites from the comfort of their homes.
No worksheet/printing needed. All of the digital material needed is accessible from this free Google Slides document. Almost no preparation needed with this resource.
This free resource comes with :
3 pages of Teacher’s Notes/Guidance
1 illustrated Map of the 83 department with clickable links for students to access the cities to visit
a free Google Sheets link for student activities
a one-hour documentary (YouTube video) about the wonders of le Var (link embedded on Google Slides).
**All embedded links and videos are in French. This resource might therefore better suit French learners with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please let me know in a comment how you used these slides with your learners! :)
Merci a tous,
La Brunette.

free time activities worksheet KS3
KS3 French resource : This 4-page worksheet starts as a reading comprehension, on free-time activities. Then you will find more activities to revise vocabulary. Last activity is a writing task where students write their own paragraph (steps to success included).
Student AFL box included at the bottom of last page, to check their own understanding of the topic.

Cultural Virtual Bitmoji Classroom - la Francophonie
Have you never wanted to have access to a variety of interesting and cultural videos in the target language about the official 29 francophone countries? Search no more!
This FREE Virtual Bitmoji Classroom is a great addition to your “Francophonie lessons”.
Welcome your students in this cultural and diverse virtual classroom where Francophone countries are on display! Give your students a chance to discover how rich the Francophone culture is by learning about these amazing countries that count French as an/the official language.
Each flag will redirect students to a video/a PDF or a tourism website that will promote the culture of these Francophone countries.
With this FREE cultural virtual Francophone Classroom, you will learn about the famous Congolese “sape” fashion, visit some of the most precious Natural Reserves, discover what ecotourism is and why it it very important in some Francophone countries in Africa, visit some of the most beautiful and natural islands in the Caribbean Sea, visit one of the most exceptional aquariums of the world, learn about green energy and how it can drastically change some people’s lives, and think about what else could be done to improve our world!
** All embedded links, videos or websites are in French. The language of instruction in these slides is French, exclusively. These slides are therefore most suitable for students with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please leave me a comment to tell me how you used this resource with your learners ! :)
Merci à tous,
La Brunette

10 Francophone Cultural Virtual Bitmoji “classrooms”
In this time of Distance Learning, these Google Slides virtual classrooms are just what you need to welcome your learners online into original francophone “classrooms”.
This bundle of 10 virtual bitmoji “classrooms” is specifically designed to help learners discover more about la Francophonie, francophone countries and their diversity.
Each Cultural Google Slide will take you to a Francophone country, where you will be able to click on various pictures or icons to learn more about this place. Embedded links will take you to YouTube videos, Google Maps or other useful websites. Ambiance sounds and/or music are also included!
These Google Slides are a great addition to your French lessons as they are the French cultural touch that is sometimes missing from your lessons. Add one of these slides as your introduction slide to your existing lessons and your students will be joining a world of wonder and discoveries.
In this bundle you will have access to :
10 Francophone Cultural Google slides with varied embedded links (Switzerland, Belgium, Monaco, Quebec, Mali, Madagascar, Martinique, Morocco, Burkina Faso and Democratic Republic of Congo).
a set of instructions and advice on how to use these slides / a Bitmoji
** All embedded links, videos and websites are in French. The language of instruction in these slides is French, exclusively. These slides are therefore most suitable for students with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please leave me a comment to tell me how you used this resource with your learners ! :)
Merci à tous,
La Brunette

French Virtual Classrooms - Starter Scenes
Get started on creating your own French virtual classrooms! This FREE resource comprises 2 regular French virtual classrooms and 1 Francophone virtual classroom.
These colourful virtual classrooms are all including a variety of hyperlinks to redirect your students to videos or websites in the Target Language (French).
These templates could be used as such or could be your starting point to creating your very own French virtual classrooms.
**All embedded links and videos are in French. This resource might therefore better suit French learners with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please let me know in a comment how you used these slides with your learners ! :)
Merci à tous,
La Brunette

Qu'est-ce que tu as fait le weekend dernier reading/grammar worksheet
KS3 French resource : This 4-page worksheet starts as a reading comprehension, on French perfect tense. Then, more activities to revise the perfect tense (most common verbs, with AVOIR and ETRE). Last activity is a writing task where students write their own paragraph using the perfect tense (steps to success included).
Hope this will be useful ! :)

MFL speaking practice cards
One (out of many !) interesting activity from Rachel Hawkes website to develop confidence in speaking in the Target Language (French or Spanish in this case).
Print, laminate and cut the cards. Let the students enjoy this activity while speaking in the TL.
for KS3.
Topics included :
sport (from Rachel Hawkes’ powerpoint slides)
family members and descriptions
where I live
in the city
activities in the city
my house

Free French Virtual Field Trip - la Seine-Maritime
Add some culture to your French lessons with this amazing free French field trip in Normandie!
Embark on a fantastic virtual field trip to discover one of the most picturesque départements of France - la Seine-Maritime, in Normandie.
This free resource is engaging for your students who will visit some incredible French sites from the comfort of their homes.
No worksheet/printing needed. All of the digital material needed is accessible from this free Google Slides document. Almost no preparation needed with this resource.
This free resource comes with :
3 pages of Teacher’s Notes/Guidance
1 illustrated Map of the 76 départment (Seine-Maritime) with clickable links for students to access the cities and sites to visit
a free Google Sheets link for student activities
a one-hour documentary (YouTube video) about the wonders of la Seine-Maritime (link embedded on Google Slides).
**All embedded links and videos are in French. This resource might therefore better suit French learners with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please let me know in a comment how you used these slides with your learners! :)
Merci a tous,
La Brunette.

Free French Virtual Field Trip - le Calvados
Add some culture to your French lessons with this amazing free French field trip.
Embark on a fantastic virtual field trip to discover one of the most historical départements of France - le Calvados, in Normandie.
This free resource is engaging for your students who will visit some incredible French sites from the comfort of their homes.
No worksheet/printing needed. All of the digital material needed is accessible from this free Google Slides document. Almost no preparation needed with this resource.
This free resource comes with :
3 pages of Teacher’s Notes/Guidance
1 illustrated Map of the 14 départment (Calvados) with clickable links for students to access the cities and sites to visit
a free Google Sheets link for student activities
a one-hour documentary (YouTube video) about the wonders of le Calvados (link embedded on Google Slides).
**All embedded links and videos are in French. This resource might therefore better suit French learners with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please let me know in a comment how you used these slides with your learners! :)
Merci a tous,
La Brunette.

10 French Cultural Virtual Bitmoji “classrooms”
In this time of Distance Learning, these Google Slides are just what you need to make your learners visit France from the comfort of their home !
This bundle of 10 virtual bitmoji “classrooms” is specifically designed to help learners discover more about France and its marvelous regions/cities.
Each Cultural Google Slide will take you to a French region or city, where you will be able to click on various pictures or icons to learn more about this place. Embedded links will take you to YouTube videos, Google Maps or other useful websites. Ambiance sounds and/or music are also included!
These Google Slides are a great addition to your French lessons as they are the French cultural touch that is sometimes missing from your lessons. Add one of these slides as your introduction slide to your existing lessons and your students will be joining a world of wonder and discoveries.
In this bundle you will have access to :
10 French Cultural Google slides with varied embedded links
1 extra French virtual classroom setting (normal classroom)
a set of instructions and advice on how to use these slides / a Bitmoji
** All embedded links, videos and websites are in French. The language of instruction in these slides is French, exclusively. These slides are therefore most suitable for students with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please leave me a comment to tell me how you used this resource with your learners ! :)
Merci à tous,
La Brunette

French Virtual Field Trip - PACA region
“Excursion en France” Google Slides are a set of French virtual field trips designed to take your students on a cultural trip to discover our beautiful France, region by region.
This specific bundle here will take your students on a virtual road trip to one of the most visited regions of France : PACA (Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur), in the South East on France.
This resource is engaging for your students, who will visit some incredible French sites from the comfort of their homes.
No worksheet/printing needed. All of the digital material needed is accessible from this Google Slides document. Almost no preparation needed with this resource.
This resource comes with :
3 pages of Teacher’s Notes/Guidance
1 Introduction Slide
1 Slide presenting all 13 French regions
1 slide presenting PACA region
6 slides presenting each PACA department (Alpes Maritimes, Hautes Alpes, Alpes de Haute Provence, Bouches du Rhone, Var, Vaucluse)
6 slides with the individual department maps with clickable links to access the French videos
1 Google Sheets document link, used for students activities
**All embedded links and videos are in French. This resource might therefore better suit French learners with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please let me know in a comment how you used these slides with your learners ! :)
Merci a tous,
La Brunette.

French Virtual Field Trip - Bretagne region
“Excursion en France” Google Slides are a set of French virtual field trips designed to take your students on a cultural trip to discover our beautiful France, region by region.
This specific bundle here will take your students on a virtual road trip to one of the most culturally varied regions of France : la Bretagne, on the North-West Coast of France.
This resource is engaging for your students, who will visit some incredible French sites from the comfort of their homes.
No worksheet/printing needed. All of the digital material needed is accessible from this Google Slides document. Almost no preparation needed with this resource.
You can use this resource for a full French lesson or use it on a weekly/monthly basis and only use one slide at a time.
This resource comes with :
4 pages of Teacher’s Notes/Guidance
1 Introduction Slide
1 Slide presenting all 13 French regions
1 slide presenting la Bretagne region
4 slides presenting each Bretagne department Finistere, Ille-et-Vilaine, Cotes-d’Armor, Morbihan)
4 slides with the individual department maps with clickable hyperlinks to access the French videos
1 Google Sheets document link, used for students activities
**All embedded links and videos are in French. This resource might therefore better suit French learners with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please let me know in a comment how you used these slides with your learners ! :)
Merci a tous,
La Brunette.

French Virtual Field Trip - Hauts-de-France region
“Excursion en France” Google Slides are a set of French virtual field trips designed to take your students on a cultural trip to discover our beautiful France, region by region.
This specific bundle here will take your students on a virtual road trip to one of the most surprising regions of France : les Hauts-de-France, on the North Coast of France, facing the UK.
This resource is engaging for your students, who will visit some incredible French sites from the comfort of their homes.
No worksheet/printing needed. All of the digital material needed is accessible from this Google Slides document. Almost no preparation needed with this resource.
You can use this resource for a full French lesson or use it on a weekly/monthly basis and only use one slide at a time.
This resource comes with :
4 pages of Teacher’s Notes/Guidance
1 Introduction Slide
1 Slide presenting all 13 French regions
1 slide presenting les Hauts-de-France region
5 slides presenting each Hauts-de-France department (Pas-de-Calais, Nord, Somme, Oise, Aisne)
5 slides with the individual department maps with clickable hyperlinks to access the French videos
1 Google Sheets document link, used for students activities.
**All embedded links and videos are in French. This resource might therefore better suit French learners with an already good grasp of the French language.
Please let me know in a comment how you used these slides with your learners ! :)
Merci à tous,
La Brunette.