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Currently finished GCSE's in 2019 Grades: Maths - 7 Physics - 7 Religious Studies - 8 Biology - 8 Chemistry - 8 English Lit & Lang - 8 Textiles - 8 Spanish - 7 Turkish - 7 Geography - 8 Business - 7

Currently finished GCSE's in 2019 Grades: Maths - 7 Physics - 7 Religious Studies - 8 Biology - 8 Chemistry - 8 English Lit & Lang - 8 Textiles - 8 Spanish - 7 Turkish - 7 Geography - 8 Business - 7


PAPER 1 AND 2 AQA GCSE BIOLOGY FLASHCARDS own flashcards made using the spec and multiple revision guides SUITABLE FOR COMBINED* guaranteed full marks in extended writing practical questions
A guide to GCSE Biology Paper 1

A guide to GCSE Biology Paper 1

AQA SPEC BASED - GCSE BIOLOGY PAPER 1 CONTENT these are my own notes some parts include Grade 7-9 (A-A*) content for those 6 markers used these notes and got an 8 in Biology GCSE shortened notes based off CGP revision guide and the AQA biology textbook
A guide to GCSE Biology - Paper 2

A guide to GCSE Biology - Paper 2

AQA GCSE PAPER 2 BIOLOGY CONTENT notes made using the AQA spec, a CGP textbook and an AQA biology textbook these are my own notes includes diagrams and ways to remember some topics i got a grade 8 in biology and is one of my alevel options contains grade 7-9 content SUITABLE FOR COMBINED*