Hero image




Virgil's Aeneid: 30 Mark Essay Practice

Virgil's Aeneid: 30 Mark Essay Practice

A selection of essays for A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ These essays are intended to be used as part of revision
Describing Dido: Vocabulary

Describing Dido: Vocabulary

A list of ambitious vocabulary and short definitions of words in relation to the characterisation of Dido. Hopefully this is useful for students aiming for the top grades.
Homer's Odyssey: 30 Mark Essay Practice

Homer's Odyssey: 30 Mark Essay Practice

A selection of essays for A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ These essays are intended to be used as part of revision
GCSE Classical Civilisation OCR: Gods Summary Notes

GCSE Classical Civilisation OCR: Gods Summary Notes

Condensed notes for the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification for ‘Myth and Religion’. Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes Covers every point on the current OCR specification Exam Questions (knowledge and essay-based) with what to include to gain marks
Homer's Iliad: 30 Mark Essay Practice

Homer's Iliad: 30 Mark Essay Practice

A selection of essays for A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ These essays are intended to be used as part of revision
Aeneas: Character Overview

Aeneas: Character Overview

A short-summary detailing Aeneas’ characterisation in Virgil’s Aeneid. Designed for the OCR A-Level specification for ‘World of the Hero’ Aeneas as a Greek Hero and a Post-Homeric (Roman Hero) Aeneas as a leader Aeneas as a lover Aeneas as a family man Aeneas’ role in Rome’s Imperial Destiny
Homer's Odyssey Synopsis

Homer's Odyssey Synopsis

Summary of all 24 books of Homer’s Odyssey designed for the GCSE OCR Classical Civilisation specification for ‘‘Literature and Culture.’’ This summary sheet is intended to provide a broader overview of the epic and introduce some examples of evidence that can be used from non-prescribed books to help in strengthening arguments.
Aeneas: Quote Sheet

Aeneas: Quote Sheet

A selection of quotes for Virgil’s Aeneid, focusing on Aeneas. The quotes are broken down into appropriate aspects of Aeneas’ character - designed for AS/A-Level students studying the OCR specification for ‘World of the Hero’
Myth and Religion Essay Bank

Myth and Religion Essay Bank

A selection of essays for GCSE students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation specification for ‘Myth and Religion.’ These essays are intended to be used as part of revision
Aeneid Book Summaries: Blank Sheets

Aeneid Book Summaries: Blank Sheets

Designed for use for AS/A Level students studying the OCR specification for ‘World of the Hero’ (Classical Civilisations). There is a summary sheet for each of the prescribed books, with the opportunity to provide a brief summary, give an overview of key characters and themes and to note down any important quotes that can be used in essays.
Odyssey Book Summaries - Blank

Odyssey Book Summaries - Blank

Revision sheets that can be completed upon reading the prescribed books for OCR’s specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ These include a general overview, key characters, key themes and an opportunity to record any key quotes. They can be done from memory or text guides can be used to help support when filling them in.
Dido Revision Sheet/Placemat

Dido Revision Sheet/Placemat

Revision sheet covering the character of Dido in Virgil’s Aeneid, covering various aspects of her characterisation and links to historical context and other characters The themes covered include: Dido as a Victim of the Gods Dido as a Victim of Aeneas’ Duty/Fate Dido’s Leadership Dido’s Relationship with Anna/How Dido is a Victim of Anna Examples of How Sympathy can be Evoked for Dido How Dido Resembles and Contrasts Aeneas Dido’s Resemblance to Cleopatra
Myth and Religion: Revision Checklist

Myth and Religion: Revision Checklist

Revision checklist for OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation: ‘Myth and Religion,’ covering all eight topics studied as part of the course and covering the contents found within the specification.