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America: 1980 - Present Timeline

America: 1980 - Present Timeline

Timeline for America - period study. Split into sections for easy revision of key dates. It is split into the following sections: Reagan and Conservatism End of the Cold War A Changing Economy Challenges of the 21st Century
Civil Rights Movement Timeline

Civil Rights Movement Timeline

Timeline for the Civil Rights Movement in the USA, designed as part of a period study. It is intended for the use of students in KS3 but can easily be amended to support GCSE students studying America as part of their exam specification.
World War II Timeline

World War II Timeline

Timeline for the Second World War, designed as part of a period study. It is intended for the use of students in KS3.
World War I Timeline

World War I Timeline

Timeline for the First World War, designed as part of a period study. It is intended for the use of students in KS3.
Great Depression and New Deal: Summary Notes

Great Depression and New Deal: Summary Notes

Condensed notes for GCSE students studying AQA’s specification for ‘America: Opportunity and Inequality.’ These notes are intended to provide a basic summary of key information from lessons. A source of easy to learn, concise, bullet-point revision notes covering the following aspects of the period: Causes of the Depression Effects of the Depression Hoover’s Role Roosevelt’s New Deal Second World War
AQA America 1920-1975 Opportunity and Inequality Marking Sheet

AQA America 1920-1975 Opportunity and Inequality Marking Sheet

A two page document with the assessment criteria for the AQA GCSE History specification for ‘America, 1920-1975: Opportunity and Inequality’ The mark-scheme for all relevant essay questions is broken down into squares with the relevant marks that can be highlighted/circled, with relevant spaces for any additional comments and target-setting. Can be completed digitally and then stuck in during responding to feedback or by hand. Ideal for responding to feedback.
America: 1954-1975 - Conflict at Home and Abroad  (Edexcel) Marking Grid

America: 1954-1975 - Conflict at Home and Abroad (Edexcel) Marking Grid

A two page document with the assessment criteria for the Edexcel GCSE History specification for ‘America, 1954-1975: Conflict at Home and Abroad.’ The mark-scheme for all relevant essay questions is broken down into squares with the relevant marks that can be highlighted/circled, with relevant spaces for any additional comments and target-setting. Can be completed digitally and then stuck in during responding to feedback or by hand. Ideal for responding to feedback.
GCSE History- Weimar and Nazi Germany (Edexcel) Marking Grid

GCSE History- Weimar and Nazi Germany (Edexcel) Marking Grid

A two page document with the assessment criteria for the Edexcel GCSE History specification for ‘Weimar and Nazi Germany’ The mark-scheme for all relevant essay questions is broken down into squares with the relevant marks that can be highlighted/circled, with relevant spaces for any additional comments and target-setting. Can be completed digitally and then stuck in during responding to feedback or by hand. Ideal for responding to feedback.
Model Answers AQA GCSE History: America - Opportunity and Inequality

Model Answers AQA GCSE History: America - Opportunity and Inequality

A selection of 12 exemplar essays written in response to exam questions concerning the AQA GCSE Specification for ‘America - Opportunity and Inequality’ (1920-1973). All answers were high attaining and there is an example for each question type (4,8 and 12 markers). These can be used as a source of revision or to help develop essay writing skills before/after an examination.
Imperial Image Timeline

Imperial Image Timeline

Timeline for Imperial Image - OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations. Split into sections for easy revision of key dates.
The Roman Empire: Knowledge Organiser

The Roman Empire: Knowledge Organiser

A knowledge organiser detailing a summary of the Roman Empire, intended for the use of students in KS2/KS3. It covers: Power in Rome War and Conflict Foundation Story Economy and Trade Movement and Settlement Life Under the Roman Empire The End of the Empire Timeline
Who honoured Hercules more - the Greeks or the Romans?

Who honoured Hercules more - the Greeks or the Romans?

The following essay was writing in response to the question: ‘Who honoured Hercules more, the people of Olympia or Rome.’ It was written as part of a mock examination for the GCSE OCR specification for Myth and Religion and achieved the full fifteen marks. It can be used as a source of revision to help exemplify how to answer longer essay-based questions or used when responding to feedback.
Revision Guide - GCSE AQA History - America (1920-1973) Opportunity and Inequality

Revision Guide - GCSE AQA History - America (1920-1973) Opportunity and Inequality

The following revision guide has been designed for the AQA GCSE specification for America: 1920-1973, Opportunity and Inequality, but can be tailored to other specifications or used with KS3. It includes summaries of all topics covered in the three main sections of the course: The Boom Years; Causes of the Boom, Social and Cultural Developments, Women, Prohibition and Crime, Immigration and Racism The Depression; Causes of the Depression, Effects of the Depression, New Deal, Social and Cultural Developments Post-War America; American Dream, McCarthysim, Civil Rights Movement, Johnson’s Great Society and Feminism