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Assembly - Mental Health Awareness, Facts, Tips and Support

Assembly - Mental Health Awareness, Facts, Tips and Support

This assembly is centred around mental health awareness and I used this during the national childrens' mental health awareness week. I open the assembly with a definition of mental health and the #timetotalk which I explain is the key message of the assembly. I also show a gif which says 'mental health is real, even if you cannot see it' and use the example of being able to see someone is is physically injured for instance on crutches however, you cannot see a mental health illness or injury. The next section of the assembly is a short video about talking about mental health and how this is no longer a taboo subject and is something that as a school community we are aware of and support. The next section of the assembly identifies that there are over 200 forms of mental health illness and I use three quiz questions to show how big of an issue this is nationally. The final section of the assembly contains a number of helpful tips to maintain good mental health. I then finish the assembly with the national statistic that 'Nearly three in four young people fear the reactions of friends when they talk about their mental health problems'. I conclude by saying that as a school and house community we are here to support each other and that mental health is not a taboo subject and one which we accept.
Assembly - Teamwork and Expectations of a New Academic Year

Assembly - Teamwork and Expectations of a New Academic Year

I often use this assembly for the first assembly of the new academic year. In the first section of the assembly I talk about how this is the 'first day a new journey'. How students can remodel them self if they would like to this year of continue the good work from the previous year or years. I then talk about the basic expectations of the year. Uniform expectations, behavioral expectations and such like. The final section of the assembly is a practical that students really love but takes some preparation. One a table at the front of the assembly hall I sit a bowl of sweets on a table. I also selotape a spoon to a meter long ruler to create a meter long spoon! You will need two of these. I ask for two volunteers to come out and hand them a meter long spoon each. I tell the volunteers that they have 1 minute to eat as many sweets as possible however, there is one condition. They can only hold the meter long spoon by then end. The only way that they will be able to eat the sweets is to feed each other. Once the demonstration is done I talk to the year group about how this is an example of being a team and that at school we have to help each other to make sure we succeed. I use the acronym to finish the assembly: T - together E - everyone A - acheives M - more
Football Trivia Wet Weather PE Lesson

Football Trivia Wet Weather PE Lesson

This quiz contains 8 questions that are based on football. I use these for wet weather football lessons. An example includes: 1) There are 23 different last names for a team out of the 92 in England (e.g. City, United). Name them....
Assembly - Make School  A Level Playing Field By Bringing The Correct Equipment

Assembly - Make School A Level Playing Field By Bringing The Correct Equipment

The assembly requires some preparation but is well worth it. You will need to set out a table tennis table at the front of the assembly hall. On each side of the table to you need to place two school bags. Once has a table tennis paddle and a ball in it and the other half has a rounders bat in it. Once the assembly has started I ask for a student and a member of staff to volunteer. I give the student the bag with the table tennis paddle and ball in it and the bag containing the rounders bat to the member of staff. I normally ask a sporty student before the assembly if I can use them so the demonstration works. I then ask the volunteers to reveal the equipment that is in their bags and have a game of first to 5. The student will win with the correct equipment. I then show students a picture of a 'level playing field' and say that there are some people in the group who, at times, create a situation where they are not able to learn as well as their peers. This is due to their poor organisation bu not bringing basic equipment or not doing their homework. I finish the assembly with the key message that in later life being organised is a key skill to get a job.
Confidence Thermometer - Progress Checker

Confidence Thermometer - Progress Checker

I use this document as a progress checker during lessons and have this laminated and blown up into A1 size in my classroom to use. As the beginning of the lesson when I go explain the learning objectives of the lesson I ask students to write their names on a post it note and then stick their name on the thermometer depending on how confident they feel against the topic. During the lesson I then ask students to move their names if they feel they have made progress against the learning objectives. This is a brilliant tool to demonstrate progress as it is visual and can be visited at any pint during a lesson.
Assembly - Wear Sunscreen, Listen To The Advice That Is  Offered To You

Assembly - Wear Sunscreen, Listen To The Advice That Is Offered To You

This is a really fun assembly that students love. The start of the assembly shows the cover of the song "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)“ by Baz Luhrman. I explain to the group that this song made number 1 in 1999 and was one of my favourite songs whilst at school. The whole song is centred around someone giving life advice. I then play the song and show a picture that details of the advice given in the song. I then move onto the next part of the assembly. This requires some preparation. You need to ask staff to send pictures of themself from their school years and insert this into the presentation. I then show pictures of member of staff and ask the students who they think it is. This normally gets a great laugh. Once I have been through all of the pictures my message is that as staff we often give lots of advice and sometimes students feel that we are nagging or getting at them. The message is that as staff, we have all made the mistakes that you are going to make so use us and trust us when we offer advice.
Assembly - Don't Judge a Book By it's Cover

Assembly - Don't Judge a Book By it's Cover

This assembly has two clear sections. The first is a link to Susan Boyle's audition for Britain's Got Talent. A picture is shown of Susan and I ask the group firstly who she is and then does she look like a pop star? I then use the link to show her audition. During the audition Ant and Dec say 'I bet you weren't expecting that'. When the audition finishes I ask the group why weren't you expecting her to not have an amazing voice? The second section of the audition requires some preparation. You need four bags of walker crisps. You have to carefully open each bag at the bottom and swap the flavours into different bags. I normally put ready salted into a cheese and onion bag and then salt and vinegar in prawn cocktail. You then selotape the two bags you will use in the assembly up so that they look like have been unopened. I then ask for a volunteer and blindfold them whilst doing a blind taste. When the volunteer say, what appears, to be the wrong flavours I then reveal what I have done. My message from both sections of the assembly is to not always follow the crowd. Sometimes other people's opinions are not always yours. Never read a book by its over until you have explored it for yourself.
A Level PE - The Olympic Games

A Level PE - The Olympic Games

Learning Objectives: - The History of the Olympic Games. - The commercialisation of the Olympic Games. - The IOC & BOA.
Heart Dissection Worksheet

Heart Dissection Worksheet

The practical worksheet should be used alongside a practical heart dissection. The worksheet contains 15 questions that will guide students through a heart dissection. I have used this hand out for years, it is very effective.
GCSE PE - Somatotypes

GCSE PE - Somatotypes

Learning Objectives: - Describe the different body types. - Explain the effect each somatotype can have on performance. - Identify optimum weight and why it varies.
GCSE PE - The Principles of Training

GCSE PE - The Principles of Training

Learning Objectives: - Explain the Principles of Training. - Show how these principles are used to improve fitness. - Explain the FITT principle