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Football Trivia Wet Weather PE Lesson

Football Trivia Wet Weather PE Lesson

This quiz contains 8 questions that are based on football. I use these for wet weather football lessons. An example includes: 1) There are 23 different last names for a team out of the 92 in England (e.g. City, United). Name them....
Confidence Thermometer - Progress Checker

Confidence Thermometer - Progress Checker

I use this document as a progress checker during lessons and have this laminated and blown up into A1 size in my classroom to use. As the beginning of the lesson when I go explain the learning objectives of the lesson I ask students to write their names on a post it note and then stick their name on the thermometer depending on how confident they feel against the topic. During the lesson I then ask students to move their names if they feel they have made progress against the learning objectives. This is a brilliant tool to demonstrate progress as it is visual and can be visited at any pint during a lesson.
Anatomy Physiology Student Work Book

Anatomy Physiology Student Work Book

A Level Physical Education Resource This resource coincides with the set of PowerPoints which, will assist the delivery of the AS Anatomy and Physiology A Level Unit for the OCR specification. The student notebook contains: exam check lists; notes; tasks; exam questions and exam answers. The resource represents two years worth of work and I can guarantee that it will make teaching this unit much easier. I only wish that I had this when I first started teaching the Sports Science units. This is a perfect resource for anyone starting out teaching the Sports Science aspect of A Level Physical Education.
Assembly - Anti Bullying Facts, Figures and the Impact of Bullying

Assembly - Anti Bullying Facts, Figures and the Impact of Bullying

The Anti Bullying assembly focuses upon key facts that have been taken from the 2016 Anti Bullying survey. It opens on a video that centers around cyber bullying and the impact that this can have. It them moves onto key facts taken from the survey that will be quite shocking such as 50% of students said that they had been bullied at some point during their school life and also that 19% of the 8550 students who took the survey are bullied on several occasions during a school week. The assembly then focuses on what we can do as a community to challenge bullying and finishes with a recent advert anti bullying advert that uses a rock, paper and scissors fort where the scissors protects the paper, the paper protects the rock and the rock protects the scissors. This advert recently won an Oscar and is very powerful.
Exercise Physiology Student Work Book

Exercise Physiology Student Work Book

A Level Physical Education Resource This resource coincides with the set of PowerPoints which, will assist the delivery of the A2 Exercise Physiology A Level Unit for the OCR specification. The student notebook contains: exam check lists; notes; tasks; exam questions and exam answers. The resource represents two years worth of work and I can guarantee that it will make teaching this unit much easier. I only wish that I had this when I first started teaching the Sports Science units. This is a perfect resource for anyone starting out teaching the Sports Science aspect of A Level Physical Education.
A level PE - Heart Structure and Function

A level PE - Heart Structure and Function

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Provide an overview of the aerobic system. - Introduce the function of the cardiovascular system. - Identify the internal and external structure and of the Heart
A Level PE - Circulatory Networks

A Level PE - Circulatory Networks

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Identify the two circulatory networks of blood vessels through the body. - Describe the structural differences of the three types of blood vessels located in the body. - Discuss Starlings' Law of the Heart (venous return mechanism).
A Level PE - Vascular Shunt Mechanism and the Vasomotor Control Centre

A Level PE - Vascular Shunt Mechanism and the Vasomotor Control Centre

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Introduce the vascular shunt mechanism. - Describe the distribution of cardiac output at rest and during exercise. - Explain the role of the vasomotor centre and the involvement of arterioles and pre-capillary sphincters.
A Level PE - The Theories of Learning  - Skill Aquisition

A Level PE - The Theories of Learning - Skill Aquisition

Learning Objectives: Introduce the four theories of learning. - Operant Conditioning. - Observational Learning (Bandura). - Social Development Theory (Vygotsky). - Insight Learning (Gestaltist theories). Understand how the theories of learning impact on skill development.
A Level PE - The Golden Triangle, Sport and Social Media

A Level PE - The Golden Triangle, Sport and Social Media

Lesson Objectives: Introduce the ‘Golden Triangle’ and the interrelationship between commercialisation, media and sponsorship. To explore how the ‘Golden Triangle’ influences the development of sport in modern day society. Identify what social media is and the impact it has on sport.
British Values - Mutual Respect and Tolerance

British Values - Mutual Respect and Tolerance

This assembly focuses on one of the British Values with regards to Mutual Respect and Tolerance. The first slide is a definition of respect “A regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others”. The next slide asks the students to compare and contrast the sports football and rugby with regards to the respect shown by both the players and spectators. This should spark debate about the respect and possible lack of respect shown in each. The following slides show footballers abusing referees and and then an article detailing how many referees are leaving football due to the abuse that they take. A short video of a rugby referee then follows this which demonstrates how rugby players generally show great respect for the referee as he tells off 30 men who were not following the rules without any of them questioning him in any way. The next two slides show a recent Manchester football derby where the police had to create a line to keep the fans away from each other. The next slide shows two rugby fans stood together at a game shouting on their teams. This is the hook into the theme of mutual respect because why does rugby seem to have a culture of respect whilst football does not? I then explain that when people show each other respect this makes for a happier experience for all people involved. I then ask the students how can we show respect for each other at our school and within our house to make it a nice place to be? I have broken this up into respecting yourself, respecting the environment and then others. Whilst talking about respecting others I then introduce the term mutual respect and explain why this is important. This leads into discussion about that fact that in Britian we live in a diverse nation made up of many different cultures, languages, races, and backgrounds and how we can learn from others. I then finish the assembly with a golden rule about mutual respect: Treat others as you want to be treated
Heart Dissection Worksheet

Heart Dissection Worksheet

The practical worksheet should be used alongside a practical heart dissection. The worksheet contains 15 questions that will guide students through a heart dissection. I have used this hand out for years, it is very effective.
A Level PE - The Development of Association Football

A Level PE - The Development of Association Football

Learning Objectives: Outline the rationalisation and modern day development of Association Football. Identify the factors affecting the emergence of elite female performers in football in late 20th and early 21st century. Consider the changing role of women in sport.
A Level PE - Muscle Fibre Types

A Level PE - Muscle Fibre Types

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Identify the different types of Muscle Fibre found in skeletal muscles. - Discuss Muscle Fibre types in relation to physical activity. - Introduce the Muscle Fibre Continuum
Assembly - Mental Health Awareness, Facts, Tips and Support

Assembly - Mental Health Awareness, Facts, Tips and Support

This assembly is centred around mental health awareness and I used this during the national childrens' mental health awareness week. I open the assembly with a definition of mental health and the #timetotalk which I explain is the key message of the assembly. I also show a gif which says 'mental health is real, even if you cannot see it' and use the example of being able to see someone is is physically injured for instance on crutches however, you cannot see a mental health illness or injury. The next section of the assembly is a short video about talking about mental health and how this is no longer a taboo subject and is something that as a school community we are aware of and support. The next section of the assembly identifies that there are over 200 forms of mental health illness and I use three quiz questions to show how big of an issue this is nationally. The final section of the assembly contains a number of helpful tips to maintain good mental health. I then finish the assembly with the national statistic that 'Nearly three in four young people fear the reactions of friends when they talk about their mental health problems'. I conclude by saying that as a school and house community we are here to support each other and that mental health is not a taboo subject and one which we accept.
Assembly - Perseverance,  Never Give Up

Assembly - Perseverance, Never Give Up

The focus of this assembly is about perseverance. The first clip is taken from the film 'Catch me if you can'. It takes a scene where someone describes two mice falling into a bucket of milk. Once drowns but the other tries so hard to get out that it churns the milk into butter and walks out the bucket. The next clip is taken from 'Educating Yorkshire'. It shows a young man with a speech impediment trying to talk through some work and getting frustrated. The next clip is one of him speaking in the Year 11 leavers assembly. The next section shows Andy Murray getting upset after losing the Wimbledon final followed by the moment he won Wimbledon the following year. I then go on to talk about how in these situations both people went on to be successful by not giving up and persevering with the challenges ahead of them. This then links in to the challenges that the students will face this academic year. The assembly finishes with a quote by Gary Player who once said “It's funny but the more I practice, the luckier I get.”
A level PE - Heart Rate, Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output

A level PE - Heart Rate, Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Describe the relationship between stroke volume, heart rate and cardiac output. - Explain the changes that take place to stroke volume, heart rate and cardiac output during different intensities of physical activity.
A Level PE - The Benefits and Barriers to Raising Participation in Sport

A Level PE - The Benefits and Barriers to Raising Participation in Sport

Learning Objectives: Outline the key terms associated with the barriers to sport. Identify the barriers to participation, the three target groups (women, disability, ethnic minorities), and the possible solutions to overcome them Discuss the health, fitness and social benefits of raising participation in sport.