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GCSE PE - Skill Related Fitness

GCSE PE - Skill Related Fitness

Learning Objectives: Explain the components of skill related fitness. Describe how the components of skill related fitness are used in different physical activities.
GCSE PE - The Principles of Training

GCSE PE - The Principles of Training

Learning Objectives: - Explain the Principles of Training. - Show how these principles are used to improve fitness. - Explain the FITT principle
GCSE PE - Influences on Physical Actvity

GCSE PE - Influences on Physical Actvity

Learning Objectives: Identify key influences for physical activity. Describe opportunities for physical activity. Explain the sports participation pyramid. Describe a number of key physical activity initiatives.
GCSE PE - Health, Fitness and Exercise

GCSE PE - Health, Fitness and Exercise

Learning Objectives: Describe the terms health, fitness and exercise. Explain the components of health related exercise. Explain the components of skill related fitness.
Assembly - Wear Sunscreen, Listen To The Advice That Is  Offered To You

Assembly - Wear Sunscreen, Listen To The Advice That Is Offered To You

This is a really fun assembly that students love. The start of the assembly shows the cover of the song "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)“ by Baz Luhrman. I explain to the group that this song made number 1 in 1999 and was one of my favourite songs whilst at school. The whole song is centred around someone giving life advice. I then play the song and show a picture that details of the advice given in the song. I then move onto the next part of the assembly. This requires some preparation. You need to ask staff to send pictures of themself from their school years and insert this into the presentation. I then show pictures of member of staff and ask the students who they think it is. This normally gets a great laugh. Once I have been through all of the pictures my message is that as staff we often give lots of advice and sometimes students feel that we are nagging or getting at them. The message is that as staff, we have all made the mistakes that you are going to make so use us and trust us when we offer advice.
Assembly - Make School  A Level Playing Field By Bringing The Correct Equipment

Assembly - Make School A Level Playing Field By Bringing The Correct Equipment

The assembly requires some preparation but is well worth it. You will need to set out a table tennis table at the front of the assembly hall. On each side of the table to you need to place two school bags. Once has a table tennis paddle and a ball in it and the other half has a rounders bat in it. Once the assembly has started I ask for a student and a member of staff to volunteer. I give the student the bag with the table tennis paddle and ball in it and the bag containing the rounders bat to the member of staff. I normally ask a sporty student before the assembly if I can use them so the demonstration works. I then ask the volunteers to reveal the equipment that is in their bags and have a game of first to 5. The student will win with the correct equipment. I then show students a picture of a 'level playing field' and say that there are some people in the group who, at times, create a situation where they are not able to learn as well as their peers. This is due to their poor organisation bu not bringing basic equipment or not doing their homework. I finish the assembly with the key message that in later life being organised is a key skill to get a job.
Assembly - The Lance Armstrong Story - Persevere and Do Not Cheat Yourself

Assembly - The Lance Armstrong Story - Persevere and Do Not Cheat Yourself

The assembly is based on the story of Lance Armstrong. The first section shows a picture of Lance Armstrong and asks the question who is and why is he famous? The next clip shows a short video about the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong. The key facts about his careers and then his demise. I then talk through the timeline of his famous rise and fall. The next is a trailer of the famous documentary that was taken throughout his career where he admits lying to the public and covering up his performance enhancement use. The final clip is a Nike advert that stars lance Armstrong. In this advert he says 'people often ask me what I am on, what am I on? My bike 6 hours a day, what are you on?' I then go on to relate the Armstrong Lie to school. How Lance Armstrong knew he was cheating but created a cover story to make him look like he was working 6 hours a day to achieve his goals and not cutting corners by cheating. The assembly then finishes by asking students to not be a Lance Armstrong. To not tell parents, staff, friends that they are working hard/revising if they are not really. To be honest so that people are aware if they need support and can put that in place. I finish by asking the group to pereservere with their challenges but asking for help is not a weakness. It is actually a huge strength.
Assembly - Anti Bullying , Cyber Bullying Focus

Assembly - Anti Bullying , Cyber Bullying Focus

This assembly has a focus on cyber bullying. The assembly opens with a short clip showing a boy talking to a girl in a chat room. He is being told to say nasty things to her by her friends. The clip ends with the boy telling the girl that they would be better off if she was dead and asks the question 'how would you feel?' Cyber bullying is a huge issue in schools and this assembly then focuses upon the different types of cyber bullying that can take place and their impact on people.
A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Personalities

A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Personalities

Learning Objectives: Know the difference between the trait theory, social learning approach and interactionist perspective Discuss the Nature vs. Nurture debate. Are personality characteristics are innate or learned? Introduce the Lewin approach to personality and the Hollander approach to the Interactionist Theory.
A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Aggression

A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Aggression

Learning Objectives Identify and describe the four different theories of aggression Understand the difference between aggression and assertion and link to different theories. Be able to justify and evaluate the different aggression theories, linking ways to prevent/limit aggression.
A Level PE - Movements of Joints

A Level PE - Movements of Joints

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Identify the anatomical position. - Introduce anatomical terms of location. - Discuss the joint actions possible at synovial joints.
Assembly - Can We Rely On Being Lucky To Be Successful?

Assembly - Can We Rely On Being Lucky To Be Successful?

This assembly focuses on the prospect of relying in the lottery, lucky charms or Mystic Meg to predict our future and rely on to be a success. The first part of the assembly is a clip of a euro lottery draw. I ask the staff to fill out their numbers before the assembly with slips for the euro draw. The staff will not win the lottery (hopefully!). I then move on to the use of lucky charms and then onto star signs and Mystic Meg by reading out staff star signs. The key message is that we cannot rely on luck or anything else apart from our own hard work.
A Level PE - Joints and Bones

A Level PE - Joints and Bones

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Classify the bones and joints of the body. - Identify the different types of Synovial Joints in the body. - Identify the articulating bones from the main joints.
A Level PE - Warm Up and Cool Down

A Level PE - Warm Up and Cool Down

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Define a warm up and cool down. - Analyse the effects of a warm up and cool down on skeletal muscle tissue. - Discuss different bone disorders, joint stability and posture and alignment.