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A Level PE - Newton's Laws of Motion

A Level PE - Newton's Laws of Motion

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Identify and describe linear, angular and general motion. - Relate linear, angular and general motion to different types of sporting situations.
A Level PE - Respiratory Structures

A Level PE - Respiratory Structures

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Introduce the Respiratory System structure and function. - Identify the location of gas exchange and how this process occurs.
A level PE - Body Composition Two

A level PE - Body Composition Two

Learning objectives: - Calculate the body mass index (BMI) of each other. - Introduce the terms Basal Metabolic Rate and Basal Metabolic Rate.
A Level PE - Industrial and Post Industrial 1780-1900 Recreation

A Level PE - Industrial and Post Industrial 1780-1900 Recreation

A Level Physical Education Skill Acquisition lesson. Learning Objectives: - Understand how sport changed to reflect a changing society during the Industrial Revolution. - Identify the characteristics of rational recreation. - Relate the characteristics of early industrial Britain to the characteristics of rational recreation.
A Level PE - Pre-Industrial Britain - Popular Recreation Pre-1780

A Level PE - Pre-Industrial Britain - Popular Recreation Pre-1780

A Level Physical Education Skill Acquisition lesson. Learning Objectives: - Identify the characteristics of pre-industrial Britain. - Understand the term popular recreation and state its characteristics. - To be able to link Mob Football, Athletics and Real Tennis to the society of the time.
Assembly - Celebrity Juice, Chinese Whispers and Gossip in Schools

Assembly - Celebrity Juice, Chinese Whispers and Gossip in Schools

This assembly is based around the rumour mill that exists in schools. The first part of the assembly is an imitation of a game on celebrity juice. It requires 3 members of staff to be stood in line with ear phones in and their music on full volume. Behind the staff are three extracts from celeb gossip mags. The idea is for you to read out one piece of gossip and then for the staff to pass this down the line. The message will get lost through the loud music and lip reading. This is repeated 3 times. I then show a picture of a puppeteer and explain how people can twist information to create a situation for their own benefit and that unless a person has heard or seen something for them self to not always believe it.
Assembly - The Lance Armstrong Story - Persevere and Do Not Cheat Yourself

Assembly - The Lance Armstrong Story - Persevere and Do Not Cheat Yourself

The assembly is based on the story of Lance Armstrong. The first section shows a picture of Lance Armstrong and asks the question who is and why is he famous? The next clip shows a short video about the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong. The key facts about his careers and then his demise. I then talk through the timeline of his famous rise and fall. The next is a trailer of the famous documentary that was taken throughout his career where he admits lying to the public and covering up his performance enhancement use. The final clip is a Nike advert that stars lance Armstrong. In this advert he says 'people often ask me what I am on, what am I on? My bike 6 hours a day, what are you on?' I then go on to relate the Armstrong Lie to school. How Lance Armstrong knew he was cheating but created a cover story to make him look like he was working 6 hours a day to achieve his goals and not cutting corners by cheating. The assembly then finishes by asking students to not be a Lance Armstrong. To not tell parents, staff, friends that they are working hard/revising if they are not really. To be honest so that people are aware if they need support and can put that in place. I finish by asking the group to pereservere with their challenges but asking for help is not a weakness. It is actually a huge strength.
A Level PE - Joint Stability

A Level PE - Joint Stability

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Complete an analysis of joints in relation to joint stability. - Identify the reasons for poor alignment and posture.
Assembly - Teamwork and Expectations of a New Academic Year

Assembly - Teamwork and Expectations of a New Academic Year

I often use this assembly for the first assembly of the new academic year. In the first section of the assembly I talk about how this is the 'first day a new journey'. How students can remodel them self if they would like to this year of continue the good work from the previous year or years. I then talk about the basic expectations of the year. Uniform expectations, behavioral expectations and such like. The final section of the assembly is a practical that students really love but takes some preparation. One a table at the front of the assembly hall I sit a bowl of sweets on a table. I also selotape a spoon to a meter long ruler to create a meter long spoon! You will need two of these. I ask for two volunteers to come out and hand them a meter long spoon each. I tell the volunteers that they have 1 minute to eat as many sweets as possible however, there is one condition. They can only hold the meter long spoon by then end. The only way that they will be able to eat the sweets is to feed each other. Once the demonstration is done I talk to the year group about how this is an example of being a team and that at school we have to help each other to make sure we succeed. I use the acronym to finish the assembly: T - together E - everyone A - acheives M - more
Rugby Union Quiz Wet Weather PE Lesson

Rugby Union Quiz Wet Weather PE Lesson

This resource contains a quiz with 20 questions based on the rules and tactics of rugby union. I use this for wet weather lessons when teaching rugby union. Examples of question are: 1. What is a scrum? 2. What does a hooker do in a rugby team?
A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Arousal

A Level PE, Sport Psychology, Arousal

Learning Objectives Introduce the Drive Theory, Inverted U Theory, Catastrophe Theory and Zone of Optimal Functioning Theory. Understand the characteristics of Peak Flow Experience . Able to explain and justify the practical applications of theories of arousal and their impact on performance.
Expectations for the New Academic Year, First Assembly

Expectations for the New Academic Year, First Assembly

I have used this assembly recently as the first assembly of the new academic year for my house. I start the assembly by talking through how this time of year is a great time to reflect on the past year and to decide what needs to change or be kept the same to be successful for the new academic year. I then show a definition of 'expectations' and that this is a strong belief that something will happen. I explain that I have a number of basic expectations for the house to ensure that we are successful on both an individual and house basis. This then leads into expectations of uniform, behaviour, using a planner, being organised, not littering etc with pictures for each topic. I then talk through what the house can expect from staff and the what I expect from them and that there will be no passengers this year with everyone contributing. The section of the assembly is a trailer from a film called the yes man. I play this until half way through to the point where Jim Carey go to a conference and is told that he must so yes to every opportunity given to him. This then links into all the challenges/key school events that I have taken from the school calendar and I ask the group to not see these as negatives but to see these as opportunities to improve and achieve. I finish the assembly by saying the success of failure of this year will be the students' attitude towards these challenges and that as a team supporting each other it is going to be a very exciting and successful year for the house.
GCSE PE - The Muscular System

GCSE PE - The Muscular System

A GCSE Physical Education lesson on the Muscular System. This is based on the Edexcel exam board. Learning Objectives: - Understand the role of the muscular system. - Identify the major muscle groups. - Understand the role of muscles in movement.
GCSE PE - The Skeletal System

GCSE PE - The Skeletal System

A GCSE Physical Education lesson on the Skeletal System. This is based on the Edexcel exam board. Learning Objectives: - Understand the functions of the skeletal system. - Identify the ranges of movement at joints during physical activity. - Understand the effects of exercise on the skeletal system.
A level PE - Types of Motion

A level PE - Types of Motion

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Identify and describe linear, angular and general motion. - Relate linear, angular and general motion to different types of sporting situations.
GCSE PE - Different Body Types

GCSE PE - Different Body Types

A GCSE Physical Education lesson based on body types. This is based on the Edexcel exam board. Learning Objectives: - Learn to describe the different somatotypes - Explain why different somatotypes are suited to different sports - Learn how to measure somatotype