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A Level PE - Skill Classification - Skill Aquisition

A Level PE - Skill Classification - Skill Aquisition

Learning Objectives: - Introduce the characteristics of skill. - Describe the skill continua and justify skill placement on each of the continua. - Understand how the transfer of learning impacts on skill development.
A level PE - Performance Enhacement Two

A level PE - Performance Enhacement Two

Learning objectives: - Critically analyse a number of Ergogenic Aids. - Discuss the use of cooling aids to reduce core temperature and aid recovery. - Outline the use of training aids to increase resistance.
Assembly - Create Your Own Luck, Star Signs & Euro Lottery

Assembly - Create Your Own Luck, Star Signs & Euro Lottery

The assembly is centered around students not relying on lady luck and creating their own futures. The first section of the assembly is a euro millions draw. I have attached an amended lottery ticket that can be used for this. I either give each student a ticket or each member of staff. Once the draw has finsihed (hopefully) no one should have won the jackpot. I then go on to say that we cannot therefore on the lottery in the future. The next section is a number of star signs that I have taken from Mystic Meg. I enter in staff names at the top of each page and predict their futures. This normally gets a good laugh from the students and I finish on the point that these things are really unlikely and simply guesswork. The assembly finished with a summary about lucky charms that people may use but actually. Luck is something you create through hard work.
GCSE PE - Somatotypes

GCSE PE - Somatotypes

Learning Objectives: - Describe the different body types. - Explain the effect each somatotype can have on performance. - Identify optimum weight and why it varies.
GCSE PE - The Principles of Training

GCSE PE - The Principles of Training

Learning Objectives: - Explain the Principles of Training. - Show how these principles are used to improve fitness. - Explain the FITT principle
Assembly - Anti Bullying , Cyber Bullying Focus

Assembly - Anti Bullying , Cyber Bullying Focus

This assembly has a focus on cyber bullying. The assembly opens with a short clip showing a boy talking to a girl in a chat room. He is being told to say nasty things to her by her friends. The clip ends with the boy telling the girl that they would be better off if she was dead and asks the question 'how would you feel?' Cyber bullying is a huge issue in schools and this assembly then focuses upon the different types of cyber bullying that can take place and their impact on people.
A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Personalities

A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Personalities

Learning Objectives: Know the difference between the trait theory, social learning approach and interactionist perspective Discuss the Nature vs. Nurture debate. Are personality characteristics are innate or learned? Introduce the Lewin approach to personality and the Hollander approach to the Interactionist Theory.
Assembly - Can We Rely On Being Lucky To Be Successful?

Assembly - Can We Rely On Being Lucky To Be Successful?

This assembly focuses on the prospect of relying in the lottery, lucky charms or Mystic Meg to predict our future and rely on to be a success. The first part of the assembly is a clip of a euro lottery draw. I ask the staff to fill out their numbers before the assembly with slips for the euro draw. The staff will not win the lottery (hopefully!). I then move on to the use of lucky charms and then onto star signs and Mystic Meg by reading out staff star signs. The key message is that we cannot rely on luck or anything else apart from our own hard work.
A Level PE - Warm Up and Cool Down

A Level PE - Warm Up and Cool Down

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: - Define a warm up and cool down. - Analyse the effects of a warm up and cool down on skeletal muscle tissue. - Discuss different bone disorders, joint stability and posture and alignment.
A Level PE - Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport

A Level PE - Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: You are to create an A3 poster which informs the reader about the below points. Your target audience has no previous knowledge of this topic so the poster must be very informative. Use page 57 in your notebook and pages 87-88 as guidance in your textbook however, other resources will need to be used. Poster Content: Describe how carbon dioxide and oxygen are carried within the vascular system. Identify how effective transportation of carbon dioxide and oxygen within the vascular system aids participation in physical activity Explain how smoking affects the transportation of oxygen.
A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Attitudes

A Level PE - Sport Psychology, Attitudes

Learning Objectives Introduce the triadic model and the different components of attitudes. Understand the formation of different attitudes. Able to explain and justify changing attitudes through cognitive dissonance and persuasive communication.
A Level PE - Feedback - Skill Aquisition

A Level PE - Feedback - Skill Aquisition

Learning Objectives: Understand the different purposes and types of feedback. Explain how feedback and guidance impacts on skill development. Develop 15 mark question technique.
Assembly - Anti-Bullying, Think Before You Post

Assembly - Anti-Bullying, Think Before You Post

This assembly focusses on anti-bullying but more specifically cyber bullying. The opening part of the assembly defines bullying and also explains the different types of bullying providing examples of each in schools. These are verbal, social and physical bullying. The next section of the assembly uses a video called 'In Real Life' which is a social experiment that shows what happens when online bullying is taken offline. This is a very cutting video where people say some quite horrific to people in the public. The things that the people are saying are quotes taken from other people's social media. The moral of the video is that a lot of people say things online that they would never dream to say to someone face to face. This is followed by some key facts and figures about cyber bullying and then some general tips with the tag Think Before YOU Post. The final section of this assembly shows how students can report bullying at my school. This will need to be amended for each individual school.
Muscle Functions

Muscle Functions

A Level Anatomy and Physiology lesson. Learning objectives: Label Muscular System Diagram. Revisit the locations of the muscles in the body. Identify the muscles used for specific exercises.
A Level PE - Factors Impacting on Popular Recreation as a Result of Industriailisation

A Level PE - Factors Impacting on Popular Recreation as a Result of Industriailisation

A Level Physical Education Skill Acquisition lesson. Learning Objectives: Identify the main factors that effected rational recreation in the second half of industrialisation. Be able to explain how the five influences affected rational recreation in the second half of industrialisation. Understand the changes between industrial and pre-industrial Britain.
GCSE PE - An Active and Healthy Lifestyle

GCSE PE - An Active and Healthy Lifestyle

Learning Objectives: Explain a healthy and active lifestyle. Classify benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle. Describe the benefits of physical activity. Clarify the reasons for taking part in physical activity.
GCSE PE - Skill Related Fitness

GCSE PE - Skill Related Fitness

Learning Objectives: Explain the components of skill related fitness. Describe how the components of skill related fitness are used in different physical activities.