
Year 4 maths fluency morning work Spring term 1
6 weeks worth of daily powerpoints.
Powerpoints to display as morning work.
10 arithmetic questions per day.
Aligned with White Rose scheme to recap what has already been taught that school year.
Through the week the questions are similar but get slightly harder so there is some progression through the week.
Excellent metacognitive activity to practise previously learnt skills.

Y5/6 Always, sometimes or never lesson plan
Reasoning lesson to teach children how to answer Always, sometimes or never questions, giving full explanations for their answers. Resources included.

Year 4 maths fluency morning work Spring term 2
6 weeks worth of powerpoints to display as morning work.
10 arithmetic questions per day.
Aligned with White Rose scheme to recap what has already been taught that school year.
Through the week the questions are similar but get slightly harder so there is some progression through the week.
Excellent metacognitive activity to practise previously learnt skills.

Year 4 maths fluency morning work Spring Week 1
Powerpoint to display as morning work.
10 arithmetic questions per day.
Aligned with White Rose scheme to recap what has already been taught that school year.
Through the week the questions are similar but get slightly harder so there is some progression through the week.
Excellent metacognitive activity to practise previously learnt skills.