I am a primary school teacher uploading my resources and lessons that I make! I really appreciate feedback and reviews and I hope you find them useful!
I am a primary school teacher uploading my resources and lessons that I make! I really appreciate feedback and reviews and I hope you find them useful!
SATS Reading paper broekn down into domains.
This resource is ideal for SATS practice, especially good if you want the questions broken down into the domains to teach separately.
Passive Voice Game
Aim of the game: capture as many locations as possible!
To do this you must roll a dice to move a space, you cannot go diagonally!
When you land on a location click on its number. This will take you to a slide with an active voice sentence.
To mark the space off of the map you must turn the active sentence into passive! If you lose you do not get the location and your turn ends.
Lesson 1 - Sources of Light
WALT recognise we need light in order to see things
Chn to understand what a source of light is, and explore examples of different sources of light.
Chn to explore natural and man-made sources of light. Chn to sort light sources according to whether they are natural or man-made.
Use a torch and a cardboard box. What is inside? Children to guess before using the torch.
Close eyes/use a blindfold and children have to carry out a task.
Lesson 5
WALT explain that magnets attract some materials
Chn to create and play a game using magnetic force (e.g. maze or racing using magnetism)
Chn to explain how their games work with the use of the magnet. Chn to evaluate their game.
Lesson 4 - WALT explore magnetic poles
Chn to understand what attract and repel mean and north and south poles.
Chn to investigate using two magnets, exploring the two poles of a magnet and which attract and which repel.
Chn to use a bar magnet to create a compass which children
Lesson 3 = WALT sort magnetic and non-magnetic materials
Chn to understand what a magnet is and what a magnetic field is. Chn to use term attract to describe. Chn to investigate and sort materials/objects according to whether that are magnetic/non-magnetic.
Lesson 2 - investigation friction
WALT investigate the effects of friction on different surfaces
Chn to plan and set up investigation to see which surfaces generate the most friction.
Chn to make predictions about which surface will cause the most friction.
Chn to evaluate their findings after conducting investigation.
Lesson 1 - Forces
Push and Pull Forces
Chn to discuss what a force is.
Chn to sort cards into actions/objects that use a push force or pull force or both.
Does the force stop or start motion?
Chn to complete a Venn diagram identifying actions/objects that use push/pull/both.
•Lesson 1 - Cold Task
• This lesson should provide the context and purpose for writing.
• Lots of talk to discuss topic, generate ideas, start banking language (Collect it!).
• Look at one key WAGOLL
• Children attempt to write their own using success criteria
Lesson 2 - Analyse language.
• Spend TIME doing this!
• What effect is language having on reader?
• Bank examples.
• Play with examples.
• Lots of talk.
• Make up own sentences orally using examples as scaffold. Imitate.
• Where else do you see similar language that you can draw on?
Lesson 3- Analyses structure.
• Spend time doing this!
• What effect does the structure have on the reader?
• Reverse plan by boxing up and heading each section of WAGOLL(S).
• Discuss: what happens if you change the order?
• Why is it laid out this way?
• Are there other ways to structure the text?
Where else do you see similar structures that you can draw on?
Lesson 4 - Thoughts and feelings
Explain inference concept.
Read ages 1 – 5.
Infer characters thoughts and feelings using direct speech and short sentences.
Write a paragraph – thoughts and emotions – on how Stanley felt when the board fell on top of him.
Lesson 5 - Explore the relationship between characters.
• Read Kite scene (WAGOLL)
• Identify questions to ask Arthur about his perspective
hot seat Arthur about how he feels about Stanley’s new life.
Write a paragraph describing Arthurs experiences.
Lesson 6 - Past tense
Look at example from WAGOLL;
Teacher model skill / applied knowledge;
Children practice;
Children apply in similar context to final outcome.
Lessson 7 - Descriptive language
Look at example from WAGOLL;
Teacher model skill / applied knowledge;
Children practice;
Children apply in similar context to final outcome.
Lesson 8 - Conjunctions
Look at example from WAGOLL;
Teacher model skill / applied knowledge;
Children practice;
Children apply in similar context to final outcome.
Lesson 9- Adverbs
Look at example from WAGOLL;
Teacher model skill / applied knowledge;
Children practice;
Children apply in similar context to final outcome.
Lesson 10 Plan.
• Story Map plan (5 senses)
• Mark these carefully and give detailed feedback…
Lesson 11 - Hot Task
Children write independently
4 lessons on Kandinksy
Lesson 1 -Know the work of Kandinsky.
Lesson 2 - Develop an understanding of primary colours and how to mix colours to create secondary colours.
Lesson 3 - tints and shades
Lesson 4 - Create artwork in response to music and feelings.
Project Outcome: To design a mechanical car
Lesson 1 - explain what Henry Ford did for the car industry
Lesson 2 - explore parts of a toy car
Lesson 3 - design a toy car
Lesson 4 and 5 - create a toy car
Lesson 6 - evaluate