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N&J Primary Resources

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(based on 7 reviews)

Quality primary resources that I make for myself and share with you.




Quality primary resources that I make for myself and share with you.
Editable Graded Success Criteria

Editable Graded Success Criteria

This success criteria has three levels bronze, silver and gold. To achieve the Learning Objective/Question, the children have to achieve all elements of the success criteria. If they achieve all of the bronze but two out of three on the silver, they achieve bronze - etc. When using this, your bronze targets should be your non-negotiables for that subject and your year group. These are fully editable. These worked very well with my Year 3 class as it sets out their targets clearly and it made them determined to succeed and hit gold. Enjoy!
LKS2 Geography Earthquakes and Volcanoes - Introductory lesson

LKS2 Geography Earthquakes and Volcanoes - Introductory lesson

This lesson can be used with Year 3 or Year 4 classes. Included is the lesson plan and the differentiated resources. I have the follow on lessons for sale in my shop. The Geography lesson follows the National Curriculum and also links into English objectives with a vocabulary lesson to start the children off and create interest. Please take a look at the other lessons in this unit of work if you enjoy this resource.
LKS2 Geography - Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Lesson 3.

LKS2 Geography - Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Lesson 3.

This lesson is part of a unit of work that I have produced, but it can also be taught as an independent lesson. The lesson focus is investigating where volcanoes and earthquakes occur, we investigate the Pacific Ring of Fire. This download includes a lesson plan and a power point. The lesson focus is the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes around the world. It asks the children to listen to an Aztec legend, investigate the Ring of Fire, and to use a live interactive map of the world’s earthquakes and volcanoes. This lesson has cross-curricula links with Computing and English. It follows the guidance given to LKS2 in the National Curriculum. The lesson plan can be edited so it is adaptable to your cohort of children. If you have any problems downloading this resource, or you have any questions, please email me at njprimaryresources@outlook.com .
LKS2 Geography, Earthquakes and Volcanoes; Lesson 2

LKS2 Geography, Earthquakes and Volcanoes; Lesson 2

This lesson is the third part in a unit of work but can also be used as a stand alone lesson on volcanoes. Following the National Curriculum, this lesson explains what causes volcanoes to form and erupt. It encourages the use of Tier 3 vocabulary and includes a lesson plan, powerpoint and differentiated resources. This is a cross curricular lesson with English and Creative Writing. There is a lot of content within this lesson, please feel free to edit and redesign in order to suit your cohort. If you purchase this item and encounter any issues, please get in touch with me at njprimaryresources@outlook.com. I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
LKS2 Geography - Earthquakes and Volcanoes

LKS2 Geography - Earthquakes and Volcanoes

6 Resources
Explore the excitement of Earthquakes and Volcanoes with this set of lessons. Geography skills - map reading, Geographical vocabulary, comparing and assessing, and more - are introduced, built on and tested throughout this lesson block. IT is involved in each lesson and the children are encouraged to use this independently to aid their learning. This bundle features an Introductory / creating interest lesson and then a set of five lessons for the complete topic of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. This bundle contains lesson plans, power points, up to date links and resources to help each lesson to be taught to the highest level.